Possible exam question plans natural law Flashcards
Examine both the deontological and teleological features of Aquinas’ natural law
Intro:Natural Law is grounded in the belief that there is an objective moral order based on the nature of human beings and their purpose (telos).
Para 1:Natural Law is fundamentally teleological because it is based on the idea that everything in the universe has a purpose POWER god given rationality
Para 2:Secondary Precepts: These are more specific moral rules derived from the primary precepts (e.g., “Do not murder,” derived from the preservation of life). They are absolute and universal, reflecting a duty-based approach. “Natural law is the same for all men”
“Examine Precepts and Goods within Aquinas’ Natural Law” 20 marks
para 1:primary precepts
para 2:secondary precepts
para 3:real and apparent goods
“The natural law is nothing other than the light of understanding placed in us by God” (Aquinas).
Explain the four levels of law in Aquinas’ Natural law (20 marks)
Eternal Law: overarching, unchanging law of God, which governs the entire universe.
Divine Law is the law revealed by God through sacred scriptures, such as the Bible. It provides specific instructions for human behavior and helps guide us beyond what we can know through reason alone. e.g 10 commandments
** Natural Law:** POWER telos
Human Law:specific laws and rules created by human societies to help maintain order
“Explain the Virtues and the Acts within Aquinas’ Natural Law” (20 Marks)
Cardinal Virtues
Prudence (Wisdom): The ability to judge correctly what is right and wrong in any given situation. It is the “right reason applied to action” (Aquinas).
Justice: The virtue that guides us to give each person their due, ensuring fairness and respect for others’ rights.
Fortitude (Courage): The strength to endure difficulties and remain steadfast in doing what is right, even in the face of adversity.
Temperance: The ability to control one’s desires and appetites, maintaining self-discipline and moderation.