possible essay questions Flashcards


how are chromatic abberations used in subjective refraction tests


In optometry, a duochrome test is a vision assessment tool used to measure refractive errors of the eye, such as myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. The duochrome test utilizes chromatic aberration to help distinguish between different degrees of refractive error.

During a duochrome test, the patient views a chart with letters or symbols, typically displayed in black and white, through a lens that has two different colors on either side. The most common color combination used is red and green. The chart appears to have a red component and a green component.

The red-green color combination creates a chromatic aberration that separates the wavelengths of light, causing them to focus at slightly different points on the retina. This separation is more noticeable in people with refractive errors. By comparing the sharpness and clarity of the letters or symbols when viewed through the red and green sections of the lens, the examiner can determine the patient’s refractive error and adjust their prescription accordingly.

If the patient sees the chart more clearly through the red lens, it indicates that they may be nearsighted or myopic. If they see it more clearly through the green lens, it may suggest that they are farsighted or hyperopic. If the chart appears blurry or distorted through both lenses, it may indicate the presence of astigmatism. The duochrome test is a quick and reliable method to evaluate refractive errors and adjust eyeglass prescriptions.

red green refraction takes advantage of the eyes longitudinal chromatic aberration

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how has the human eye evolved to control the effects of chromatic abberations


pupil sizes - the pupil minimises the effects of chromatic aberration by limiting the size of blur circles for the wavelengths that are not focused on the retina

selective absorption by ocular media- some of the effects of chromatic abberations are reduced. by the selective absorption of some wavelengths of light , specifically the macular pigments , in older people the cyrtsaline lens preferentially absorbs short wavelengths thus reduces the impacts of blur circle

retinal neural mechanisms - the majority of neutrons in the primate retina respond selectively to a limited range of stimulus wavelengths

change in refractive index between the virtuous and the retina - functions as a minus refracting surface

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