Possible Flashcards
When can you do an “automatic” protective sweep? Where can you go?
Incident to an arrest
Adjacent areas connecting
Maryland v Buie
When can you do an “extended” protective sweep? Where can you go?
Incident to an arrest AND have RS that more DANGEROUS people are inside but FURTHER than the adjacent area
Maryland v Buie
How many murder degrees are there?
Which type of murder?
Unlawfully causes death with malice aforethought
Murder 1 (with malice aforethought)
21 OS 701.7.A
Which type(s) of murder?
Kills another person by shooting a firearm with the intent to kill
Kills another person by shooting into a dwelling
Kills another person during a robbery with a dangerous weapon
Kills another person while eluding an Officer
Kills another person during a 1st degree burglary
Kills another person while distributing CDS / trafficking
Murder 1 (by felony)
21 OS 701.7.B
Which type of murder?
Murder caused by imminently dangerous conduct, although without any premeditated design
Murder 2
21 OS 701.8.1
Which type of Murder?
Caused during the commission of a felony NOT on the 1st Degree Felony Murder list
Murder 2 (by felony)
21 OS 701.8.1
How many Manslaughter degrees are there?
Homicide caused while engaged in the commission of a misdemeanor
Man 1 (by misdemeanor)
What homicide charge?
When perpetrated without a design to effect death, and in a heat of passion, but in a cruel and unusual manner, or by means of a dangerous weapon
Man 1 (by heat of passion)
Which manslaughter?
When done unnecessarily either while resisting an attempt by the person killed to commit a crime, or after such attempt shall have failed.
Man 1 (by resisting a crime)
Which manslaughter?
The killing of a human by the culpable negligence of another
Man 2
Which type of homicide?
Homicide caused by accident and misfortune, with usual and ordinary caution, without any unlawful intent
21 OS 731
Which type of homicide?
Homicide committed when resisting an attempt to murder (the shooter)
Homicide committed in lawful defense of (the shooter) or another person
21 OS 733
Which crime?
Attempt or offer with force to do corporal hurt to another
To charge with assault (but not battery) the Victim must have reasonable ___ of receiving an immediate battery
Also known as ‘assault by offer’
OUJI-CR 4-26
21 OS 641
21 OS 642
Which crime?
Willful and unlawful use of force upon another
When charging someone with battery:
“Only the ___ force or touching is necessary to constitute force required for battery”
The wrongful taking of person property in possession of another, from his person or ___ ___, against his will, accomplished by means of __ or ___
immediate presence
force or fear
How many degrees of Robbery are there?
Identify the robbery degrees for each:
- Inflicts serious bodily injury on the Victim
- Threatens the Victim with serious bodily injury
- Puts the Victim in fear of serious bodily injury
- Threatens to commit a felony (ie rape) on the Victim
All Robbery 1
Note: When robbery is accomplished in ANY OTHER MANNER , it is SECOND degree
21 OS 797
List the charge for each:
- Robs another with a firearm
- Robs another with an imitation firearm
- Robs another with an unloaded firearm
- Robs another with a knife
All Robbery with a Dangerous Weapon
(sometimes also called Armed Robbery)
21 OS 801
Note - this is “aggravated robbery”, and different from the other types robberies
What crime?
Someone forcibly seizes and confines another
How many rape degrees are there?
Which rape degree?
Non-consensual (forced) sexual intercourse
21 OS 1114(A)
OUJI-CR 4-120
Which rape charge / degree?
Non-consensual (forced) use of an inanimate object or (a part of the human body other than the penis) in carnal knowledge
Rape by Instrumentation in the 1st Degree
21 OS 111.1
21 OS 1114(6)
Identify each rape degree:
- Consensual sex with a person under 14 by someone over 18
- Sex when Victim is administered a narcotic/anesthetic agent
- Sex when Victim is unconscious
All Rape 1
21 OS 1114
Identify each rape degree:
- Jailer has consensual sex with an inmate
- Teacher has consensual sex with a student
Both Rape 2
21 OS 1111
21 OS 1114.B
Identify each crime
- An adult male text messages a thirteen year old girl asking to meet for sex
- A step-father touches the private parts of his eight year old step daughter in a lewd manner
- An adult male exposes himself to a ten year old boy
- An adult male requires a twelve year old to feel his private parts
- An adult male requires an eleven year old to view child pornography
- Indecent Proposals (to a child under sixteen)
- Lewd Molestation (of a child under sixteen)
- Lewd Acts (to a child under sixteen)
- Lewd Acts (to a child under sixteen)
- Lewd Acts (to a child under sixteen)
21 OS 1123
OUJI-CR 4-129
What crime?
A creepy fifty year old man tells a twenty-year old female Dollar General worker that she is “hot” then grabs her butt as he walks by.
Sexual Battery
21 OS 1123(B)
What crime?
An adult male forces an adult female to perform oral sex on him.
Forcible Sodomy
(or Forcible Oral Sodomy)
21 OS 888
How many arson degrees are there?
Which arson degree?
Sets fire to an inhabited building
Sets someone on fire
Burns someone
Which arson degree?
Sets fire to unoccupied building
Which arson degree?
Sets fire to someone’s property valued over $50
Sets fire to a building for insurance fraud
Which arson degree?
Attempts to set a structure on fire
Attempts to set property valued over $50 on fire
How much medicinal marijuana can a person possess on their person?
3 oz
You are in the house of someone who has a medical marijuana card. You observed they have the maximum about of mature plants (6) AND the maximum amount of seedling plants (6). Is that a crime?
No (possession limits are cumulative, can have all of the maximums at once)
63 OS 15-420
Can a 14 year old legally obtain a medical marijuana card?
Yes (a Medical Marijuana Minor Patient license)
When can’t you TVI?
- It would present potential ___ to the public/Officers/offenders that outbalances the risk of allowing the pursuit to continue
- It would be ____ in light of the apparent circumstances
Protective Custody
What is the difference between the wording of when you can take an adult into protective custody vs a juvenile?
Adults = immediate (substantial risk of IMMEDIATE physical harm to self)
43A OS 1-103.13.a
Juveniles = In the near future (substantial risk of harm to self IN THE NEAR FUTURE)
43a OS 5-202.2.a
Name the (juvenile) status offenses chargeable under Moore ordinances
Possession of Tobacco Products (10-517)
Curfew (10-505)
Possession of intoxicating beverage in public (3-109)
Mandatory school attendance (10-806)
Runaway (10-808)
Tobacco age limit, per Moore ordinance
Curfew times:
Sunday - Thursday nights
Friday and Saturday nights
What time does curfew end?
Sleeping In Public is illegal between what times?
Midnight to sunrise
Child Abuse
Child Endangerment
Child Neglect
Are these crimes in Title 10A (Children & Juvenile Code) or Title 21?
What crime?
Mother driving around drunk with her kids in the car
Child Endangerment
21 OS 852.1
What crime?
Knowingly permits physical abuse of a child
Child Endangerment
21 OS 852.1
What crime?
A mother ODs on fentanyl while her kids are present
Child Neglect (failure to protect from exposure to possession of illegal drugs)
21 OS 843.5, defined in 10A OS 1-1-105
What (child related) crime?
You pull over a mom driving her kids around. She has a warrant and you arrest her, then you find CDS in her purse.
Child Neglect (failure to protect from exposure to possession of illegal drugs)
21 OS 843.5, defined in 10A OS 1-1-105
What crime?
A mother fails to provide adequate food, shelter, clothing, and medical care
Child Neglect
21 OS 843.5, defined in 10A OS 1-1-105
What crime?
A mother abandons her newborn
Child Neglect
21 OS 843.5, defined in 10A OS 1-1-105
Decision Making Wheel - SHIELD acronym
Decision Making Wheel - SHIELD acronym
Decision Making Wheel - SHIELD acronym
Decision Making Wheel - SHIELD acronym
Decision Making Wheel - SHIELD acronym
sanctity of human Life
Decision Making Wheel - SHIELD acronym
An Officer witnesses another Officer using excessive force, but fails to report it. Misdemeanor or felony?
Part 1 - An Officer may use deadly force
to _____ himself or others from what he ___ believes is an ___ threat of death/SBI
Part 2 - An Officer may use deadly force
to stop a fleeing subject when the Officer has __ ___ to believe the individual has committed or intends to commit a ___ involving the ___ or threatened ____ of death/SBI and the Officer believes there is a ___ ___ of death/SBI if that individual is not ____ apprehended
probable cause
infliction, infliction
imminent risk
At what BAC(s) can you charge for DWI?
Greater than 0.08
0.06 and 0.07
47 OS 756.A.2
Is negligent homicide a misdemeanor or felony?
Is negligent homicide in Title 21, 47, or 63?
47 OS 903
A minor who violates any state law or is a runaway
Delinquent Child
21 OS 857.4.h
21 OS 857.4.h
An adult is knowingly aiding or causing a minor to be a “runaway child” is guilty of what offense?
Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor
21 OS 856.A.1
A driver of a motor vehicle who collides with another vehicle or with any person or property because of driving error is guilty of ___ driving
A. Careless
B. Negligent
C. Reckless
A. careless
Is Eluding in Title 21 or 47?
21 OS 540A
Trafficking in illegal Drugs
Title 21 or Title 63?
63 OS 2-415
Possession of CDS
Title 21 or Title 63?
63 OS 2-402.B
What makes an assault and battery aggravated?
Great bodily Injury inflicted upon the Victim
Committed by a person of robust health/strength against a Victim who is aged/decrepit/disabled
21 OS 646
When discussing Aggravated Assault and Battery, what does ‘great bodily injury’ mean?
bone fracture, disfigurement, loss or protracted impairment of a body part/organ/metal faculty, or substantial risk of death
(usually charged for breaking ribs, jaw, eye socket)
21 OS 646
A man commits assault and battery against the following list of people. Which people below would NOT make the crime Domestic Abuse?
Current wife
Current girlfriend (who wife doesn’t know about)
His dad (who does not live with him)
His mom (who lives with them)
His adult step-son that lives at home
His 17 year old daughter that lives at home
His adult son that has moved out
His cousin that lives in the same house
His uncle that lives out of town
His sister-in-law that lives in the same house
His brother-in-law that lives next door
Benny, a roommate who rents a room in the Suspect’s house
It would be domestic abuse against ALL of them EXCEPT Benny the roommate who rents a room in the Suspect’s house because they are either current/former “Intimate Partners” or “Family/Household Members”
Roommates were removed in 2022
21 OS 644
22 OS 60.1 - Definitions
Two guys are out burglarizing cars. One stands at the end of the street and acts as a look-out, but never actually does any of the breaking/entering/stealing.
Can he be charged with Burg 3? If so, as a principal or accessory?
As a principal
21 OS 172
Late at night, a Suspect is burglarizing vehicles and steals a gun. Eventually he gets spotted by an observant Charlie shift officer, but he runs and gets away. He texts his buddy who lives in South OKC “I was stealing from cars and now the cops are chasing me, come pick me up and get me out of here.” His buddy comes and picks him up and drives the Suspect away from the scene.
Can the friend be charged? With what? Why?
Burglary 3
he’s an accessory
Accessory = aids or conceals AFTER the commission of a felony
21 OS 173
13.a. “Person requiring treatment” means a person who because of his or her mental illness or drug or alcohol dependency:
(1) poses a substantial risk of immediate physical harm to SELF as manifested by evidence or serious ___ of or ___ at suicide or other significant self-inflicted bodily harm,
(2) poses a substantial risk of immediate physical harm to another person or persons as manifested by evidence of ___ ___ directed toward another person or persons,
(3) has placed another person or persons in a reasonable fear of violent behavior directed towards such person or persons or serious physical harm to them as manifested by serious and immediate ___,
(4) is in a condition of severe ___ such that, without immediate intervention, there exists a substantial risk that severe impairment or injury will result to the person, or
(5) poses a substantial risk of immediate serious physical injury to self or death as manifested by evidence that the person is unable to provide for and is not providing for his or her basic physical ___.
threats, attempts
violent behavior
43A OS 1-103.13.a
You arrest a suspect for DUI. They admitted they are high and drunk, and you see indicators of both intoxicants. You also found beer and marijuana in the center console. Do you do a breath or blood test?
Blood (if you think a combination)
47 OS 67-751
Policy 504.5.5
What Crime?
Shoots another person with intent to kill them
Shooting with Intent to Kill
What crime?
Shoots (and hits) another person, but does not kill them
Assault and Battery with a Deadly Weapon
What crime?
Shoots at a person (but misses)
Assault with a DANGEROUS weapon (not deadly. assault with a deadly weapon does not exist in state statute)
Thompson v State OK 2018 - DEF shot at but did not hit victim… charge should have been Assault w Dangerous Weapon
What crime?
Points a firearm at another person and threatens them
Felony Pointing
Someone tries to stab another person with a steak knife. What charge?
Assault with a Dangerous Weapon 21-645
Is a firearm considered a deadly or dangerous weapon?
What is a weapon per se?
A weapon in and of itself (ie a firearm, specifically designed to kill/injure)
Is a steak knife (being used to stab someone) considered a deadly or dangerous weapon?
A felon is living at home with his parents. Can his dad keep a gun in the house?
21 OS 1283
A felon is riding in the passenger seat with his girlfriend. His girlfriend is not a felon and has a pistol concealed on her person. Can the felon be charged with Possession AFC due to the firearm being in the vehicle?
No, because he is the passenger (the law just changed to allow this; in previous years the answer was no)
21 OS 1283
Does “Assault with a Deadly Weapon” exist in Oklahoma statutes?
Oklahoma only has Assault and Battery with a Deadly Weapon OR Assault with a Dangerous Weapon
Thompson v State OK 2018 - DEF shot at but did not hit victim… charge should have been Assault w Dangerous Weapon
Can an 18 year old transport a loaded firearm in his vehicle?
Can an 18 year old transport an unloaded firearm in his vehicle? If he can, does it need to be unconcealed?
Can an 18 year old carry a concealed firearm on his person?
No (21 OS 1289.7.B)
Yes, no- can be concealed or unconcealed (21 OS 1289.7.B)
No (21 OS 1272.A.6)
Can a citizen open or concealed carry a pistol in a bar (where the sale of alcoholic beverages is the primary purpose of business)?
21 OS 1272.1.A
What crime?
Someone REPEATEDLY follows/harasses another, causing the person being harassed to feel frightened
21 OS 1173
You are impounding a vehicle due to arresting the driver. Driver is owner of vehicle. Can you release it to his designee?
Same scenario, but driver is not owner of vehicle. Owner is not on scene. Can you call the owner and have them come get the vehicle?
Impound Procedure 500.6.1
When can you impound a vehicle outside an arrest?
90 days expired registration
Wrong tag + reason to believe put on to circumvent the law
No insurance
Driving without a valid license
Procedure 500.6
Stop lamps (brake lights) must be visible from at least __ feet to the rear in normal sunlight
500 feet
47 OS 12-206.B.2
When is signaling required? (2 times)
When changing lanes
When turning at an intersection (two roadways) OR turning to a private road or driveway, if turn AFFECTS other traffic (other cars must be on the road, that car can be a police car), AND must be made 100’ prior to the turn
State v Nelson (2015)
Note: 47 OS 11-604(A) states No person shall turn at an intersection, a public road, a private road, or a driveway without giving an appropriate signal (A) and must be 100’ prior (B)
Name the 5 pedestrian violations
Improperly walking in street when SIDEWALKS provided (15-1709A)
Pedestrian fail to walk on the left side of the road / FACING TRAFFIC (1709B)
Pedestrian walk or run into PATH of close VEHICLE (1703b)
Pedestrian crossing roadway at RIGHT ANGLE (1705)
Prohibited crossing(must use CROSSWALK 1707)
Noise violations:
Electronic speakers audible within dwelling not source from (what times?)
On public property/road audible ___ feet from device
10PM to 7AM (10-414.e.1)
50 feet (10-414.e.2)
Tail lights must be visible from ___ feet to the rear?
Cannot operate a vehicle with an outright breakage in which windows?
the windshield or on windows on either side of driver
Ticket writer
Alleged speed vs actual speed
Alleged is what you are charging them with
Actual speed is what the radar showed
What is the difference between probation and parole?
Probation instead of jail/prison
Parole = early release from prison
Bicycles - required to have what at night (any speed limit)
Side reflective material
Deadly Force policy
Imminent does not mean __ or ___
Imminent danger may exist even if the suspect is not ____ pointing a weapon at someone
An imminent danger may exist when a suspect ___ or is ____ a weapon and intends to use it against officers/others
Immediate or instantaneous
at that very moment
Has, attempting to access
The Taser can be used when
- The subject is __ or is ___ resisting
- The subject has demonstrated (by words or action) an intention to be __ or to ___ resist
- The subject is ___ or is a ___ risk from a ___ offense
violent, physically
violent, physically
feeling, flight, serious
Taser policy says you can tase someone for running if they have committed a “serious” offense. What does that mean?
A felony OR
any crimes that involves violence or force
Someone put their license plate in the back window of their car. Is that legal? if not, what crime?
License plate must be attached to __ and __ of vehicle
Does it need to be in the center?
No, illegal tag display
exterior, rear
15-306.b “No person shall fail to display the state vehicle license or tag as required by law”
“the license plate shall be affixed to the exterior of the vehicle” 47-1113.a.1
“The license plate shall be securely attached to the rear of the vehicle” 47-1113.a.2
15-105 state motor vehicle code laws… shall be fully enforceable by the city
When can you use the carotid control hold?
When necessary to stop the threatened or attempted infliction of great bodily harm or death
Bicycles - required to have what at night (speed limit OVER 25 mph)
White light on front and red light on rear
When does an item get entered into NCIC?
- Any items with a __ ___ valued over ___
- All ____
- When the combination of property exceeds ___, although individual items may be less than $500
- Any __, ___, or ___ regardless of value
- serial number, $500
2, firearms
- $5000
- Bicycle, TV, or computer
Name some bicycle traffic violations
Bicycle fail to obey rules of the road (15-602)
Bicycle fail to obey traffic control devices (15-603)
Bicycle failing to ride as close to (right) side of road as practicable (15-605a)
Enforceable traffic laws from private drive/property
Reckless driving
Parking in fire lane
Parking in handicap
Leaving the scene (accident)
Failure to Provide Security Verification (accident)
What are examples of “emergency calls” that could require an “emergency response” with continuously operating emergency vehicle lights and sirens?
Pursuit of violator or suspected violator
Responding to an emergency involving possible injury, death, or significant property damage
Immediate assistance requested by an officer
Disturbing the peace
Using ___, insulting, or threatening language
Making noises that a reasonable person would find ___ loud or offensive
Obstructing, molesting, or ___ with any person lawfully in a public place
Obstructing ___ ___ of pedestrians/vehicles on a street/sidewalk in a public place
Committing an act calculated to unreasonably ___ or alarm the public or any person
free passage
Someone is walking around in a state of nudity. Can be arrested for what municipal ordinance?
Nudity (or Indecent Exposure)
21 OS 1021 state version
Bicycle lights must be visible __ feet to front and ___ feet to rear
1000 (15-1610.a)
1000 (15-1610.b)
Traffic signal / stop light. Where must you stop?
Before marked stop line
If none, before entering crosswalk
At what age can you issue juvenile citations?
13 and older
No SDL, DL suspended/revoked are now cite and release. When could you still arrest?
- Motorist is being uncooperative
- Articulable reason to believe the motorist will not appear in court on the appearance date
- Motorist does not live in the metropolitan area
(Procedure 501.2.6.A.1)
You work an accident and can’t decide what citation to give the at-fault driver. What is the fallback citation?
Careless driving
“A driver of a motor vehicle who collides with another vehicle or with any person/property because of driving error is guilty of CARELESS driving.”
You arrest someone for Possession of CDS and Possession of Marijuana.
Send both marijuana and meth to OSBI? OR just the CDS?
Procedure 800.3.1.2
You arrest someone of state charges (ie DUI-D). At the time, they were in possession of marijuana, but no other drugs. Do you send the marijuana to OSBI?
If only marijuana, does not get sent to OSBI (unless felony like PWI) per Procedure 800.3.1
Can you cite/release a juvenile for marijuana?
Can you cite/release a juvenile for petit larceny?
If yes, do you have to release to a parent?
Do you need to do a report after?
A vehicle is failing to stay within it’s marked lane boundaries. What violation?
Improper Lane Use
What year did center-mounted (third) brake lights become mandatory on passenger cars?
What year did center-mounted (third) brake lights become mandatory on light trucks?
OC spray may be considered for use to bring under control an individual or group of individuals who are engaging in, or are about to engage in, ___ behavior
OC may be used when a subject has signaled his or her intention to ___ resist the officer’s efforts to make the arrest or when reasonably necessary
violent (302.8)
actively (302.8.1)
Officers may use pain compliance techniques on a ___ or ___ resisting individual
Disorderly conduct
Acts in a ___ or tumultuous manner toward another whereby any person is placed in ___ for his safety, or their ___ is placed in danger of being destroyed
Angry ___
___ words
Jostles, crowds, or ___ someone in a public place
Causes, provokes, or engages in a ___
violent, fear, property
(Simple) Trafficking amounts
25 lbs
Can you use your firearm (deadly force) to stop a suspect from using a vehicle as a deadly weapon?
Can you tase someone for running only?
What about running from a minor crime?
No (must be “serious” crime or physically resisting or violent)
You have arrested a juvenile on a municipal charge. Do you check the “arrest” checkbox in the ticket writer?
You are going to do a private property collision report. What violations may be enforced?
Leaving the scene
Reckless Driving
Failure to Provide Security Verification
Policy 501.7.2
What is your intoxilyzer PIN?
What is the intoxilyzer password?
Your last four
A vehicle is coming at you as if trying to hit you.
Move out of the way or shoot?
When can you shoot at a moving vehicle?
Can you shoot to disable a vehicle?
Move out of the way
- When there is no other means to avert the threat of the vehicle (can’t move out of way)
- When deadly force other than vehicle is directed at Officers/others (shooting from inside)
A juvenile under __ years of age should not be restrained unless (1) suspected of a dangerous felony (2) may resist (3) may attempt escape (4) may attempt to injure themselves, injure the Officer, or damage property
A _______ is a person 17 years of age or younger who is alleged to have committed an offense that would subject an adult to arrest (a non-status offense)
juvenile offender
Juveniles taken into custody should be continuously ___ and held in (secure or non-secure?) custody
Juvenile offenders should be held in (secure or non-secure?) custody while at the Moore Police Department (unless another form of custody is necessary due to exigent circumstances)
Are these secure or Non-secure custody?
- In the presence of an Officer at all times
- Not handcuffed to a stationary object
Non-secure custody
Are these Secure or Non-secure custody?
- Locked in a cell
- Locked in a room alone, behind closed doors, monitored through video
- Handcuffed to a stationary object
Secure custody
You have taken custody of a juvenile and bring them back to the PD. Can you put them in one of the interview rooms and watch them through one of the monitors in the hallway?
No, because monitoring through video does not replace direct visual observation
(see Non-Secure custody definition in901.1.1)
Can juvenile status offenders be held in secure custody?
A _____ is a juvenile who is being held for their own safety or welfare (not arrested, but taken into custody for purposes of reuniting the juvenile with their parents)
Example: Lost child
juvenile non-offender
You locate two kids that are violating curfew. Can you cite and release them?
No, because releasing them would cause them to continue to be in violation of curfew
Rear license plate must be lighted and visible from __ feet
Can you have colored tag lights?
47 OS 12-204.1
Petit Larceny cite and release
What documentation do you need to do/gather on scene?
Citation with elements/admission in notes AND signed by LP/Employee
LP/Employee narrative
Itemized receipt of items taken
Photos of items taken
Minimum distance must be parked from the curb
18 inches
Can a citizen park their vehicle and leave the motor running?
(Also see 611)
No person shall park a vehicle upon a street in such a manner as to leave available less than ___ feet of the width of roadway for the free movement of vehicular traffic.
10 feet
Cannot park within ___ feet from a stop sign
30 feet
Are MPD Officers authorized to impound a vehicle on private property, if the private property owner (or their agent) requests it?
A car is stopped at a red light. The light turns green but the car does not move and remains stopped. Is that a traffic violation?
Improper Stopping 15-601.A
After ___ days, unpaid fines issued to a juvenile shall be assessed against the parent/guardian
Does a warrant get issued for parent if the above fine is not paid?
10-804 Parental responsibility for juvenile court fines
If fines assessed against a juvenile in juvenile court remain unpaid after 90 days, the fines, along with administrative fees and court costs, shall be assessed against the parent. Any person who fails to remit the assessed amount within 15 days from issuance of a summons shall be guilty of an offense.
Which Moore code #?
Alcoholic Beverages
Which Moore code #?
Offenses and crimes
Which Moore code #?
Traffic and vehicles
Bicycles - required to have what (day or night, any speed limit)
Red reflector
Stop sign - where must you stop?
Before crosswalk
If no crosswalk, stop before the ‘clearly marked stop line’
If no marked stop line, then intersecting curb
How many controlled drug schedules are there?
What BAC is aggravated DUI?
Is that a felony?
0.15 or higher
Not necessarily. Usually a misdemeanor for a first offense but it really just depends on how he is convicted/sentenced
47 OS 11-902.D
Per MPD policy, at what BAC are you supposed to take someone to get a FIT slip?
.24 or higher
When can a baton be used?
when a decision has been made to control, restrain or arrest a person who is ___ or who demonstrates the intent to be ___ and the use of the (baton) appears reasonable under the circumstances
violent, violent
Domestic between intimate partners. No injuries, but doing a report, Do you still need to do a lethality assessment form?
Domestic reports, if between intimate partners, require a lethality form (311.10)
Must signal ___ feet prior to turning (when required)
100 feet
47 OS 11-604
Are you required to signal before changing lanes?
Is there a minimum distance required to travel with your signal on before you change lanes?
Yes (15-509.B.1)
YES per 47 OS 11-309(2)
In your report, are you required to say WHEN you turned your body camera on?
When you are finished with a call, are you required to state on your body camera that you are stopping the recording?
Yes (421.4.4)
Yes (421.4.2)
Patrol vehicles should not be retired at the end of shift with less than ____ tank of fuel.
Are you required by policy to keep your patrol vehicle washed?
Front windshield: Cannot have 2+ hairline cracks, 12” or more in combined length in the ___ area
The “Critical Area” of the front windshield is the area cleaned by the normal sweep of the windshield wiper blade on ____________
a) the driver’s side
b) the passenger’s side
c) both the driver’s and passenger’s side
a. driver’s side
Front windshield: Cannot have a star break in the critical area of ___ inches or more in dimeter
On a call for service, when an Officer becomes aware a crime has occurred, the Officer___ document the incident ___ of whether the Victim desires prosecution.
If it is a misdemeanor crime and the Victim does not desire a report, what is an alternate method to document the crime?
Tell Dispatch to state in the call notes that the Victim declined prosecution (and a report)
Per policy, as a general rule, do we take private property collision reports?
What should you normally do?
Are there any times we would do a private property collision report? If so, name them
Help to exchange information and arrange for the removal of vehicles
Yes (Injury/Fatality, Hit-and-run, Reckless Driving violation, DUI/APC)
On a call, you are taking possession of cash, which you will be logging into property at 84 (as evidence or for safekeeping). What should you do?
At what amount of cash do you need to notify a supervisor?
Verify amount then have another Officer count
What does 10-14 mean according to procedure?
Transporting a person
A suspect attempts to commit a crime but fails. Can you still charge them?
A suspect attempts to commit a crime but they are prevented. Can you still charge them?
If so, how do you write the charge on the PC Affidavit?
Yes, because they acted toward the commission of a crime
Yes, because they acted toward the commission of a crime
Burglary in the 3rd Degree (Attempted)
21 OS 2-42
A suspect gets convicted of an attempting a crime. Do they get the same sentence as if they were to have actually committed the crime?
No (generally they get half of the attempted offense’s usual punishment, ie half the jail time, half the fine etc)
21 OS 2-42
A person walks into a building/residence through an open door, with the intent to commit a felony, larceny, or malicious mischief (damage to property).
What crime? Misdemeanor or felony?
Illegal (aka Unlawful) Entry
(not Burglary because did not break and enter)
21 OS 1438.A
21 OS 1760
Someone breaks and enters into building/residence (without permission of the owner) without the intention of committing a crime
(Example: Homeless man breaks a window of an empty building to sleep for the night)
What crime? Misdemeanor or felony?
Breaking and Entering
21 OS 1438.B
A citizen leaves their garage door open. That night, a suspect walks into the garage and steals a weed-eater valued at $50.
What crime? Misdemeanor or felony?
Larceny FROM house (not burglary because he didn’t break and enter, not unlawful entry because that’s a misdemeanor + see below)
Felony (Larceny from house is always a felony, regardless of value; the unlawful entry portion is a lesser included, as Unlawful Entry is a misdemeanor)
21 OS 68-1723
Name the crime for each, and if misdemeanor or felony
- Cleaning lady steals a $100 pair of sunglasses while inside a client’s house
- Cleaning lady steals a $1000 pair of sunglasses while inside a client’s house
- larceny
- Grand Larceny IN house (21 OS 68-1707)
Larceny IN house. Is there a dollar amount required to charge this?
Yes, it has to be a GRAND larceny (so over $1000)
Proper name is Grand Larceny in Dwelling House
21 OS 1707
(note - this is a different than Larceny / Grand Larceny)
What crime?
Any person who seizes, confines, carries away, or abducts another with the intent to cause the Victim to be confined or imprisoned against their will
A person forcibly or fraudulent takes/entices child away from said child’s lawful guardian and then detains said child from his/her lawful guardian. What crime?
Child Stealing (also sometimes called Parental Kidnapping)
Usually between divorced parents or parents/grandparents
21 OS 891
Note: This is NOT kidnapping, see notes from OUJI-CR 4-113
You get a call that a man is filming people in a public parking lot. The man does not appear to have any criminal intent. The RP is angry and says the man never asked for her consent to film her, and she would not consent to being filmed (even if asked).
Has a crime been committed?
No, because
1. He is not recording in a clandestine manner
2. It does not appear he is recording for a lewd or illegal purpose
3. Most importantly, you have NO EXPECTATION OF PRIVACY when you are out in PUBLIC
21 OS 1171
13 OS 176.2, 176.4, and 176.5
A high school coach sets up a hidden video camera in the girl’s locker room.
What crime? Misdemeanor or felony?
Taking Clandestine Photos
Felony (because section B - in a place with reasonable expectation of privacy)
21 OS 1171. B
OUJI-CR 4-136A
A male is taking pictures up women’s skirts in a PUBLIC supermarket.
What crime? Misdemeanor or felony?
Taking Clandestine Photos
Misdemeanor (because section C)
21 OS 1171.C
Beggars are attempting to solicit alms from motor vehicle operators. What can you do?
Important thing to do before writing that citation?
Cite for impeding flow of traffic, if they are doing so (14-102.A.1)
Tell them to stop; if they fail to obey then they have violated the ordinance (14-102.B)
Note - this is of December 2023; our begging ordinance restriction begging from vehicles still hasn’t been adjusted to align with the Supreme Court ruling
Unlawful for any person to solicit money:
On private property, if the lawful occupant has told them to ___, or there is a ___ stating solicitations unwelcome
Within ___ feet of the entrance to a public or private building
stop, sign
15 feet
Handicap parking violations
- Can you write a citation if the violation is in a public parking lot on private property?
- Does the handicap space need a sign, painted marking, or both?
- Does a vehicle parked in a handicap spot need a detachable placard (on rear-view mirror), handicap license plate, or both?
- Would a Disabled Veteran or Purple Heart plate count as a handicap plate?
- If the violating vehicle is in a public parking lot on private property, could it be impounded?
- If the violating vehicle is on public property, could it be impounded?
- Yes (Procedure 501.4.1)
- Both (Procedure 501.4.1.4)
- Either the temporary placard OR a handicap plate; don’t need to have both (15-602.A)
- Yes (15-602.A)
- Yes BUT only by the property owner , if the vehicle owner is not preset (Procedure 501.4.1.3)
- Yes, by the Officer, if vehicle owner is not present (Procedure 501.4.1.2)
Missing person and runaway juvenile reports
The missing person (or runaway) resides outside our jurisdiction. Do you still take a report?
Yes (then the report will be forwarded to that jurisdiction as soon as practicable)
Policy 315.4
Per policy, how long is an Officer’s meal break (46)?
45 minutes
Which mirror(s) are you required to have by law?
Driver side
Rear-view (center)
Passenger side
Driver’s side and at least one of the other
47 OS 12-403.A
47 OS 12-403.B
Someone is driving without their required ignition interlock device. What do you do?
issue citation for ‘Driving in Violation of Restriction’
What is a false/bogus check?
What crime is it to attempt to pass a bogus check?
A check which either has insufficient funds or the account was closed or non-existent
Bogus Check (under the False Pretenses)
OUJI-CR 5-43
21 OS 1541.3
21 OS 1541.4
A female suspect gets arrested for a criminal offense and gives her identity as her sister.
What crime? Misdemeanor or felony?
False personation
21 OS 1531.4
A suspect fraudulently obtains a Victim’s credit card number, intending to illegally use the credit card information to buy things. What crime?
Identity Theft
21 OS 1533.1
Is it a crime to be in possession of credit/debit card which does not belong to you?
If so, what crime?
Possession of Credit Card of Another
21 OS 61-1550.28.b
OUJI-CR 5-55
What crime(s)?
Someone goes to a store purchases goods with a stolen credit card.
Someone goes to a store and purchases good with a fake credit card that has stolen credit card information on it.
Unauthorized Use of a Credit Card
Unauthorized Use of a Credit Card
21 OS 61-1550.2
According to Title 47, how long does someone have after receiving an equipment violation citation to fix the violation, and not have to pay the ticket?
48 hours
47 OS 12-101.H
A vacuum salesman is going door-to-door. Is he required to have a permit which was issued by the City?
A group is collecting money from cars stopped at an intersection for charity. Are they required to get a permit?
Yes (9-702)
Yes (9-724)
Are you required to state in your report that you handcuffed the person you arrested?
If you detain someone in handcuffs, then eventually release them without an arrest, are you required to document the details of that detention and the need for handcuffs?
Policy 301.8
On a four lane road, a vehicle is driving at less than the normal speed of traffic. Are they required by law to drive in the right-hand lane?
There are three types of window breaks. Which one is NOT one of them?
A. Outright Breakage
B. Star break (or shot damage)
C. Stress crack (or hairline crack)
D. Elongated Fracture
A man gets convicted of a DUI. In the following ten years, if he gets a second DUI, would it be a felony?
Yes, any DUI(s) within ten years of the first one would be felonies
47 OS 11-902.C.2
Is public intoxication in OS 37A or 21?
Is DUI/APC in OS 37A, 21, or 47?
Someone buys a USED car from a PRIVATE INDIVIDUAL.
Does the license plate stay on the vehicle, or does the original owner keep the license plate?
Original owner keeps the license plate
47 OS 74-1112.2 A.2
Someone buys a used car from a PRIVATE INDIVIDUAL. The original owner lawfully retained the vehicle’s former license plate.
How long can the new owner drive around without a license plate? What documentation do they need?
How long from the date of purchase does the new owner have to register the vehicle?
5 days
Dated, notarized bill of sale
(47 OS 74-1112.2 A.5)
2 months
(47 OS 74-1112.2 B.1)
Is a temporary tag REQUIRED to be made of ten-mil weatherproof plastic-impregnated paper?
47 OS 1137.3(A)(1)
Today is January 16th. You see a vehicle that a license plate that expires this month (January). You run the tag and OLETS shows the vehicle’s registration expired yesterday (January 15th).
Can you issue a citation for Improper (expired) Registration?
If not, when could you?
March 2nd
Expires 1/15 so expiration month = January
30 day period starts day after the last day of January = February 1st
February 1st + 30 days = March 2nd
47 OS 74-1151.A.5
The month is August and you want to pull over vehicles with expired registration. Assuming you are looking at the months on the license plate only, what month would be the earliest you could give citations to?
47 OS 74-1151.A.5
Oklahoma temporary tags (paper tags) installed on a newly purchased vehicle shall display ___
A. The purchase date
B. The required registration date
A. The purchase date
47 OS 1137.3
If someone has an obviously fake paper tag, what could you charge them with? (In addition to Improper Registration)
Harmful Deception
Can a temporary license plate (paper tag) be displayed in a window?
No, cannot be in window unless a cab+chasis truck. Otherwise shall be placed in the location provided for the permanent vehicle license plate
47 OS 1137.3
Can a license plate have a covering over it?
What if the covering is clear or translucent?
The license plate and all letters and numbers shall be ___ visible at all times
A trailer hitch or other device covers or partially covers the license plate. Is that a violation?
No (47-74-1113.3)
No (47-74-1113.3)
Clearly (47-74-1113.3)
Yes (15-306.B - Illegal Tag Display)
A use of force must be documented in a report if the individual subjected to the force may have experienced more than ___ discomfort
Santa Fe AVE
Where does MPD have jurisdiction?
NW 20th
S 4300 block (about 1/2 mi south of SW 34th)
Eastern AVE
Where does MPD have jurisdiction?
N 3500 block (about 1/2 mi north of NE 27th)
W Indian Hills RD
Bryant AVE
Where does MPD have jurisdiction?
NW 27th
S 4300 block (about 1/2 mi south of SE 34th)
Sunnylane RD
Where does MPD have jurisdiction?
N 1500 block (just north of Regina)
S 4300 block (about 1/2 mi south of SE 34th)
Sooner RD
Where does MPD have jurisdiction?
S 2800 block (just north of Idell Dr)
Indian Hills RD
Indian Hills RD
Where does MPD have jurisdiction? (going from west to east)
Eastern to Bryant
E 3200 block (about 1/4 mi east of Sunnylane) to Sooner RD
Per Moore code, is it legal to conduct a U-Turn…
- In the middle of a two lane street?
- In the middle of a four lane street?
- At an intersection with electronic traffic control signals?*
- At an intersection with stop signs?*
- At an intersection with no traffic control devices whatsoever?
*Assuming there is not a “No U-Turn” sign posted
- No
- No
- No
- Yes
- Yes
Traffic control signal = An electronic device that alternatively directs traffic to stop and to proceed (47-1-178)
Common street drugs, name each drug schedule
Methamphetamine - 2
Heroin - 1
Xanax - 4
Fentanyl - 2
Title 63A Chapter 2 Article 2
Found Property
- Does MPD generally allow the finders of lost property to keep the item?
- If so, is the finder required to do anything?
- When is an Officer required to do a Found Property report?
- Yes
- Sign a Found Property form
- Always - any found property requires a report
Found Property call - Which of the below items can a citizen NOT keep?
$7000 Rolex watch
$100 in cash
Glock found in the street
Bag of dope left behind by renters
They can’t keep any of those
“Great value item, money, firearm, or contraband”
Found Property Call. Citizen finds a $7000 Rolex. They can’t keep it, so you log it into property at 84. Can the citizen still claim it? If so, when?
Found Property Call. Citizen finds a $500 in cash. They can’t keep it, so you log it into property at 84. Can the citizen still claim it? If so, when?
Found Property Call. Citizen finds a Glock in the street. They can’t keep it, so you log it into property at 84. Can the citizen still claim it? If so, when?
Yes, after 90 days
Yes, after 90 days
No (firearms can’t be claimed without a court order)
DUI arrests - Blood, Breath, and Refusals
In which instance do you seize the offender’s driver’s license?
In which instance do you provide the arrestee a copy of the IDAP form?
- You don’t ever seize their DL anymore (as of November 2021)
- You don’t do IDAP paperwork anymore (DUI violators arrested after November 2022 will be automatically enrolled in IDAP)
Can you pursue a vehicle driving the wrong direction on the highway?
No (but can parallel while driving on correct side of highway)
You get a call from someone saying they caught someone breaking into their car. When confronted, the suspect fled. You locate an individual nearby who matches the description. You tell another Officer to transport the Victim to your location so they can positively ID the suspect.
What needs to be done first?
Field show up form
Misdemeanor or felony?
Some assaults an Officer.
Someone assaults and batters an Officer
21 OS 649.B
What crime(s)?
A vehicle has no tag
A vehicle’s tag is partially covered
A vehicle’s tag is completely covered
Illegal Tag Display (as named in ticket writer)
10-612 False Alarms
It is unlawful for any person to knowingly cause Officers of the police department to make a ___ or ___ run to any part of the city
You stop a four door sedan occupied four times (one person in each seat). Who is required to be wearing seatbelts?
Driver and front seat passenger
47 OS 12-417.A.1
Car seat age requirements
Rear facing car seat: __ to __
Car seat: ___ to ___
Booster seat: __ to ___
So, generally speaking, if the child is __ years old or younger, he/she needs to be in some sort of child passenger restraint system
0 to 1
2 to 3
4 to 7
7 or younger
47 OS 11-1112
(There’s a lot more details, these are the general rules)
Name the crime and if misdemeanor or felony:
Someone tortures an animal
Someone kills an animal
Someone deprives an animal of food, drink, or shelter
All are Animal Cruelty, which is a felony
21 OS 1685
Transporting medical marijuana
- Is a transportation license required?
- Does the driver need to have the transportation license issued to them?
- Is the driver required to have a copy of the Transportation Certificate issued to the (transportation) license holder?
- All marijuana products shall be transported in a ___ container
- Is that contained supposed to be labeled “Medical Marijuana”?
- Yes
- No
- Yes
- Locked
- Yes
Procedure 404.2.7
You are in a foot pursuit. The suspect runs into a home/building and slams the door behind him and locks it. Under what circumstances could you force entry?
- A serious offense (felony, violence, force) AND
- An exigent circumstance (prevent harm to other persons, prevent destruction of evidence, prevent escape of the suspect)
Policy 308.4.e
Mascorro v Billings
Can you release a vehicle to someone other than the registered (or secondary) owner?
What if you are arresting the driver/owner and they say we can give it to one of the passengers?
Procedure 500.6.1 says can only release to owner if they are a passenger in the vehicle at the time of the stop
Someone urinates in a public place. What crime?
Outraging public decency
21 OS 2-22
Someone is drinking in public (open container, public place other than a bar, but not drunk enough for PI). Is that a crime?
Drinking in public (3-114)
Someone has possession of a stolen item worth less than $1000.
What charge? Misdemeanor or felony?
Misdemeanor (since less than $1000)
Someone aids/encourages/assists in the commission of the crime but does not directly commit the act.
Are they a principal or an accessory?
Is there a state charge for curfew violation?
Curfew is a municipal ordinance
Norman streets
Santa Fe
48th AVE NW
36th AVE NW
24th AVE NW
12th AVE NW
12th AVE NE
Bicyclist approaching ___. What must they do?
Stop sign
Stop light
Must slow down, yield to traffic if needed, then proceed through without stopping
Most stop, yield to traffic if needed, then proceed
47 O.S. § 11-202.1 (changed 11/1/21)
A husband hits his wife, leaving visible injuries. What is the correct name of the criminal charge?
A. Domestic assault
B. Domestic assault and battery
C. Domestic abuse
C. Domestic abuse
Can a person under 21 be in possession of alcohol in public?
Does it matter if it’s opened or unopened container?
Moore code 3-109
Boyfriend takes pornographic / illicit photos of naked girlfriend, with her knowledge/permission at the time
Illegal for him to keep them after the breakup?
Against the law if he posts them without her permission?
What crime if he threatens to post them unless she does an action (ie send money)?
Yes (Nonconsensual dissemination of private sexual images)
According to STATE LAW 47 OS 10-104.B, a driver who causes an accident resulting in death or GBI SHALL submit to drug and alcohol testing if there is probable cause to believe the driver ____
a, committed a citable traffic offense
b. did not have a driver’s license at the time of the accident
c. had improper equipment on their vehicle that mechanically failed
a. citable traffic offense (47 OS 10-104.B)
Note: If there is also PC they were DUI, they still have to be read implied consent, asked for consent for the blood draw, and if they refuse the blood draw, the Officer must get a warrant (State (OK) v Burtum 2023)
A person has been previously trespassed. You arrive on scene and they are already off the property. The owner/agent of the property is present and stating the Suspect was trespassing just before your arrival. Can you arrest the suspect?
Yes, via citizen’s arrest
Someone steals a car out of a driveway, What crime?
A. Burglary III
B. Larceny of Automobile
B. Larceny of automobile
21 OS 1720
Can a juvenile under 16, charged with a YO offense, be subject to custodial interrogation without a parent present?
Can a “child” be subject to custodial interrogation without a parent present?
(Child = juvenile under 18 not charged with a YO offense)
Can a juvenile 16 or 17 years of age, charged with a Youthful Offender offense, be subject to custodial interrogation without a parent present?
No (10A OS 2-2-301.A)
No (10A OS 2-2-301.A and 10A OS 2-1-103.6)
Yes (10A OS 2-2-301.A)
Note; 10A OS 2-2-301.A doesn’t specifically state whether or not a ‘child’ can be subject to non-custodial interrogation, only discusses school admin/teachers
Is it illegal to operate a motor vehicle without your driver’s license in your immediate possession?
47 OS 6-112.A
(can be dismissed without costs if they produce in court or before according to subsection B)
Moore code 10-501 says no one shall be in a public place in a state of intoxication.
In the same code, it states Intoxication means under the influence of drugs/alcohol as to deprive the person of their full ___ or ___ power OR be unable to care for his own ___ or that of others
mental or physical
Within city limits, is it legal to drink alcohol in public*?
*other than in a bar or location authorized by ABLE
Damaging private property under $1000
Municipal charge?
State charge?
Damaging private property over $1000
Municipal charge?
State charge?
Under $1000
Municipal = Damaging Private Property (10-312) [note: not the same as Vandalism which is 10-310 and usually used for buildings]
State = Malicious Injury to Property (21 OS 1760.A.1 misdemeanor version)
Over $1000
Municipal = don’t have one
State = Malicious Injury to Property (21 OS 1760.A.2 felony version)
Is it a crime for a bartender to sell an alcoholic beverage to an intoxicated person?
Can the ABLE commission revoke the license of an establishment that has sold alcoholic beverages to a visibly intoxicated person?
Yes (3-107)
Yes (37A OS 2-148.D.1)
When are you required to notify DHS?
A. You believe a child is a victim of abuse
B. You believe a child is a victim of neglect
C. When a child witnesses domestic violence
D. When a child is present in the residence when domestic violence occurs
E. Both A & B
F. All of the above
E. A and B (victim of abuse/neglect)
Policy 313.3
10A OS 1-2-101.B.1
Someone commits malicious injury to property (over or under $1000)
If they are convicted, they will be liable for ___ damages for the injury done, to be recovered in a ___ action by the owner of the property.
21 OS 21-1760
Detective call-out criteria - Which of the below would NOT qualify:
Homicide or attempted homicide
Unattended death with suspicious circumstances
Armed robberies
At-risk missing person (or one that qualifies for public alert)
Grand Larcenies
Grand larcenies
Policy 600.3.2
Is it a felony to assault an EMT?
Is it a felony to assault a nurse or doctor at a health care facility?
21 OS 20-650.4
Illegal Entry (unlawful entry) = enters open door with intent to commit ___ ___ ___
Malicious mischief
21 1438(A)
Malicious mischief = malicious damage of property (1760) (misdemeanor, felony if over $1000)
Exigent Circumstances
Circumstances that would cause a reasonable person to believe that entry (or other prompt action) is necessary to PREVENT physical HARM to an individual, destruction of relevant EVIDENCE, the ESCAPE of a subject, or some other consequence improperly frustrating law enforcement efforts
Convicted sex offender, their victim was a child.
- Can they temporarily or permanently reside with a minor that is NOT their child?
- Can they temporarily or permanently reside with a minor that IS their child?
- No
- Yes
57 OS 590(B)
Can someone carry a gun that has been convicted of ___?
- Domestic abuse
- Possession or sale of CDS
- VPO violation
All no
Unlawful Carry 21 OS 1272
37A OS 6-101(A.8) says no person shall be intoxicated in a public place
37A OS 6-101(D) says cannot be drunk or intoxicated and _____
disturb the peace of any person
Are you required to do a report on the following (yes or no)
- Drug overdose
- Attempted suicide
- Serious injury that is potentially fatal
All yes
Do runaways HAVE to be entered into NCIC?
74 OS 150.12(A.1)
It is late at night and the court is closed. Can you get an emergency temporary protective order (aka Ex Parte order) for a Victim by simply calling a Judge?
If the judge approves, do you need to serve the Suspect with the order and provide a copy?
Yes. You fill out the form (hopefully you have one in your car)
74 OS 40.3
Under Oklahoma state law, ‘Forcible sodomy’ refers to
A. Non-consensual anal penetration
B. Non-consensual oral sex
C. Both
Rape = anal/vaginal penetration (21 OS 45-1111)
Sodomy = ‘a crime against nature’ (21 OS 888)
Are you required to have a physical copy of your registration in your vehicle?
Yes (as of 2019)
Can you leave a motor vehicle unattended while the engine is running? Like to warm it up?
Also 15-622
How many police vehicles can proceed to an accident with injury in Code 3 mode?
Everyone else must proceed code 1 unless supervisor determines circumstances require a greater response
Can go Code 3 if stopping an actual or suspected violator of the law or responding to an emergency in a which there is a __ ___ of serious injury or death to an individual and the immediate ____ of the Officer is likely to reduce the seriousness of the situation
high probability
“With no ___ for crime and with ___ prosecution of criminals, I will enforce the law..”
Law Enforcement Code of Ethics
Policy manual page 2
Arrest authority for MPD officers outside of Moore’s jurisdiction
- ___ ___ of a person for an offense committed in the Officer’s presence within the jurisdiction of the Moore Police Department
- For a ___
- When MPD Officers are requested to do so for an offense committed outside Moore’s jurisdiction by the ___ ___
Fresh Pursuit
Outside agency
Policy 100.3.2 (A, B, and C)
An Officer may use ___ force when a suspect being lawfully arrested resists arrest or attempts to escape
21 OS 643
Is using your vehicle to hit a suspect fleeing on foot considered deadly force?
Can you TVI a suspect fleeing on a bicycle?
No (unless deadly force situation)
As of 1/14/2024, who is the Operations Bureau Commander?
Major Dudley
If an adult is kidnapped, what kind of alert is it?
Kasey Alert
Is using profane language a policy violation?
On call CDO - what does CDO mean?
Command Duty Officer
Two things you can ask an individual regarding their service animal-
- Is this animal required because of a ___?
- What ___ or service has this service animal been trained to perform?
Does that individual have to provide some sort of documentation showing their animal is a service animal?
When an officer intentionally, through words, actions, or physical force,
causes an individual to reasonably believe he/she is required to restrict his/her movement without an actual arrest. (This term) also occurs when an officer actually restrains a person’s freedom of movement
Temporary detention
When an officer contacts an individual but does not create a detention
through words, actions, or other means. In other words, a reasonable individual would believe that his/her contact with the officer is voluntary.
Consensual encounter
The brief detainment of an individual, whether on foot or in a vehicle, based
on reasonable suspicion for the purpose of determining the individual’s identity and resolving the officer’s suspicions
Field Interview
Posed photographs taken of a person during a contact, temporary detention,
or arrest in the field.
Field photographs
A type of search used by officers in the field to check an individual for
dangerous weapons. It involves a thorough patting-down of clothing to locate any weapons or dangerous items that could pose a danger to the officer, the detainee, or others.
pat down search
If you are working an off duty job in police uniform, are you required to wear a BWC?
A written collision report shall be taken when the property damage is $___ or more
A vehicle may be impounded if it has been “red tagged” for __ hours or longer
A hold should be placed on impounded vehicles if
A. the vehicle has an out of date license tag
B. the vehicle did not have a license tag
C. the vehicle’s license tag is over 90 days expired
D. Both A&B
A live presentation of a single individual to a witness following the
commission of a criminal offense for the purpose of identifying or eliminating the person as the suspect.
Field Identification
Also known as field elimination show-up, one-on-one identifications
A collected sexual assault evidence kit, whether tested or untested, must be retained in a secure, environmentally safe manner for not less than ___ years or for the length of the statute of limitations for the alleged crime, whichever is longer.
50 years
74 O.S. § 150.28b(D)
The period an adult is in custody at the Moore Police Department prior to
being released or transported to a housing or other type of facility.
Temporary custody
An abused, neglected, dependent or alien juvenile who may be legally
held for his/her own safety or welfare. This also includes any juvenile who may have initially been contacted for an offense that would not subject an adult to arrest (e.g., fine-only offense) but was taken into custody for his/her protection or for purposes of reuniting the juvenile with a parent, guardian or other responsible person
Juvenile non-offender
Mass shooter priorities of work
__ and ___ suspect
Provide ___ to victims
___ victims
___ scene
locate and stop
When not in full uniform, but wearing a firearm visible to the public, do you need to wear your budge on the outside of your clothing, next to the firearm and visible to the public?
Procedure 1001.10
Reasonably capable of being done or carried out under the circumstances to
successfully achieve the arrest or lawful objective without increasing risk to the officer or another person.
All facts and circumstances known to the officer at the time, taken as a whole, including the conduct of the officer and the subject leading up to the use of force.
totality of circumstances
Ready to take place; impending.
The deliberate act of contacting a suspect’s vehicle with another law enforcement
vehicle to functionally damage or otherwise force the suspect’s vehicle to stop.
A maneuver designed to cause the suspect vehicle to spin out, stall and come to a stop.
Any offense or attempted offense involving violence or neglect with a child victim
when committed by a person responsible for the child’s care or any other act that would mandate notification to OKDHS
child abuse
No person shall park a vehicle on any street for a period of time longer than __ hours.
No person shall drive a vehicle in excess of __ miles per hour on any street in the City, unless otherwise posted
A bicycle’s red reflector should be visible from ___ feet to the rear of an approaching vehicle’s lower headlamp beams
- (Non-high beam) Lower Headlamps should be aimed and of sufficient intensity to reveal persons and vehicles at a distance of a least ___ feet ahead
- (High-beam) Upper Headlamps should be aimed and of sufficient intensity to reveal persons and vehicles at a distance of a least ___ feet ahead
- Is it a crime to leave your high-beams on while driving on a level roadway which causes the light beams to strike the eyes of an approaching driver?
- 200 (47 OS 12-203(C.2))
- 600 (47 OS 12-203(C.1))
- Yes (47 OS 12-203(C.3))
- Can you have a sign, poster, or some other non-transparent material on your front window? Side windows? Rear window?
- Can you suspend an object from the interior of the vehicle which obstructs/impairs the driver’s clear view of the highway ahead or any intersecting highway?
- No, No, No
- No
Windshield to be Unobstructed 15-304.C
Back and side windows must be __% tint or greater for vehicles 1996 and newer
47 OS 422(D.1)
Which section of Moore Ordinance Chapter 15 states that the City adopts all state motor vehicle code laws and shall be fully enforceable within the city limits?
Are there accessories in misdeamonors?
21 OS 174
Is there a state charge for hacking into someone’s computer?
21 OS 1953 (Unlawful Use of Computer)
Pattern of Criminal Offenses in 2+ Counties must be within __ days
Larceny of Merchandise from Retailer: If commits 3+ separate offenses within __ days, the aggregate total value can be used
30 (21 OS 425)
90 (21 OS 1731)
Bicycles - Red and side reflectors
Must be visible from ___ feet from lower headlamp means
Bicycle - Front and rear lights
Do they need to be a continuous beam or can they be flashing?
Probably can be either, the ordinance and statutes don’t specify
47 OS 12-702
47 OS 12-703
A suspect kills the Victim during the course of a robbery. What crime?
Murder 1
21 OS 701.7(B)
A suspect is eluding an Officer and causes the death of another person. What crime?
Murder 1
21 OS 701.7(B)
Is there a state charge for Disturbing the Peace?
21 OS 1362 (Disturbance by Loud or Unusual Noise or Abusive, Violent, Obscene, Profane or Threatening Language)
Is there a state charge for Disorderly Conduct?
21 OS 1362 (Disturbance by Loud or Unusual Noise or Abusive, Violent, Obscene, Profane or Threatening Language)
Are there separate state charges for resisting and obstruction?
21 OS 540 (Obstruction/Interfering)
21 OS 268 (Resisting)
What is the difference between state Obstruction/Interfering and state Resisting?
Resisting has an element of force or violence
21 OS 540 (Obstruction/Interfering)
21 OS 268 (Resisting)
When are Officers authorized to impound a vehicle? (most common)
Incident to arrest
Drivers does not have a valid license
Improper registration (90 days)
No insurance
Accident scenes
Policy 502.3
Whenever the owner or operator of a vehicle is arrested, the arresting officer should provide reasonable safekeeping by having the vehicle ___
Policy 502.3.1
Are dealers required to issue (paper) temporary tags to the purchaser of a new motor vehicle?
(Paper) temporary license plates shall be removed after ___ days and replacement with a permanent, current Oklahoma license plate.
Then the vehicle shall be registered within __ months from the date of purchase
(As of 9/1/24)
47 OS 1137.3(A)(1)
47 OS 1137.3(A)(2)
47 OS 1137.3(A)(1)