Possessive test Flashcards
short form of possessive conjugation singular
mi tu su nuestro su
short form of possessive conjugation plural
mis tus sus nuestros sus
my bankbook is blue
mi mochila es azul
my backpacks are blue
mis mochillas son azules
where does the short form go
before the noun
long form conjugation singular
mio tuyo suyo nuestro suyo
long form conjugation plural
mios tuyos suyos nuestros suyos
a friend of his is from mexico
un amigo suyo es de Mexico
some friends of his are from mexico
unos amigos suyos son de mexico
where does the long form go
after the noun
what if the sentence starts with “a”
then you either use un or una
reflexive conjugation
me te se nos se
ar conjugation in imperfect
aba abas aba ábamos aban
er conjugation in the imperfect
ia ias ia iamos ian all with accents on the first i
ir conjugation in the imperfect
ia ias ias iamos ian all with accents on the first i
ser conjugation in the imperfect
era eras era éramos eran
ir conjugation in the imperfect
iba ibas iba íbamos iban
ver conjugation in the imperfect
veia veias veia veiamos veian
family vocab
see other decks
el juguete
stuffed animal
el muñeco de peluche
to fall down
to construct
to tell jokes
to draw
to hide
to fight
to jump rope
saltar la cuerda
to climb trees
trepar a los árboles