Positive Psych Flashcards
Positive Psychology
The Scientific Study of what makes life worth living
Positive Psychology 2
Study of the conditions that contribute to flourishing or optimal functioning of people, groups or institutions
Subjective Well Being
Positive Affect minus negative affect, life satisfaction (Diener)
Psychological well being (Ryff)
self acceptance, positive relations, autonomy, mastery, purpose in life, personal growth
Well being theory (PERMA)
Seligman- Positive emotions, engagement, relationships, Meaning, Accomplishment
Relation of H and E
Highly correlated, more studies on SWB than eudaimonic
Meaningfulness vs happiness
M- thinking about past and future, Happiness- present, Satisfying needs and wants about happiness, but not meaning, stress- M, but lower H, Concerns about personal identity and self expression- M, but not H
Personality and Happiness
Extra-version, Openness (not as relevant), Neuroticism- negative effect, agreeableness (smaller effect)
Factors if someone is happy
NOT gender, age, income (only up to a certain level), NEA personality, Social relationships most important
SWB happiness
Cognitive Appraisal, Emotional Experience
Happiness breakdown
50% genetics, 10% life circumstances, 40% actions and thoughts
what we can control
Life circumstances (sort of), relationships, thinking style, motivation
Emotion and mood
Emotion- brief, Mood- lingering
Broaden and build
Positive emotions broaden momentary thought-action repertoire, broadening builds resources (both short and long term)
Global task
Look at things more globally (broaden) with positive emotions (except for desire, which narrows)
Operant Conditioning
Rewards and Punishments
To meet needs
Offer choice, opportunities for self direction, encouraging feedback upon success
Self Determination Theory
Well being results from fulfillment of three basic needs: autonomy, competence, and relatedness (force for intrinsic motivation)
Completely internalized, but maybe not something you really want to do. Doing taxes.
Matching Hypothesis
Goals that better express ourselves, values and needs bring more well being
Conditions for flow
Intrinsic interest- autotelic task, Skill-challenge balance, knowing what needs to be done, immediate feedback
Pollyana Principle
Pleasantness predominates in thought
Dispositional Optimism
The global expectation that good things will be plentiful in the future and bad things scarce
Attribution theory
How people explain events and behavior
ABC Model
Adversity- any negative event, B- belief about the event, C- consequences- how you feel and behave following that event. Beliefs can be the cause of consequence
Thought catching, evaluate, generate more accurate explanations
Penn Resilience Program (PRP) (Seligman)
Changing thought patterns in middle school children. Fostering optimism. Experiment and follow up- 20% fewer depressive symptoms than no intervention, 10% fewer than PEP
Defensive Pessimism
Strategy for coping with anxiety. Low expectations of future events. Need a different strategy than others.
Strengths of humanity
One on one relationships - caring
Strengths of justice
One to many relationships
Values vs attitudes
Values broad and ambiguous, attitudes- favorable or unfavorable evaluations of a specific object or issue.
Values vs attitudes
Values broad and ambiguous, attitudes- favorable or unfavorable evaluations of a specific object or issue.
Trait self esteem
Overall, intrinsic self esteem. Not specific. Global evaluation of themselves.
State Self esteem
How someone feels in the moment, based on a specific reaction to a specific stimulus. False feedback paradigm.
Measure self esteem
Rosenberg self esteem scale, social comparisons
Overall levels of self esteem
Mid to high range global average, most think themselves above average compared to others.
Consequences of self esteem
Increased happiness, increased initiative, but can also cause violence, inability to think they need to work hard. Everything else is a cause, not a consequence.
Sociometer theory
Self esteem is a reflection of our social integration. Regulates behaviors to reconnect.
Defensive self esteem
Claim of self esteem, defense against insecurities. May be more internal and unconscious (implicit). Narcissism
Self efficacy
How do I feel about what I can do? Level of feeling capable to effectively perform tasks. Not global, but domain specific.
Characteristic pattern of thought, feeling and behavior
Character strengths
Positive traits
Classification of strengths
Ubiquitous (cross cultural value), Fulfilling (related to well being), Morally valued (not just for what it can help you achieve), elevating (using strength does not diminish other people), Trait-like (measurable), Distinct, Paragons and prodigies (see it embodied in a person), enabling institutions
Modesty, protection against things in excess
Organismic Integration theory
Details the different forms of extrinsic motivation and the contextual factors that either inhibit or promote integration and internalization. Scale from Amotivated to Intrinsic
Flourishing (Keyes)
Emotional, Psychological, Social
Based on self esteem. Avoid guilt or anxiety
set point 98% heritable, happiness 44-53%
Reading 3- Subjective Well Being
Deci and Ryan. Factors for intrinsic motivation- autonomy, competence, relatedness, Cognitive Evaluation theory- factors that explain variability in intrinsic motivation,
Experience is primary
Needs and values of people take precedence over material things
Positive affectivity
extent to which someone experiences positive moods like joy
Explanatory style
Tendency to believe that different events have the same sorts of causes
Self expressive values
correspond to one’s need to express talents, capabilities and potentials
Terminal value
belief about an ideal state of existence. (a comfortable life, a world at peace, etc.)
Value self confrontation
strategy of changing one’s values by exposing them to contradiction among one’s value priorities
Instrumental values
Ideal modes of conduct that presumably aid and abet terminal values