positive findings and indications Flashcards
Pulse Rate
Normal Rate: 50-90 bpm
what are the positive findings and indications?
< 50bpm = Bradycardia: hypothyroidism, well trained athlete
> 90bpm = Tachycardia: hyperthyroidism, caffeine, nervousness,
exercise, hypertension
Pulse missing on one side =
Stenosis, blocked artery, TOS or intermittent
Arrhythmia = Decrease = hypervolemia, heart failure, aortic stenosis,
Increase = fever, exercise, hypothyroidism, anemia,
aortic regurgitation, Arteriosclerosis
Respiratory Rate
Normal Rate: 12-20 rpm
what are the positive findings and indications?
< 50rpm =Bradypnea: old age, well trained athlete, diabetic
coma, increased intracranial pressure
> 90rpm =Tachypnea: hyperthermia, anxiety, restrictive lung
disease (COPD), elevated diaphragm, pleurisy
Hyperpnea (hyperventilation) = Rapid deep breathing caused by exercise, anxiety,
metabolic acidosis, brainstem damage
Orthopnea = Shortness of breath
Paroxysmal Nocturnal
Dyspnea = Shortness of breath after a period of sleep
Normal Rate: 96.4-99.1° F
what are the positive findings and indications?
< 96.4°F = Hypothermia: cold drink, old age, slow metabolism,
nutritional deficiency, hypothyroidism, hypoglycemia
> 99.1°F = Pyrexia (fever): emotion, infection, exercise, hot drink,
trauma, acute immune disorder, hyperthyroidism
> 106 °F = Hyperpyrexia
Blood Pressure
Normal Rate: 120/80mmHg
what are the positive findings and indications?
20-139mmHg (systolic) or 80-
89mmHg (diastolic) = Pre-hypertension
140-159mmHg (systolic) or 90-
99mmHg (diastolic) = Stage 1 Hypertension: stress, obesity, high blood
viscosity, type II diabetes mellitus, high
cholesterol, atherosclerosis
> =160mmHg (systolic) or
=100mmHg (diastolic) = Stage 2 Hypertension
80-89mmHg = Pre-hypotension
< 90mmHg (systolic) or <
60/50mmHg (diastolic) = Hypotension: hypothyroidism, thin/small person
Confrontation (CN2 - Optic)
what are the positive findings and indications?
Patient cannot see your fingers
when you do = Scotoma (blind spot), diminished peripheral
vision, glaucoma, macular degeneration, MS,
CN2 lesion, retinal disorder
Cardinal Fields of Gaze (CN3 - Oculomotor, CN4 - Trochlear, CN6 - Abducens)
what are the positive findings and indications?
Nystagmus (eye has trouble
following the pen; staggering,
shaking) = Eye not following laterally – CN6: Abducens
(lateral rectus muscle)
Eye doesn’t go down and OUT (clinical test) –
CN4: Trochlear (superior oblique muscle)
Strabissmus (eye doesn’t follow)= in All directions – CN3: Oculomotor (med,
sup. Inf. Rectus, inf. Oblique muscles)
Lesion to eye muscle
Accomodation (CN3 - Oculomotor - Medial Rectus muscle)
what are the positive findings and indications?
Eyes do no converge = Lesion to CN3 - Oculomotor
Pupillary Light Reflex (CN2 - Optic, CN3 - Oculomotor)
what are the positive findings and indications?
Eye does not constrict = Damage to Edinger-Westphal Nucleus (tertiary syphilis) or CN3 - Oculomotor
Levator Palpebrae Superioris (CN 3 - Oculomotor)
what are the positive findings and indications?
Any grade (1-5) less than 5, pain (ask) = CN3 – Oculomotor lesion
Right side is stronger = Left sided CN3 – Oculomotor lesion
Left side is stronger = Right sided CN3 – Oculomotor lesion
Corneal Reflex (CN 5 – Ophthalmic Divison of Trigeminal: Sensory, CN 7 – Facial: Motor to Orbicularis Oculi)
what are the positive findings and indications?
One or both eyes fail to
blink= Afferent or sensory loss to CN5 (trigeminal)
Or Efferent or motor loss to CN7 (facial) to Orbicularis
Oculi Muscle
Light test - Ophthalmoscope
what are the positive findings and indications?
No red reflex= cataracts
AV nicking/hemorrhaging = Retinopathy
Papilledema = Increased intracranial pressure
Increased cup to disc ratio (>1:2) = Glaucoma
Macular Degeneration = Old age
Cotton wool patches = Diabetes, hypertension
Gross Hearing (CN 8 – Cochlear)
what are the positive findings and indications?
Patient fails to hear or Asymmetry = Hearing Loss (must do further tests)
Weber’s Test (top of head, confirms Gross hearing)
what are the positive findings and indications?
Lateralization to bad/impaired ear = Conductive hearing loss due to obstruction (ex: wax), otitis media, tympanic membrane rupture
Lateralization to good ear = Sensory neural hearing loss (CN8 - Cochlear) due to presbycusis (old age regeneration), excessive loud noise, cochlear damage, otitis interna
Renee’s Test (Bone conduction vs. air conduction,
confirms Weber’s)
what are the positive findings and indications?
Bone conduction > or = air conduction (Example: 4:1) = Conductive hearing loss
Bone conduction < air conduction overall time is diminished w/2:1 ratio intact (Example: 2:1) = Sensory neural hearing loss
what are the positive findings and indications?
Absence of cone of light = Intracranial pressure
Redness in canal (w/ purulent effusion) = Otitis Media: acute (no pain), externa (pain)
Bony exostoses around perimeter = Swimmer’s Ear (common in children)
Perforated tympanic membrane = Trauma caused by sharp object put into ear
Amber Fluid behind eardrum =Serous effusion
Large chalky white patch= tympanosclerosis
Cervical Palpation – Lymph Nodes: Pre-auricular Post-auricular Occipital Tonsillar Submandibular Submental Anterior/superficial cervical Posterior Deep cervical (tilt head to relax SCM) Supraclavicular (sentinel)
what are the positive findings and indications?
Enlarged, warm, tender = Active infection
Not warm, non-tender, rubbery = Past infection
Hard, fixed, non-tender, not warm = Malignancy, cancer
Rubbery, warm, non-tender, larger than 1cm = lymphoma
Cervical Palpation – Other Glands
what are the positive findings and indications?
Enlarged Parotid Gland = MUMPS
Gag Reflex (CN9 - Glossopharyngeal, CN10 - vagus)
what are the positive findings and indications?
No elevation upon touch = Afferent CN9 (Glossopharyngeal) Lesion
Asymmetrical elevation of palate
upon touch – uvula deviates away
from side of lesion = Efferent CN10 (Vagus) lesion on side that didn’t
elevate (opposite uvula deviation)
One side non-response = Vagus lesion (CN 10) motor
Bilateral non-response = Glossopharyngeal lesion (CN 9) sensory
Vernet-Rideau (CN 10 - Vagus)
what are the positive findings and indications?
Deviation of uvula to one side = Lesion of CN 10
Nose Palpation and Rhinoscopy
what are the positive findings and indications?
Redness, pale/blue mucosa, nasal polyps= Allergies, infection/inflammation
Deviated septum = trauma
Perforated septum = drug use (Cocaine)
Motor to CN5 – Trigeminal (“Bite Test”)
what are the positive findings and indications?
< 5 = CN5 lesion
Sensory to CN5 –Trigeminal (“Sharp vs. Dull”)
what are the positive findings and indications?
Cannot sense = Anesthesia
Oversensitivity = Hyperesthesia