Positive Democratic Features of the UK Political System Flashcards
The case for reform of the UK democratic system -> Democracy and Participation -> UK Politics
What is the definition of devolved governments in the UK?
Devolved governments are powers transferred from the UK Parliament to regional assemblies and parliaments, such as the Scottish Parliament, Welsh Senedd, and Northern Ireland Assembly.
What are the key significances of devolved governments in the UK?
- Promotes local decision-making closer to the population.
- Recognizes and addresses regional differences and national identities.
- Encourages democratic accountability at a regional level, such as the scrutiny of local representatives
Provide an example of how devolved governments work in the UK.
Scotland has powers over education, health, and justice, allowing for policies tailored to local needs, such as providing free university tuition in Scotland.
UK Democracy
What is devolution?
Devolution is the transfer of power from a central government to lower levels of government while maintaining overall sovereignty.
What is the definition of an independent judiciary?
An independent judiciary operates separately from the executive and legislative branches of government.
What is the significance of an independent judiciary in the UK?
- Upholds the rule of law and ensures that government actions comply with the law.
- Protects personal freedoms.
- Ensures impartial adjudication in cases involving individuals and the state.
Provide an example of how an independent judiciary works in the UK.
Judicial review allows courts to check whether government actions are lawful.
What is the key theory behind the independent judiciary?
The Separation of Powers, as discussed by Montesquieu, is essential for safeguarding liberty and preventing the abuse of power.
What are free and fair elections in the context of the UK?
Free and fair elections are conducted without corruption or intimidation, ensuring the public can express their will.
What is the significance of free and fair elections in the UK?
- Reflects the principle of consent in a representative democracy.
- Provides accountability by enabling citizens to replace or re-elect representatives.
- Referendums supplement representative democracy by involving the public in major decisions.
Provide an example of a free and fair election system in the UK.
Elections to the UK Parliament follow the first-past-the-post (FPTP) system, ensuring quick results and strong governments, although not necessarily proportional.
What is electoral integrity?
Electoral integrity refers to the adherence to democratic norms in the conduct of elections.
What is the definition of free media?
Free media operates without undue influence or censorship, holding those in power to account.
What is the significance of free media in the UK?
- Exposes government wrongdoing and corruption.
- Informs the public, enabling informed participation in politics.
- Acts as a watchdog for democracy, scrutinizing political decisions
Provide an example of free media’s role in the UK.
Investigations by outlets like the BBC or The Guardian have uncovered scandals such as MPs’ expenses in 2009.
What is the key theory behind free media?
Pluralism, which suggests that media diversity contributes to pluralist democracy by allowing competing viewpoints to be heard.
What is the role of political parties and pressure groups in the UK?
Political parties and pressure groups provide diverse platforms for political expression and participation.
What is the significance of political parties and pressure groups in the UK?
- Encourages pluralist democracy by allowing different interests and opinions to be represented.
- Pressure groups enhance policy development by contributing expertise and lobbying for change.
Provide an example of the political landscape in devolved governments.
The multi-party system in devolved governments includes the SNP, Labour, and Conservatives in Scotland.
What is the key theory related to political parties and pressure groups in the UK?
The Elite vs. Pluralist Theories: Pluralists see pressure groups as enhancing democracy, while elitists argue that some groups dominate due to greater resources
What is democracy?
Democracy is a system of government where power is vested in the people, either directly or through elected representatives.
What is liberal democracy?
Liberal democracy protects individual rights and freedoms, ensures free elections, and upholds the rule of law.
What is representative democracy?
Representative democracy is a system where citizens elect officials to make decisions on their behalf.
What is participatory democracy?
Participatory democracy encourages the direct involvement of citizens in decision-making processes, such as through referendums or citizen assemblies.
What are objectively positive features of the UK political system?
Free and fair elections, an independent judiciary, and devolved governments are widely regarded as core strengths of UK democracy.
What are nuanced features of the UK political system?
Free media and the role of pressure groups are more complex, offering both benefits and challenges depending on their implementation and regulation.
What challenges must the UK political system adapt to in the future?
The UK political system must adapt to challenges such as technological change, globalization, and growing demands for equality and representation.
What is necessary for maintaining public trust in democratic institutions in the UK?
Reform is required to address weaknesses in the system without undermining its strengths in order to maintain public trust in democratic institutions.