Positioning Flashcards
The axiolateral, or horizontal beam, projection of the hip requires the IR to be placed
- parallel to the long axis of the femoral neck
2. in contact with the lateral surface of the body
blood pressure.
he normal blood pressure range for men and women is 110 to 140 mmHg systolic reading (top number) and 60 to 80 mmHg diastolic reading (bottom number). Systolic pressure is the contraction phase of the left ventricle, and diastolic pressure is the relaxation phase in the heart cycle
Myelogram best demonstrates what???
Myelography is used to demonstrate encroachment on and compression of the spinal cord as a result of disk herniation, tumor growth, or posttraumatic swelling of the cord
Chest PA
cr perpendicular to IR and centered to midsagittal plane @ level of T7. 10 posterior ribs above diaphragm. second full inspiration.
Chest lateral
centering @ T7. second full inspiration. chin and arms should be up and out of the way. no rotation.
Portable chest
either completely supine or semi-erect. this is done AP. CR is angled ciudad to be perpendicular to long axis of sternum. @ T7
Decub chest
patient is on there left side with right side elevated. @T7 with both lungs visible
anterior or posterior oblique chest
LAO and RAO. 45 degree oblique, centered to the upside. @T7. shows heart and blood vessels. RPO and LPO
Soft Tissue Neck
centered at C6 or C7. evaluate the soft tissue of the neck and the air way. AP and Lateral is done.
Abdomen KUB
centered @ iliac crest. must see kidneys ureters and bladder. public symphysis. taken on expiration
Lateral decub abdomen
left side down. centered 2inches above the level of the iliac crests. should include both diaphragms.
Upright abdomen
top of light should be at the armpits. center 2inches about iliac crest. include both diaphragms.
What makes up the mediastinum
Thymus, heart and greater vessels, trachea and esophagus
Dorsal decub abdomen
2inches above Iliac crest, horizontal beam. Shows diaphragm.
Finger projections
PA, oblique and lateral. Centering at then PIP joint. Shows distal, middle and proximal phalanges, distal metacarpal and joints
Special projection for thumb
AP, Mod Roberts method: Cr is 15 degree proximal entering at first CMC joint. Shows Bennett’s fracture.
PA stress, skiers thumb! Both thumbs wrapped and pulled too stress thumbs. Centering at MCP joints
Hand projections
PA- centered at third MCP joint. Entire hand and wrist about 2.5 of distal forearm.
Oblique- rotated 45 degrees
Lateral- “fan” center at second MCP joint.
Specials hand projections
Lateral flexion and extension (fingers are overlapped)
AP oblique bilateral- norgaard or ball catchers (hands at 45 degrees
Wrist projections
PA or AP - mid metacarpals and proximal metacarpal, distal forearm and fat pads
Oblique- 45 degrees
Lateral- true lateral
Special wrists
PA axial scaphoid- ulnar deviation angle is 10-15 degrees proximally
Which of the following articulates with the base of the fifth metatarsal?
Skull positioning: towne method
OML perpendicular to IR. 30 degree caudad angle 2.5 inches above glabella. Seen: occipital bone, Peyton’s pyramids and foramen magnum are shown with dorsum sellae and posterior clinics visualized in the shadow of foramen magnum
Skull positioning: Lateral
Both laterals should be done. CR is directed 2inches superior to EAM. And halfway between glabella and inion.
Seen: superimposed cranial halves. Entire sella turcica, including cliniods and dorsum sellae is visualized
Colles fracture
Chip fracture of the ulnar styloid
Posterior or backward displacement