Positional and Positioning Tests Nystagmography Flashcards
What happens when the head or head and body move from one position to another?
The SCC end organ receptors and central vestibular pathways are stimulated in such a way that a compensatory eye movement occurs, helping to maintain fixation on a target during the movement (VOR)
What happens to the cupulae after movement is completed?
Should once again be at rest, and no imbalance in the resting afferent activity should occur
In this situation, no nystagmus occurs after the head has—or head and body have—moved from point “A” to point “B”
However, if for some reason an imbalance occurs following the movement, nystagmus will result
What is positioning?
Actively moving the patient
Active movement
If the nystagmus occurs as a result of the active motion of the head or head and body
What is positional?
Static positioning
Positioning the patient and then holding still
If the nystagmus occurs as a result of the new static body position
Can spontaneous nystagmus contaminate positional and positioning tests?
It will usually continue throughout these positions as well, might get worse
The examiner must be aware of the presence of a spontaneous nystagmus when performing this subtest of the ENG/VNG battery
What is the hallpike maneuver?
Positioning test
Test for BPPV - anterior and posterior canal
The patient need not be hooked up to the electrodes for this
The examiner must visualize the patient’s eyes during the procedure using no lenses, Frenzel’s Lenses or Infrared Video
Positive or negative test (you either have nystagmus or you don’t - looking for nystagmus and subjective vertigo)
Looking for rotational movement of the eye - brain tries to match the sense of rotation with the eyes (contracts eye muscles)
Do head roll to assess horizontal
Is hallpike affected by fixation?
Eyes must remain open
How is hallpike performed?
Rapid change from erect torso and head while sitting to a supine head-hanging-left or-right position
The provocative movement is in the plane of the Posterior SCC of the ear on the lower side of the head
The patient is taken rapidly from the sitting to head-hanging position (head turned 45 degrees to each side)
What is BPPV?
The most common cause of vertigo in the elderly
Caused by canalithiasis or cupulolithiasis of the posterior SCC (or horizontal and anterior SCC) - two variants
Assumed to be the result of displaced otoconia from the utricle settling in the SCC
Unilateral is more common
What is BPPV caused by?
Can be caused by head concussion, viral labyrinthitis, and occlusion of the vasculature of the inner ear
Most cases it is idiopathic
The majority of people that get it only get it once
How do you diagnose BPPV?
Time history of the burst of rotational vertigo and sometimes nausea associated with the typical positioning nystagmus
Both symptoms are induced by rapid head and body movements from the sitting to the head-hanging right or left positions
What do you examine to figure out what type of BPPV they have?
Linear-rotary nystagmus
Reversal (when the patient returns to the seated position, the vertigo and the nystagmus may reoccur in the opposite direction and less violently)
Fatiguability (constant repetition of the maneuver will result in ever lessening symptoms)
How does BPPV occur?
Inorganic particles (otoconia) detached from the otoconial layer by spontaneous degeneration or head trauma, or viral infection, gravitate to and become settled in the anterior/posterior SCC (canalithiasis) or on the cupula of the anterior/posterior SCC (cupulolithiasis)
The cupula normally has the same specific gravity as the endolymph and is supposed to be a transducer of angular accelerations only
When heavily loaded, it will become sensitive to changes in head position relative to gravity (and create an illusion of rotation)
Why do most start in the posterior canal?
The posterior SCC is situated directly inferior to the utricle when the head is upright
Easy collection bin for detached otoconia
What is the side-lying maneuver?
Done on patient with back or neck issues
Done instead of hallpike
Rotate them down to their side