Poses Iyengar grey boxes & instructions Flashcards
Urdhva Hastasana grey box
open the sides of the rib cage
stretch the arms while keeping the legs active & firm (engaged)
bring the shoulderblades towards each other
Urdhva Baddhangullyasana grey box
legs are still in tadasana, active pelvis neutral press the thighs back tailbone in chest lifted
Urdhva Baddhangullyasana instructions
interlock your fingers in front of you
interlock with fingers covering the back of the hand
straighten your elbows and rotate your palms away from you
extend the arms to the ceiling, upper arms in line with ears
the entire palm should face the ceiling without losing the interlock on the little fingers
lower arms to chest height, release the interlock, bring arms down
switch the interlock
Urdhva Baddhangullyasana benefits
exercises the knuckles
all the joints of the finger are opened
chest is broadened & opened
Urdhva Hastasana instructions
stand in tadasana
arms extended down by sides, palms facing thighs
shoulders rolling back and down
inhale extend arms straight forward and above the head
upper arms inline with ears
exhale arms forward and down
Namaskarasana instructions
stand in tadasana
bring the hands into prayer - thumbs near the sternum
keep light pressure evenly throughout the palms
Namaskarasana grey box
keep equal pressure on both palms without exerting your arm muscles point the fingers slightly away from you elbows down shoulderbones roll back keep chest open and full
Urdhva Namaskarasana instructions
urdhva hastasana arms, palms facing each other
bring palms together in prayer
elbows straight and collarbones broad
press palms together, look straight ahead, level gaze
exhale release arms down by your sides
Urdhva Namaskarasana grey box
extend the side waists by opening armpit chest
gomukhasana instructions
hold both wrists from behind
keep collarbones wide, you need to maintain this width throughout the pose
you can stay here or
inhale, raise right arm up
bend the elbow so the hand comes between the shoulderblades (fingers pointing down)
reach up with the lower hand and clasp hands
or use a strap here
gomukhasana grey box
bend the upper elbow down and lift the bottom fingers up
open the armpit chest to extend the sides of the torso
press against your back to open your chest and armpit area
paschima namaskarasana instructions
take your arms behind your back
press your fingertips together, fingers pointing down
prayer position
turn the fingers up
then slide the hands up in line with the shoulderblades
keep even pressure on the entire palm
broaden the chest, bring the shoulderblades onto the back
move the elbows down to slide the fingers up
paschima namaskarasana grey box
learn to move the hands into place without collapsing in the chest
vrksanana grey box
learn to concentrate in order to balance
can practice with back to wall or fingertips of opposite hand at wall
press the foot into the inner thigh - more important than raising arms
utkatasana details
arms first then legs=easier
legs first then arms=builds muscles
utkatasana instructions
exhale bend knees so that thighs are parallel to floor
heels are down
inhale bring the arms up (bring palms together)
keep the chest lifted, the spine extended
exhale samasthiti
utkatasana grey box
bend the knees and maintain the lift of the spine
the sitting bones go straight down (not back)
length in the torso like tadasana
utkatasana modifications
stand facing wall 6-8 inches
place fingertips chest height/cup the hands
elbows slightly bent
make sure you aren’t leaning in to touch the wall
back to wall 1-6" way place fingertips on wall and rest back against the wall keeping the back against the wall exhale and bend knees keep back waist against wall keep chest lifted keep the back on the wall, raise arms up inhale to straighten legs/samasthiti
utkatasana benefits
diaphragm is lifted, gently massaging the heart
tones the back and chest
utthita hasta padasana instructions
inhale jump 4 ft apart feet parallel to edges of mat knees lifted thighs back extend arms out at shoulder level shoulders down chest lifted elbows straight palms facing down gaze eye level
utthita hasta padasana grey box
extend the arms inline with the shoulders
wrists over the ankles?