POSC 100 Exam 1 Flashcards
social justice
the just allocation of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society
impartial decision-making; the quality of treating people equally, free from discrimination
the fairness of how rewards and punishments are delivered, especially by governments and courts, but also in society
political equality
the right to participate in politics equally, based on the principle of “one person, one vote”
equality of opportunity
a widely shared American ideal that all people should have the freedom to use whatever talents and wealth they have to reach their fullest potential
laissez-faire capitalism
an economic system in which the means of production and distribution are privately owned and operated for profit with minimal or no government interference
limited government
a principle of constitutional government; a government whose powers are defined and limited by a constitution
freedom from governmental control
political culture
broadly shared values, beliefs, and attitudes about how the government should function; American political culture emphasizes the values of liberty, equality, and justice
political efficacy
the belief that one can influence government and politics
false information that is shared intentionally to reach a political goal
political knowledge
information about the formal institutions of government, political actors, and political issues
membership in a political community that confers legal rights and carries participation responsibilities
the theory that all interests are and should be free to compete for influence in the government; the outcome of this competition is compromise and moderation
political power
influence over a government’s leadership, organization, or policies
representative democracy (republic)
a system of government in which the populace selects representatives, who play a significant role in governmental decision-making
majority rule, minority rights
the democratic principle that a government follows the preferences of the majority of voters but protects the interests of the minority
direct democracy
a system of rule that permits citizens to vote directly on laws and policies
totalitarian government
a system of rule in which the government recognizes no formal limits on its power and seeks to absorb or eliminate other social institutions that might challenge it
authoritarian government
a system of rule in which the government recognizes no formal limits but may nevertheless be restrained by the power of other social institutions
constitutional government
a system of rule in which formal and effective limits are placed on the powers of the government
a system of rule that permits citizens to play a signifi_cant part in the governmental process, usually through the election of key public officials
popular sovereignty
popular sovereignty
a form of government in which a small group—landowners, military officers, or wealthy merchants—controls most of the governing decisions
a form of government in which a single individual—a king, queen, or dictator—rules
conflict over the leadership, structure, and policies of governments
institutions and procedures through which a territory and its people are ruled