Port Utilization Section Flashcards
supervises the receiving, handling, custody,
monitoring, movement, and release of shipments at the Piers/Customs Zone.
Port Utilization Section
The Port Utilization Section shall be headed by a ______
Supervise all Wharfingers, Assistant Wharfingers, Customs Guards assigned at Container Yards, Outside C CFS and Customs Gatekeepers;
Chief of PUS
Act on all written reports submitted by the personnel under his supervision;
Chief of PUS
Be responsible for the conduct, vigilance, efficiency, neat and clean appearance of all personnel under him;
Chief of PUS
Require all Wharfingers, Assistant Wharfinge s, Customs Guards, and Customs Gatekeepers to be in complete uniform while on duty;
Chief of PUS
Assign his personnel properly apportioning their overtime as equitable and as fairly as possible;
Chief of PUS
Exercise direct supervision over Customs Gatekeepers;
Chief of PUS
Inspect piers, wharves, warehouses, container freight, and the container terminal inside the Customs Zone as frequently as possible, submitting to the Chief, Piers and Inspection Division (or its equivalent office) such reports as may be necessary;
Chief of PUS
See to it that cargoes are transferred properly and promptly to bonded carriers, bonded warehouse and private warehouses, covered by proper transfer notes;
Chief of PUS
Recommend to the Chief, Piers and Inspection Division (or its equivalent office), for the interest of the service and with consultation with the Wharfingers In-Charge of the piers, the reshuffling of personnel under him to the different piers;
Chief of PUS
Supervise the Wharfingers in the preparation, rating, and
submission to the chief of division of the performance rating of all personnel under them. He shall rate all Wharfingers In-Charge of the piers;
Chief of PUS
Recommend any personnel who are deserving capable and willing, pursuant to civil service rules and regulations for any promotion that are subject to be filled up;
Chief of PUS
Implement all lawful orders given to him from time to time by proper customs authorities with regard to his section.
Chief of PUS
There shall be _______ In-Charge of each pier, who shall be responsible for the efficiency and discipline Customs personnel under him;
one wharfinger; Wharfinger; At the Pier/CV-CFS
He shall exercise effective supervision over the Arrastre Contractor’s service regarding receiving, handling, custody and delivery of cargoes;
Wharfinger; At the Pier/CV-CFS
He shall note carefully the condition of the fender piles and draft at the piers and submit reports thereon;
Wharfinger; At the Pier/CV-CFS
He shall cooperate and assist other officers of the government performing official function at the piers;
Wharfinger; At the Pier/CV-CFS
He shall supervise the cleaning of the pier and see to it that garbage and obnoxious cargoes are disposed of promptly and properly;
Wharfinger; At the Pier/CV-CFS
He shall cooperate with, and assist the Enforcement and Security Service (ESS) in maintaining peace and order at the pier, including the exclusion of unauthorized persons inside the pier shed/warehouse and premises;
Wharfinger; At the Pier/CV-CFS
He shall recommend the transfer and shifting of cargoes from pier to pier only, to government bonded warehouses inside and outside the Customs premises
Wharfinger; At the Pier/CV-CFS
He shall process delivery permits and other types of Customs permits; Vis a vis the Official Receipt/Statement of Settlement of Duties and Taxes (SSDT) issued by the Formal/Informal Entry Division, prior to the release of cargo;
Wharfinger; At the Pier/CV-CFS
He shall, or thru his authorized representative, accept delivery permits and other types of Customs permits officially hand carried by official messengers of the Bureau and shall properly distribute the same to concerned shed/ warehouse wharfinger where the cargoes are stored;
Wharfinger; At the Pier/CV-CFS
He shall submit daily, weekly, monthly, and annual reports thru proper channels, to the Chief, Piers and Inspection Division (or its equivalent office);
Wharfinger; At the Pier/CV-CFS
He shall implement all lawful orders given to him from time to time by proper customs authorities;
Wharfinger; At the Pier/CV-CFS
He shall submit report of Overstaying Cargoes to the Chief, Piers and Inspection Division (or its equivalent office].
Wharfinger; At the Pier/CV-CFS
There shall be one ______ In-Charge of Outside CY-CFS (Off-Dock) who shall be responsible for the efficiency and discipline of Customs personnel under him;
one Wharfinger; Outside CV-CFS (Off-Dock)
He shall receive the Transfer Note, Inbound Container, and Inward Foreign Manifest from the Customs Guard;
Wharfinger; Outside CV-CFS (Off-Dock)
He shall supervise the stripping of the containers;
Wharfinger; Outside CV-CFS (Off-Dock)
He shall receive the Stripping Tally Sheet from the CY-CFS Warehouseman;
Wharfinger; Outside CV-CFS (Off-Dock)
He shall process delivery permits and other types of customs permits; Vis a vis the Official Receipt/Statement of Settlement of Duties and Taxes (SSDT) issued by the Formal/Informal Entry Division, prior to the release of cargo;
Wharfinger; Outside CV-CFS (Off-Dock)
He shall see to it that the cargoes are released and delivered only to the proper parties in accordance with the marks, countermarks and registry number of the carrying vessel;
Wharfinger; Outside CV-CFS (Off-Dock)
He shall assign a Customs Guard, prepare and sign Transfer Note as well as supervise the transfer of cargoes to the local ports, economic zones and bonded warehouses either inside or outside customs zone including coastwise transit cargoes and other places designated by customs;
Wharfinger; Outside CV-CFS (Off-Dock)
In all cases of transfers of packed containers covered by Warehousing Permits or other permits where duties and taxes have not been paid, the container shall be sealed with a Customs seal by the Wharfinger concerned in the presence of the Customs Examiner concerned. Said Wharfinger shall see to it that the containers transferred be under guarded until received at the Customs Bonded Warehouse by the Customs Warehouseman assigned thereat. If there is no Customs Warehouseman or anybody authorized by the Collector of Customs to receive the same, such containers shall remain under guarded continuously by the Customs Guard until the same is properly released by the Bureau of Customs;
Wharfinger; Outside CV-CFS (Off-Dock)
He shall maintain a logbook to record events such as examination made, hold/alert order, notice of Warrant of Seizure and Detention (WSD) and samples taken;
Wharfinger; Outside CV-CFS (Off-Dock)
He shall report to the Collector of Customs within twenty-four (24) hours from the time the article is deemed abandoned and submit a monthly report on Abandoned/Overstaying Cargoes to the Office the Chief, Piers and Inspection Division (or its equivalent office).
Wharfinger; Outside CV-CFS (Off-Dock)
Each cargo shed/warehouse shall be under the direct charge and supervision of an Assistant Wharfinger, who shall maintain his office inside the shed/warehouse;
Assistant Wharfingers
He shall prepare, rate, and submit rating of his pier shed/warehouse Customs Guards to the Wharfinger In-Charge of the pier;
Assistant Wharfingers
He shall supervise the opening and closing of the cargo shed/warehouse. The keys shall be secured in his office and shall be returned in the box provided for in the office of the Officer In-Charge of the pier after the shed/warehouse has been closed;
Assistant Wharfingers
He shall not allow unauthorized person inside the cargo
shed/warehouse with or without operation;
Assistant Wharfingers
He shall process all delivery permits pertaining to his shed/warehouse before authorizing delivery of cargo therefrom;
Assistant Wharfingers
He shall supervise closely the activities of the Customs Guards assigned in his shed/warehouse
Assistant Wharfingers
He shall clear the pier berth of lighters and other obstructions during the berthing and/or departure of vessel;
Assistant Wharfingers
He shall assist the Wharfinger In-Charge of the pier and to execute all his orders;
Assistant Wharfingers
He shall prepare and sign Transfer Notes as well as supervise the transfer of cargoes to the local ports, economic zones and bonded warehouses either inside or outside Customs Zone including coastwise transit cargoes and other places designated by customs;
Assistant Wharfingers
He shall see to it that no inflammable, dangerous or obnoxious cargoes are stowed inside the shed/warehouse;
Assistant Wharfingers
He shall coordinate with the arrastre shed/warehouse security personnel and Enforcement and Security Services (ESS) in the prevention of pilferage of cargoes and other anomalies to defraud the customs revenues;
Assistant Wharfingers
He shall perform all functions that may be assigned to him from time to time by superior authorities.
Assistant Wharfingers
Hint: shed/warehouse (not at all times)
Assistant Wharfingers
A _____ shall see to it that no inflammable, dangerous and obnoxious cargoes are discharged on the dock without proper permit;
Customs Guard; At the Pier/CY-CFS
When assigned to delivery work, he shall scrutinize the delivery permit properly processed and signed by the processing Wharfinger
Customs Guard; At the Pier/CY-CFS
He shall check carefully the load on the truck against the gate pass issued in accordance with the mark, countermarks, registry number and total number of packages;
Customs Guard; At the Pier/CY-CFS
He shall see to it that all deliveries made are duly recorded on the Customs Guard’s delivery sheet;
Customs Guard; At the Pier/CY-CFS
He shall see to it that the Wharfinger’s copy of the delivery permit is retained and the same to be forwarded to the wharfinger concerned upon the completion of the delivery;
Customs Guard; At the Pier/CY-CFS
He shall see to it that the cargo destined for transfer reaches its destination safely and the covering transfer note properly signed by the Warehouseman/Storekeeper or Wharfinger or Customs Guard concerned, as the case may be.
Customs Guard; At the Pier/CY-CFS
He shall see to it that no person is allowed to board the vessel without a written pass, excepting the stevedores to attend to the discharging or loading of cargoes at each accommodation ladder or gangway;
Customs Guard; On Board Vessel
He shall conduct body searches, if necessary, on all persons coming in and out of the vessel;
Customs Guard; On Board Vessel
He shall perform Customs surveillance on board the vessel or ort carriers containing cargo in transit that has not been released from Customs supervision;
Customs Guard; On Board Vessel
He shall check cargoes being discharged from, or loaded on, a vessel;
Customs Guard; On Board Vessel
He shall act as couriers on official business;
Customs Guard; On Board Vessel
He shall see to it that no empty lighters stay alongside the pier without proper permit.
Customs Guard; On Board Vessel
He shall assist the shed/warehouse Wharfinger in
supervising the receiving, handling, custody, delivery and stowage of cargo inside the shed/warehouse by the arrastre operators, to include witnessing the stripping/devanning and sign the Cargo Stripping Report;
Customs Guard; Outside CV-CFS (Off-Dock)
He shall assist the shed/warehouse Wharfinger in attending the inventory of bad order cargo and signed the Bad Order Inspection Certificate issued by the arrastre operator.
Customs Guard; Outside CV-CFS (Off-Dock)
He shall perform any other work or function that may be
assigned to him from time to time by his superiors.
Customs Guard; Others