Por y Para Flashcards
Lo hizo _____ dinero.
He did it for money.
Usage: Cause
No iré _____ la lluvia.
I will not go in the rain.
Usage: Cause
Quiero verlo _____ hablar con él.
I want to see him and talk to him.
Usage: Purpose
Esto es _____ ti.
This is for you.
Usage: Purpose
Estuvo en silencio _____ unos minutos.
He was silent for a few minutes.
Usage: Duration
Eso ocurrió _____ él verano pasado.
That happened last summer.
Usage: Approximate Time
Voy al cine dos veces _____ semana.
I go to the movies twice a week.
Usage: Frequency
_____ la mañana, _____ la tarde…
Morning, afternoon…
Usage: Parts of the day
El trabajo debe estar hecho _____ el lunes.
The work must be done by Monday.
Usage: Endpoint, Deadline
La luz pasa _____ la ventana.
The light passes through the window.
Usage: Moving Through
Estuve toda la tarde paseando _____ la ciudad.
I spent all afternoon walking around the city.
Usage: Approximate Location
Voy _____ la escuela.
I go to school.
Usage: Destination
Lo haría _____ mucho dinero.
I would do it for a lot of money.
Usage: In Exchange For, In Place Of
Iré a la conferencia _____ ti, _____ que puedas estudiar.
Por, Para
I will go to the conference for you so that you can study.
Usage: In Place Of, Purpose
_____ mí, que Juan y María están saliendo.
For me, that John and Mary are going out.
Usage: Opinion, Preference
El coche es robado _____ los gamberros.
The car is stolen by thugs.
Usage: Compliment Agent (who/what did it)
Es muy inteligente _____ su edad.
He is very intelligent for his age.
Usage: Contraposition (comparison)
Todavía tengo muchas cosas _____ aprender.
I have many things to learn.
Usage: Without, Lack
_____ paisajes bonitos, los de mi pueblo.
For beautiful landscapes, my home town.
Usage: Emphasis: for + noun + adjective (expression)
Yo estoy enfermo _____ el arroz que comí.
I am sick because of the rice that I ate.
Usage: Cause
Tienen que escribir un ensayo _____ mañana _____ la mañana.
Para, Por
You have to write an essay for tomorrow morning.
Usage: Purpose, Part of the day
¿Puedo ir _____ esta calle _____ ir a tu casa?
Por, Para
Can I go down this street to get to your house?
Usage: Pass Through, Purpose
¿Estudia Ud. _____ médico o _____ gerente del ambiente?
Para, Para
Are you studying for medicine, or for environmental management?
Usage: Purpose, Purpose
¿Tienen Uds. muchos planes _____ la semana próxima?
Do you have a lot of plans for next week?
Usage: Purpose
¿Cuánto pagaste _____ ese trasto?
How much did you pay for that thing?
Usage: Exchange
Tenemos que darnos prisa _____ no llegar tarde.
We need to hurry so that we won’t arrive late.
Usage: Purpose
Yo trabajo tres horas extra cada día _____ ganar más dinero.
I work three extra hours a day to make more money.
Usage: Purpose
Este poema es _____ su novia.
This poem is for his girlfriend.
Usage: Purpose
_____ fin podemos prepararnos _____ acostarnos.
Por, Para
We can finally get ready for bed.
Usage: Time (Approximate), Purpose
Gracias _____ los bombones, pero no tengo tiempo _____ comerlos.
Por, Para
Thanks for the chocolates, but I don’t have time to eat them.
Usage: Cause/Exchange, Purpose
Aquella mujer se casó con él sólo _____ su dinero.
That woman only married him for his money.
Usage: Exchange, Cause
_____ la lluvia, no pude llegar temprano a clase.
Because of the rain, I couldn’t get to class early.
Usage: Cause
_____ ser un niño, sabe mucho sobre ciencia.
For a child, he knows a lot about science.
Usage: Contraposition/Comparison
Jaime fue _____ el libro a la biblioteca porque tiene que estudiar mucho _____ la noche _____ el examen de mañana.
Por, Por, Para
Jaime went to the library for a book because he needs to study a lot tonight for tomorrow’s exam.
Usage: Cause, Time (time of day), Purpose
Envié el paquete _____ barco, pero creo que debí enviarlo _____ avión _____ que llegara más rápido.
Por, Por, Para
I sent the package by boat, but I think I should have sent it by plane so that it would arrive faster.
Usage: Transport, Transport, Purpose
La biblioteca es _____ estudiar.
The library is for studying.
Usage: Purpose/Goal
Hoy salimos _____ Lima.
We leave for Lima today.
Usage: Destination
Juan tiene que terminar el documentario _____ el viernes.
Juan has to finish the document by Friday.
Usage: Deadline
Trotamos _____ la ciudad.
We jog through the city.
Usage: Going Through an Area
No fuimos al parque _____ el mal tiempo.
We didn’t go through the park because of the bad weather.
Usage: Cause/Reason for an action
Yo aprendo español _____ el internet.
I learn Spanish online.
Usage: Communication
Yo viajo _____ la autopista.
I travel by highway.
Usage: Transportation
Te cambié mi casa _____ tu apartamento.
I exchanged my house for your apartment.
Usage: Exchange/Substitution
Te visitaré _____ dos dias.
I will visit you for two days.
Usage: Time Frame/Duration
En España, el 70 _____ ciento de las casas tienen internet.
In Spain, 70 percent of households have internet.
Usage: Percentages
Viajamos a España _____ dos semanas.
We traveled to Spain for two weeks.
Usage: Duration
A mí me gusta hablar _____ teléfono con mis amigos.
I like to talk with my friends on the phone.
Usage: Communication
Quiero cambiar mi vieja computadora _____ otra mejor.
I want to exchange my old computer for a better one.
Usage: Exchange
Compramos una moto _____ tí.
We bought a motorcycle for you.
Usage: Recipient of something
Carlos trabaja _____ Lucía.
Carlos works for Lucía.
Usage: Employment
Yo tomo el tren _____ ir a mi trabajo.
I take the train to go to my job.
Usage: Transportation
Tengo un regalo sorpresa _____ ti.
I have a surprise gift for you.
Usage: Recipient
Mi amiga trabaja _____ una empresa internacional.
My friend works for an international business.
Usage: Employment
Miguel habla mucho _____ teléfono.
Miguel talks on the phone a lot.
Usage: Communication
Fernando prepara la cena _____ su hermano.
Fernando makes dinner for his brother.
Usage: Recipient of something
Miguel trabaja _____ el gobierno mexicano.
Miguel works for the Mexican government.
Usage: Employment
Miguel y Fernando viajan a Madrid _____ unos días.
Miguel and Fernando are traveling to Madrid for a few days.
Usage: Destination
Ellos hacen ejercicio _____ estar guapos.
They exercise to be handsome.
Usage: Purpose/Goal
El 20 _____ ciento de los mexicanos tienen teléfonos inteligentes.
20 percent of Mexicans have smart phones.
Usage: Percentages
Mis amigos salen _____ Perú en tren esta tarde.
My friends leave for Perú by train this evening.
Usage: Destination
¡Muchas gracias _____ cocinar la cena, está deliciosa!
Thanks for cooking dinner, it’s delicious!
Usage: Reason for action, Exchange
Miguel maneja _____ llegar más seguro a México.
Miguel drives in order to arrive safer in México.
Usage: Purpose/Goal
Mi hermano necesita leer un libro _____ el martes.
My brother needs to read a book by Tuesday.
Usage: Deadline
Mi sobrina se maquilla _____ estar más guapa.
My niece puts on makeup to look more pretty.
Usage: Purpose/Goal
Mi esposa pasea _____ el parque todas las tardes.
My wife walks through the park every afternoon.
Usage: Going through an area
Mi hija tiene que visitar a su abuela _____ dos semanas.
My daughter has to visit her grandmother for two weeks.
Usage: Duration
Carlos vende su bicicleta _____ comprar una moto.
Carlos sold his bicycle to buy a motorcycle.
Usage: Purpose/Goal
Mis sobrinos ven los partidos de fútbol _____ televisión.
My nephews watch the football games on television.
Usage: Communication
La azafata pasó _____ aquí, pero no me dio nada _____ comer.
Por, Para
The stewardess passed through here, but gave me nothing to eat.
Usage: Passing Through, Purpose
_____ tu culpa no pude comprar el perro que quería.
Because of you I could not buy the dog I wanted.
Recuerden que deben tener la tarea lista _____ entregar el lunes.
Remember that you have to have the homework ready to turn in on Monday.
Cuando salgo _____ la noche, siempre voy a un bar _____ tomarme una cerveza.
Por, Para
When I go out at night, I always go to a bar to have a beer.
Es muy tonto _____ ser un doctor.
He is very dumb to be a doctor.
Compré estos zapatos _____ quince dólares, pero no creo que me duren _____ mucho tiempo _____ ser tan baratos.
Por, Por, Para
I bought these shoes for fifteen dollars, but I do not think they will last for a long time since they are so cheap.
Estudio mucho a Freud y Jung _____ ser un buen psicólogo.
I study a lot of Freud and Jung in order to be a good psychologist.
Tengo que comprar algo _____ el cumpleaños de mi hija.
I have to buy something for my daughter’s birthday.
Ella trabaja _____ ganar dinero.
She works to make money.
_____ el presidente, el desempleo es un problema muy grave.
For the president, unemployment is a serious problem.
Fueron al hospital _____ visitar a su hermana.
They went to the hospital to visit his sister.
Ese niño no duerme nada _____ la noche.
That child does not sleep at night.
______ sus malas calificaciones, sus padres no le dan más dinero.
For his poor grades, his parents do not give him more money.
Hay que hacer esto ______ mañana.
You have to do this tomorrow.
Caminaron _____ la iglesia.
They walk to the church.
Esta leyenda ha sido contada _____ muchos años.
This legend has been told for many years.
Gracias ______ regalarme un patalón nuevo.
Thanks for giving me new trousers.
Nos dio un regalo ______ nuestra ayuda.
He gave us a gift for our help.
Fueron a El Salvador _____ trabajar como misioneros.
They went to El Salvador to work as missionaries.
Necesito gafas _____ ver.
I need glasses to see.
La profesora pasó _____ aquí. Por cierto, no olvides traer tus apuntes.
The teacher came through here. By the way, do not forget to bring your notes.
_____ favor, no tires papeles al suelo.
Please do not throw litter on the ground.
_____ ser modelo, se viste muy mal.
For a model, you dressed badly.
Todo complejo industrial de tipo capitalista termina _____ morir.
All capitalistic industrial complexes eventually die.
Su poesía se caracteriza _____ la violencia de la expresión.
His poetry is characterized by the violence of expression.
Tenía la cara muy desfigurada _____ las cicatrices.
His face was so disfigured by scars.
El asesinato ha sido perpetrado _____ la madre de la víctima.
The murder was perpetrated by the mother of the victim.
¡Ya lo creo que se ha ofendido! Tiene buenos motivos _____ estarlo.
You better believe he was offended! He has good reason to be.
Toda su vida se ha jugado la piel _____ defender sus ideas.
All his life he has played skin to defend their ideas.
Lo haré _____ el bien de todos.
I will do it for the good of all.
Estoy impaciente _____ conocerle.
I am impatient to meet him.
Este anuncio no le interesa _____ nada.
This announcement is not interesting at all.
Han demostrado un gran interés _____ conocer el mecanismo del nuevo aparato.
They have shown great interest in understanding the mechanism of the new device.
Mejor que te lleves otra rueda de recambio _____ si acaso.
You better bring another spare wheel just in case.
En el casco antiguo hay unos despachos _____ alquilar.
In the old town there are offices for rent.
Los transeúntes pasaban _____ delante del palacio real.
The pedestrians walked past the royal palace.
Me preguntaron _____ ti, pero no supe decirles dónde te habías metido.
They asked for you, but I could not tell them where you have been.
Aún faltan _____ planchar unas sábanas.
There are still ironing some sheets.
Todos me toman ____ mi hermana porque nos parecemos mucho.
Everyone mistakes me for my sister because we’re a lot alike.
Brindaron _____ el buen éxito de los exámenes.
They toasted the success of the tests.
Hay que darse prisa porque está _____ empezar la transmisión.
We have to hurry because the transmission is about to begin.
Los guardias sujetaron _____ los brazos al preso.
The guards grabbed the prisoner’s arms.
Yo abogo _____ la abolición de la caza.
I advocate the abolition of hunting.
Me queda todavía mucho trabajo _____ hacer.
There is still much work for me to do.
Está ensayando mucho _____ presentarse en público.
She is rehearsing a lot to perform in public.
¡Le llaman _____ teléfono, señor!
They’re calling on the phone, sir!
Estamos muy preocupados _____ su salud mental.
We are very concerned about your mental health.
He puesto dos cuerdas _____ sujetarlo mejor.
I put two strings to hold it better.
De esta pareja se puede decir que han nacido el uno _____ el otro.
This couple can say that they were born for each other.
He preguntado _____ él _____ saber cómo andaba de salud.
Por, Para
I’ve asked him to inquire how he was healthwise.
No creo que el calentador se haya roto _____ los malos tratos, sino más bien porque es muy viejo.
I do not think the heater is broken by abuse, but rather because it is very old.
Roberto y yo salimos _____ Paraguay la semana próxima.
Roberto and I are going to Paraguay next week.
Vamos a viajar _____ aire, en avión. Tenemos billetes _____ el sábado _____ la mañana.
Por, Para, Por
We will travel through the air, by plane. We have tickets for Saturday morning.
Tuvimos que pagar tres mil dólares _____ los billetes, pero como pensamos pasar _____ Caracas y _____ Lima, donde vamos a estar _____ unos días, no es muy caro.
Por, Por, Por, Por
We had to pay three thousand dollars for the tickets, but as we go through Caracas and Lima, where we will be for a few days, is not very expensive.
Manaña _____ la tarde vamos a ir ______ «Nordstrom» _____ comprar algunos regalos _____ nuestros amigos Paraguayos.
Por, Para, Para, Para
Tomorrow afternoon we will go to “Nordstrom” to buy some gifts for our Paraguayan friends.
Desde Lima, vamos a llamar _____ teléfono a nuestros amigos de Asunción, y ellos van a ir al aeropuerto _____ recogernos.
Por, Para
From Lima, we will call our friends in Asunción, and they will go to the airport to pick us up.
Roberto me dice que _____ ser americana, hablo muy bein el español y yo le digo que me van a tomar _____ paraguaya. ¡Pensamos divertirnos mucho!
Para, Por
Roberto tells me to be American, speak I Spanish very well and I tell him that I will take on Paraguay. We have so much fun!