Por y Para Flashcards
in exchange for
“te doy diez dolares por el nuevo album de los Gipsy Kings”
Use por
” I’ll give you ten dollars for the new Gypsy Kings album”
Duration of time
we study FOR half and hour
like mph
use por
he drove more than eighty miles an hour
El conduce a mas de ochenta millas POR hora
For used for the THROUGH
movement through space
Pasamos por el bosque de lluvia cuando estabamos en Brasil
= we passed through the rain forest when we were in Brazil
motive, or reason for doing something (on behalf of )
Use Por
Me casé POR amor
I got married for (because of) love
By means of
example- “last night I spoke by phone”
Use Por
Anoche hable POR telefono
Taking the place of
“im going to sing for her”
Use Por
“Yo voy a cantar por ella”
Before an infinitive meaning “by” or “because of”
“By practicing many hours, I learned to speak Korean perfectly”
Use Por
“POR practicar muchas horas, aprendi a hablar coreano perfectement”
For Destination
This summer I am heading for salto de Angel
Use para
Este verano voy PARA Salto de Angel
When intended for (there’s a recipient)
“This bracelet is for you”
Use Para
“Esta pilsera es para ti”
For a Deadline
You must send in your taxes by April 15
Hay que enviar la declaracion de impuestos PARA el 15 de abril
For purpose or use
the drawer is for papers
La gaveta es PARA pepeles
exception to a generalization
“That boy speaks spanish quite well for a second-year student”
Ese chico nabla bastante bien en espanol PARA un estudiante del sugundo ano
Before an infinitive meaning “in order to”
In or der to sell more records…
inorder to…
Para vendir mas discos
Para = in order to
For a Viewpoint
For Emilio…
In my opinion…
Para Emilio…
Para mi,