Por vs Para Flashcards
I’m going to Valencia for a month
Me voy a valencia por un mes
The couple were dancing for dancing for three straight hours
La pareja estaba bailando por tres horas seguidas
They never go out at night
nunca salen por la noche
In the morning, I’m going to the gym
Por la manana voy al gimnasio
his first novel is published, but his second has yet to be published
Su primera novela estat publicada, pero su segunda esta por publicarse
Jose is going for milk and bread
Jose va por leche y pan
I’ll come by for you early tomorrow
Paso por ti manana temprano
He took her for a famous adtress
La tome por una actriz famosa
Pepe was angry with Rose for having gone out with another man
Pepe se enfado con Rosa por haber salido con otro hombre
We can’t go to the disco for lack of money
No podemos ir a la discoteca por falta de dinero
Jaime call me on the phone every night
Jaime me llama por telefono cada noche
they are going to Europe by boat
Van a Europa por barco
We fight for freedom
Luchamos por la libertad
We do it for all human beings
Lo hacemos por todos los seres humanos
The president is in favor of the this law
El prediente esta por esta ley
How much did you pay for the ticket?
Cuanto pagaste por el boleto?
He gave me 100 dollars for my TV
Me dio cientos de dolares por mi televisor
The old men stroll through the park
Los viejos se pasean por el parque
He entered through the window and left by the door
El entro por la ventana y salio por la puerta
They go to the movies three times a week
van al cine tres veces por semana
One should drive at 55 miles an hour
Se debe conducir a 55 millas por hora
Three times three is nine
Tres por tres son nueve
One hundred divided by twenty is 5
Cien divido por veinte son cinco
Thanks for the help
Gracias por la ayuda
I’m sorry for having call you silly
Lo siento por haberte llamado tonto
No matter how rich they may be they will not buy it
Por ricos que sean no lo compran
Because they are famous authors, they rae very much admired
Por ser escritores famosos son muy admirados
Because she is a little tired, she will take a nap
Por estar un poco candada ella tomara una siesta
Marta is not leaving because of the snow
marta no sale por la nieve