how many people is a fable population?
14 or less/km2
Examples: Canada, Autralia, groenland
How many people is a moderee population?
15-149 people/km2
examples: china, south africa, usa
how many people is a forte population?
150 or more people/km2
Examples: india. monaco, south corea
how to calculate population density?
population divided by aire en kilometres caree
Lineaire meaning (les tendances dӎtablissement)
when the establishment has been established along a line like the pattern. Historically, this has happened along the major waterways, as they are major transportation and trade routes. Ex. the windsor corridor in quebec in canada
disperse meaning (les tendances dӎtablissement)
when the establishment has been established in an area where the living conditions make it difficult to support many people. people are settled in areas far from each other. ex. northern canada
groupe meaning (les tendances dӎtablissement)
when the settlement was established very close to each other, with many people living together. ex. the greater toronto area (lots of properties in a specific location, outside of the GTA, lots of land and rural areas
Factors of etablissement
politique, economique, catastrophes naturelles, agriculture, eau, historique
How do politics effect etablissement?
le gouvernement peut encourages le gens d’aller au certaines places
les gens quitte leur pays quand ils ne partage pas les memes idees politiques
les gens aussi quitte leur pays quand ils vont au guerre
people will move to new countries if the leaders share the views and beliefs
How do economy effect etablissement?
people want to live in areas where they knoe they’ll thrive
people want to be near big industries - natural resources
la population diminu lorsque les ressources naturals diminue
bon currency, stable, les emplois
How do natural disasters effect etablissement?
les gens vont quitte et ne vont pas demenage a les places ou il y a du chance a harm coming to them
people die, get injured, lose their belongings
How do agriculture effect etablissement?
ont besion de nourriture pour vivre
acces au leau, terre fertile
si la place est bien pour agriculture, le climat vont etre bon
prends beaucoup de places
How do water effect etablissement?
l’eau est essentielle a la vie
le transport (canot, navires, etc)
l’eau est essentielle pour l’agriculture, l’industrie et les usages personnelle
defence, fresh water
How does history effect etablissement?
when people first moved there, they did it because the land was good
history builds the cultures of areas
les guerres
declining population chart
mostly old people