Population properties Flashcards
Lec 1 & 2
Who is Thomas Malthus?
Malthesian Model in population growth.
What is the REDLIST?
international coloboration of endangered species.
comes down to the population size and variance.
African Penguin
Breeds in 28 places.
only the breeding sites on land masses (africa) are the protected ones.
Considered as a endangered Animals - why the decrease in he population?
egg and guano harvesting and food competition with humans.
What is a population?
a group of potentially interbreeding individuals of the same species occupying a defined area.
What are characteristics that result from being in aggregation of interacting individuals?
Structure - number, age distribution density, spacing
Dynamics - continuous changw ethrough time; births; deaths; maturation
in populations these variables can determine how “successful” it will be.
What is a modular / clonar individual?
Individuals that have more than one copy.
- one tree can be a clone of another and is connected via roots.
dont take whatever info you are given at face value
What is an unitary individual?
organism that has its own genes.
What is population distribution?
The area that a population occupy’s. - not constant in time.
What is a climate change sentinel?
population is changing due to climate change to some extent.
How to calculate population abundance?
density x area = PA
What are the different kinds of distribution?
- normal distribution
- clumped distribtution
- random distribution
arrangement and distribution is important to calculate the entire distribution of a population.
What eeds to be considerd when trying to measure the distribution of a population?
Different considerations need to be taken into account:
- plot counts
- line transects
- belt transects
What are some challenges with sampling density of a population?
crude density - density per total habitat area
ecological density - density per unit habitable area
relative density - not actual density but comparative.
How can we deal with these challenges?
Removeal sampling:
Catch per unit effort - measure the catch per certain amount of time compare it later in time.
calculating a relative measure of what the population is doing over time.
Standardised sampling:
Mark-recapture methods:
N (estimate population size) =M(total # animals captured and marked first) C(total # animals captured on second mark) /R (# aniamls recaptured on 1 and 2 time)
problem = tag shedding and lack of mixing
What is a population structure?
Largely controlled by mortality; natality; maturation.
Strong differences btw short & long-lived species.
Strong differences between populations with discreet non-overlapping generations and continuous or annual reproductive behaviour
What is an age structure?
They are often depicted as age pyramids.
Developing have high ratios of young people to old people.
The ratios between young and old people are more equal in developed countries.
Gender ratios
Population dynamics are determined by?
Births added
Deaths subtracted
- just looking at births and deaths known as a closed population
Immigration - entering a population
Emigration - leaving a population
- An open population can move between groups.
What are the population dynamic features?
Largely controlled by mortality, natality; maturation
Strong differences btw short & long-lived species
Strong differences between populations with discreet, non-overlapping generations and continuous or annual reproductive behavior.
N(t) = N(t-1) + births - deaths
Model of exponential growth:
dN/dt= rN
To calculate population size:
N(t) = N(0) e^rt
What is the model of population growth?
The change in population size over time is equal to the rate of population growth multiplied by the population.
Variance in a population data series.
process variation:
- Demographic: population growth rate
- environmental: temporal and saptial
- individual: phenotypic and genotypic variations.
Deterministic growth model
r>0 population will persist
r<0 population will go extinct
r=0 population will remain at a stable size.
Logistic growth model
The logistic (sigmoid) curve of population growth over time. The
carrying capacity (K) and MSY (= K/2) are indicated along with
phases of slow and fast population growth.
- Phase 1: population increases at an exponential rate.
- Phase 2: deceleration towards equilibrium.
- Phase 3: population asymptotes at carrying capacity.
All populations converge on the carrying capacity, the speed at which they approach K is related to growth rate (r)
The Logistic equation is a much more reasonable model than the exponential growth equation because we know that populations must have an upper limit to growth. there is not enough matter in the universe to support exponential populations forever.
population overshoot
when there is longterm sustained degradation to an environment the carrying capacity starts to degrade.