Population - Human Environments Flashcards
In the context of developed and developing countries: - use of social and economic indicators - physical and human factors influencing global population distribution - factors affecting birth and death rates
Study Diagram Q11. Choose one economic and one social indicator from the table. Explain the ways in which your chosen indicators show the level of development in a country (4).
Look at Diagram Q12. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of recent developments in farming in developed countries such as the UK. (5)
Study Diagram Q9A
Give reasons for the differences between the population structures of Austria
and Nigeria.
You should refer to both birth rates and death rates in your answer. (6)
Look at Diagram Q9B.
Give reasons for falling worldwide death rates. (4)
Look at Diagram Q12.
Give reasons for the differences in population density across the world. You may refer to both physical and human factors in your answer. (6)
Study Diagram Q13 Explain the differences in the population structures of Bolivia and the Netherlands. You should refer to both birth rates and death rates in your answer. (6)
Study Diagram Q12A. Describe, in detail, the different Gross National Incomes in 2015 worldwide. (4)
Look at Diagram Q12B.
Choose one social and one economic indicator of development shown in the table. Explain how your two chosen indicators show the level of development in a country. (4)
Look at Diagram Q7.
Explain why there are areas of different population density across the world. Your answer should refer to both physical and human factors. (4)
Look at Diagram Q7
Give reasons for falling worldwide death rates (6)
Look at Diagram Q7 Give reasons why the birth rate has decreased in developed countries such as Scotland. (6)
Define the term ‘Population’
Define the term ‘developed country’
These countries are sometimes referred to as ‘more economically developed countries’ (MEDCs). They include countries that have a high standard of living or high physical quality of life.
Define the term ‘developing country’
Sometimes referred to as ‘less economically developed countries’ (LEDCs). The population generally has a low standard of living.
The level of development of a country can be determined by using a set of ___________ and ___________ social indicators.
Fill in the gaps
economic and social indicators
Define the term ‘economic indicators’
Define the term ‘social indicators’
What are types of economic indicators?
- Gross National Product (GNP)
- the active population
- average per capita income
- consumption of electricity per capita
- percentage unemployment
- data showing steel production in tonnes per capita
- trade patterns in terms of import and export figures
- trade balances in terms of surplus or deficits
What does ‘Gross National Product (GNP) mean?
The value of all goods and services produced by a country in a given period of time, such as one year. It is used as an indicator of the wealth of a country. However, it does not always reveal how well spread the wealth is among the population in general.
How can the Gross National Product (GNP) be used as an economic indicator to help define a country’s level of development?
What does ‘the active population mean’?
The section of the population of country which is economically active/working
How can the data on ‘active population’ be used as an economic indicator to help define a country’s level of development?
What does ‘average per capita incomes’ mean?
How can the ‘average per capita income’ be used as an economic indicator to help define a country’s level of development?
What does ‘consumption of electricity per capita (kilowatts per capita) mean?
How can the ‘consumption of electricity per capita’ be used as an economic indicator to help define a country’s level of development?
What does ‘percentage unemployment’ mean?
How can the ‘percentage of unemployment’ be used as an economic indicator to help define a country’s level of development?
What does ‘steel production in tonnes per capita’ mean?
How can the ‘steel production in tonnes per capita’ be used as an economic indicator to help define a country’s level of development?
What does ‘trade patterns in terms of import and export figures’ mean?
How can the ‘import and export trade figures’ be used as an economic indicator to help define a country’s level of development?
What does ‘trade balances in terms of surplus or deficits’ mean?
How can the ‘trade balances of surplus and deficits’ be used as an economic indicator to help define a country’s level of development?
What are types of social indicators?
- birth rate
-death rate - infant mortality rate
- life expectancy rate
- population structure e.g. distribution of age and sex (gender)
- average calorie intake per capita
- the average number of people per doctor
- literacy rates as an indication of the level of education
- the percentage of the population with access to clean water
- the percentage of homeless people
- the percentage of the population attending primary secondary school
What does ‘birth rate’ mean?
The number of births per thousand of the population in a country in a given year.
This is a basic measure which is why it is termed as crude.
What does ‘death rate’ mean?
The number of deaths per thousand of the population in a country in a given year.
This is a basic measure which is why it is termed as crude.
What does ‘infant mortality rate’ mean?
The number of children below the age of one years old who die each year, per thousand of the population.
What does ‘life expectancy rate’ mean?
The average age a person can expect to live to in a particular country. This is a good indicator of level of development, since people in more developed countries tend to live longer due to better healthcare, better diets, higher standards of education and housing etc.
What does ‘population structure’ mean?
The grouping of the population of a country by age and sex. Analysis of the population structure may also indicate trends in birth an death rates, life expectancy and the possible impact of factors such as war and migration on the population.
What does ‘calorie intake per capita’ mean?
What does ‘literacy rates’ mean?
How can the ‘birth rate’ be used as a social indicator to help define a country’s level of development?
How can the ‘death rate’ be used as a social indicator to help define a country’s level of development?
How can the ‘infant mortality rate’ be used as a social indicator to help define a country’s level of development?
How can the ‘life expectancy rate’ be used as a social indicator to help define a country’s level of development?
How can the ‘population structure (age and sex/gender)’ be used as a social indicator to help define a country’s level of development?