Population Genetics (L19-21) Flashcards
frequency of heterozygotes
Genotype frequency
number of individuals with genotype/total individuals
So all frequencies add to 1
Allele frequency
Number of allele present/total allele
So all allele frequencies add to 1
Assumptions of population genetics
x 4
- diploid organisms
- Non-overlapping generations
- Autosomal loci
- Random mating
Hardy Weinberg assumptions - therefore some of the assumptions of population genetics
x 8
- Random mating
- No selection
- No migration
- No mutation
- Non-overlapping generations
- Autosomal locus
- Infinite population size
- Diploid organisms
Allele lottery
the idea that the allele frequency in next gen under genetic drift is going to be subject to stochastic sampling
The frequency of homozygotes - tending to homozygosity means tending towards all being homozygotes
Using effective population size, what is a large population and what is a small population
large is Ne of >10,000
small is <100
genetic differentiation
a difference in allele frequency between subpopulations due to genetic drift causing allele frequency divergence
Wahlund effect
The deficiency of heterozygotes compared to HWE when summing across subpopulations
Fixation index
the proportional difference between expected heterozygosity in the total population and actual heterozygosity in total population
- also known as
proportion of genetic variance in subpop relative to total pop - level of inbreeding in subpop compared to total pop
Homozygosity for alleles that are identical - by - descent (idb)
= autozygosity
What is F
The inbreeding coefficient = the probability that two randomly drawn alleles are ibd
mating system inbreeding
non-random mating among relatives, regardless of population size
What does μstand for?
the constant rate of mutation per locus per generation
What happens if fitness is random with respect to genotype?
No selection occurs
Absolute measurement of fitness
average total number of surviving offspring for a genotype
Relative fitness
fitness compared to another genotype - easiest to compare difference in fitness
What do we ignore when using relative fitness
changes in population size
2 different components of fitness
- survival to adulthood
2. fecundity
What is fecundity
the reproductive output of an individual
- usually the maximum
- combines gamete production and mating sucess
what is s
the selection coefficient - or selection differential
3 x origins of adaptive alleles
- new mutation - like melanism in peppered moths or insecticide resistance
- Standing genetic variation - so already there but was neutral or deleterious - repeatability of evolution with sticklebacks
- Adaptive introgression
What is the major consequence of inbreeding
inbreeding depression
what is inbreeding depression
a reduction in fitness of a population due to inbreeding
Mating system inbreeding
leads to higher visibility of deleterious alleles to selection - as more homozygote recessive
heterozygote advantage
2 types of balancing selection
- Overdominance = rare
2. frequency dependence
what is r
the recombination fraction
what is the recombination fraction
number of offspring that inherit different alleles of a trait from each parent
what is r maximum
- 5
- when no linkage of alleles
what is r<0.5
is r is less than 0.5 then linked loci
causes of linkage disequilibrium
x 2
- gene flow among populations - with different allele frequencies
- selection for allelic associations - so certain combinations have higher frequency
Chromosomal inversions
rearrangement produced by two breakages and inverts the gene on a chromosome
when multiple gene loci accumulate and are inherited together due to chromosomal inversion
what affects the size of the region of neutral variation at linked sites due to directional selection at one locus
the recombination rate near selected locus
what is a selective swap
directional selection at a locus causes a loss of neutral variation at linked sites
how to escape a local optimum - Wright
genetic drift
fate of a favourable allele depends on 8 things
what are they?
- selection differential s
- initial frequency (especially if allele only now favourable)
- Population size - determines drift
- dominance relationships
- presence of frequency dependence
- temporal variation in s
- presence of gene flow with a population where allele absence or not under selection
- Linkage - to other favourable or unfavourable