Population Genetics Flashcards
Polygenic Inheritance
Many phenotypic differences are said to be due to allelic inconsistencies at a single locus.
However, polygenic inheritance is that which requires the participation of 2 or more genes to produce a phenotype.
IN REALITY there is no trait that only involves a single gene. However, when we look at mutants we are looking at the impact of the mutant allele. Some alleles at the individual loci can make major differences in phenotype.
Discrete vs Continuous traits
Discrete - you don’t have to measure the phenotype; it is either there or it isn’t e.g. you are either a dwarf or not.
Quantitative - needs to be measured because it has a frequency distribution (with mean, range, standard deviation etc.) and precise measurement e.g. the heights of dwarves vary slightly and this can be measured.
Same phenotype - many possible causes
Many genes:
Many genes contribute to phenotype and traits such as height rely on additive genes.
Those with more + wild type alleles will have more of the phenotype than those with less. Many traits arise as the product of biochemical pathways, and genes affect each part of the pathway.
One gene plus the variation induced by the environment produces a distribution and each genotype can be stacked to produce a bell curve with a single mode.
Phenotypes are often different in different environments. This difference can be due to environment not genotype. Also, a genotype may be superior only in certain conditions which means the environment affects its expression.
Trait = due to genes and environment. What we want to know is how much input each factor has into the trait. You inherit genes from your parents, but you also grow up in a shared environment with them that makes you resemble them just as a much.
Heritability vs. familiality = Heritability arises from shared genotypes, however traits are familial if members of the same family share them, for any reason not just genotypic.
Additive Genetic variation
- most valueable for breeding exponentially
- A1A1 = lowest yield
- A1A2 = intermediate yield = mean of A1 and A2, predictive
- A2A2 =highest yield
- can sum across loci, predictive
- can reliably select to change phenotypic distribution
Dominance unpredictable and not useful for breeding i.e. A1A2 same as A1A1 = A1 dominant
Overdominance = A1A2 higher yield that A1A1, good for breeder but unpredictable
Total phenotypic variance
- easily calculated
- made up of components
Vphenotypic = Vgenetic + Venviro.
Vphenotypic = Vadditive + Vdominance + Venviro.
- narrow sense heritability
- h2 = Vadditive/Vphenotypic
- proportion of phenotypic variance due to genetic variance
1. Offspring-parent regression:
h2 = 1, max heritability value
h2 = 0, no relationship between offspring and parent
h2 between 0 and 1
y = mean of offspring
x = mid parent = (mum+dad)/2
- Response to selection
selection differential = strength of selection = meansp - meanF
Response = mean0 - meanF
h2 = response/selection differential
h2= (mean0 - meanF)/ (meansp - meanF)
Heritablity only valid in environment in which it is measured, can be changed by environment >> cannot extrapolate, specific to the ‘population’ in which it is measured as it depends on available additive variation
Broad sense heritability
= Vgenotypic/Vphenotypic
Population Genetics
Population genetics is a direct extension of Mendel’s laws, molecular genetics, and Darwin’s ideas.
Population genetics is the study concerned with measuring levels of variation, examining factors which influence these levels, and thus explain these levels.
The focus is on the population not the individual and only individuals that are reproductive really count since only they contribute to the gene pool.
Population = a group of individuals in the same species that are able to breed with one another. These large populations are usually composed of smaller groups called subpopulations.
Subpopulations are also known as local populations and/or demes and the individuals within them are far more likely to breed with each other than members of the general population. This is often due to geographic or ecological barriers. Populations can change and mathematical theories have been developed to predict how this will change the gene pool:
- size
- geographic location
- genetic composition (allele frequencies)
Detecting and measuring variation
- Visible phenotype = although some alleles do affect the visible phenotype there are countless others that do not and thus you can’t detect them with visible phenotypes.
- Chromosomal rearrangements = large chromosomal rearrangements such as inversions can be seen down a microscope.
- Immunological markers = these are phenotypes we can recognise using antibodies. There are over 30 blood groups in humans which is all well and good except we still miss variation because there is allelic variation within these different phenotypes.
- Allozymes = variations in enzymes and proteins can be measured using electrophoresis. However, this only detects variation when the allele changes the amino acids and its charge and the DNA is in the coding region. Two ore more enzymes (encoded by the same gene) with alterations in aa sequence, may alter their mobility during gen electrohphoresis.
- Restriction site variation = cutting out parts of DNA. Limited to where you cut. RFLPs.
- DNA sequencing = the ultimate method that detects ALL variation.
Factors involved in DNA sequencing
Single nucleotide polymorphisms - single nucleotide changes in the same location of the genomes of two naturally occurring individuals.
Microsatellite number (tandem repeats) = detecting variation in the amount of microsatellite copies. Very useful for identifying people in disasters, forensics etc.
Variation among homologous DNA sequences = sequences don’t always have to lie entirely within the genes.
Haplotype Networks
A haploid genome, the DNA molecule within a single chromosome. These can be compared with one another using haplotype networks.
- look at variation within/outside genes
- look at variation across genes
- see evolution between haplotypes
- how variation within genes evolved
Variation present in natural populations
Two parameters:
- Heterozygosity - under HW law
- Nucleotide diversity
Heterozygosity = the amount of individuals that are heterozygous for a gene in a population.
Heterozygosity is measured with expected heterozygosity and observed heterozygosity (for single loci).
For multiple loci = average heterozygosity
Gene diversity = expected heterozygosity.
Hexp = 2pq = 1-(p2 + q2)
Gene diversity can be calculated for a single nucleotide site (Hexp for that nucleotide)
Nucleotide diversity is the average gene diversity across all nucleotide sites in a gene including the ones that vary and the ones that don’t.
Gene pool
- individuals that contribute to gene pool of next generation
- only 2 gene sequence that differ at all in any nucleotide, classified based on phenotypic differences
- if we recognise based on phenotype, many different sequences for that gene may yield the same phenotype
- low variation
- more variation in invertebrates and unicellular organism
- age of species relate to amount of variation
- small subset of variation is significant to phenotype (5 million nucleotide differences between individuals)
- common SNPs every 300 to 1000 bp in human genome
- common = if the less frequent variant occurs at a frequency of 5% or greater
Aside: There are two meanings of allele kind of - there is that in which we refer to sequences being alleles if they have any nucleotide difference. However, we can also define alleles as sequences that result in a different phenotype not necessarily just a different code.
Refers to when there are two or more alleles at a locus and the rarer allele has a frequency in the population higher than can be explained by mutation alone. Most genetic disorders in humans occur at frequencies too low to be considered polymorphisms.
Balanced (stable) polymorphism = allele and genotypic frequencies are maintained by balancing selection.
- mechanisms:
1. environmental heterogeneity
2. heterozygous advantage (hetero. has highest fitness)
3. frequent dependent selection - the rare the genotype, the fitter
Transient polymorphisms = when allele and genotypic frequencies are changing and variation is decreasing due to genetic drift. Process may be very slow.
HW Assumptions
- Random mating
- Infinite population size
- No selection
- No migration
- No mutation
- most populations conform to HW
- small net effect of non-assumptions i.e. non-random mating
Degrees of freedom for chi-squared = no. of phenotypes - no. of alleles.
When alleles are rare, they essentially never exist as homozygotes in a population. However, Heterozygotes aren’t uncommon and if these were homozygous it would be lethal or result in a debilitating disease.
Sex linked conditions are more common in males because the frequency is p vs. p^2 for females and if the allele frequency is small this is significant.
The ratio of males: females with colour blindness is 12.5:1. wow