Population Genetics Flashcards
Population and Evolutionary Genetics
is the study of genetic variation in populations and in evolution:
- how genetic variation arises, how it varies, how it is
In genetics, a population is defined as a localised group of interbreeding individuals of the same species.
All the alleles of a gene in a population make up the gene pool.
Many traits show variation in a population, called
polymorphism - multiple “morphs” or forms of a trait.
Variation or polymorphism in traits can be examined at different levels:
Most genes are polymorphic – more than one allele present in population.
- If only one - called monomorphic and allele is fixed in
the population.
Biochemical Polymorphism - alcohol dehydrogenase
Example: Alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme – breaks down ethanol.
In Drosophila comes in different forms called allozymes:
- migrate differently in gel electrophoresis – called Fast and Slow forms.
- Before DNA methods were available, allozymes were used widely to study variation in populations.
Can define genetic structure of a population by
frequencies of different genotypes, or by frequencies of alleles.
Example: one gene, two alleles that show incomplete
dominance for flower colour.
Hypothetical population of 500 individuals:
320 red, 160 pink, 20 white.
Note: When alleles are incompletely or co-dominant can
determine genotype from phenotype - so know genotype of
every individual in population.
Incomplete dominance
Heterozygote has intermediate phenotype
Genotypic and phenotypic ratios of F2
1: 2: 1
Genotype frequencies:
Number in the population with that genotype/ total population
Frequency of alleles
p + q = 1
DNA marker alleles are co-dominant – so
can use to work out allele frequencies
Example: CCR5 gene in humans (C Chemokine Receptor 5)
– receptor for HIV.
Mutation with 32bp deletion – null allele, resistant to HIV.
- can genotype with PCR.
The Hardy-Weinberg Principle
Describes gene pool of a population that is not evolving.
i.e. the allele and genotype frequencies remain constant from generation to generation
(so also called H-W equilibrium).
-If mating is random, every male gamete unites at random with every female gamete,
- frequencies of pairings depend on the allele frequencies e.g. ferquency of allele CR is 0.8 there’s a 80% chance an egg pairing with sperm has CR allel
Can think of all the alleles being in a “bin” or pool, and reproduction occurring by selecting two at random
If gametes unite randomly, how can you calculate genotype frequencies in next generation:
p = freq CR q = freq CW p + q = 1 Expected genotype frequencies: CRCR CRCW CWCW p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1
These frequencies are
the same as in previous generation
General Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
For two alleles A and a.
Let p = freq A, q = freq a
Genotypic frequencies will be:
A2 + 2Aa +a2 = 1
Applying the H-W Principle
In many cases dominance is complete, so can’t determine genotype of all individuals.
But can still use H-W theory to calculate allele frequencies and estimate genotype frequencies.
e.g. may want to estimate carrier frequency for recessive human disorder.
Example: a human recessive disorder albinism occurs in
1/10,000 births.
What is the expected frequency of carriers?
p2 + 2pq +q2 = 1
q = √1/10000
q = 0.01
p = 1-q
p = 0.99
2pq = 0.0198
Genotypes will stay in H-W equilibrium only if
- the population is very large
- there is no gene flow
- there is no natural selection
- there is no mutation
- there is random mating
If any of these do not apply then allele and genotype
frequencies will change – microevolution.
The mechanisms that most commonly alter allele frequencies
are due to violations of conditions 1-3
Genetic Drift
If population size is not very large, genotype and allele
frequencies can change due to random sampling effects, called genetic drift.
e.g. out of 10 flower 5 leaves offspring then in generation 2 only 3 leaves offspring = all red
In small populations genetic drift acts faster and with greater consequences
- causes fixation of one allele or the other (randomly).
WHAT Certain circumstances can increase effect of drift:
(1) Bottleneck – sudden dramatic decrease in population size - Bottlenecks can be due to natural disasters.
(2) Founder Effect – isolation of a few individuals to form new population
In either case, certain alleles may
be over represented in new
population, others under