Population case studies Flashcards
Nigeria: Overall population size
The 6th largest in the world - 170 million
Nigeria: Population in 1950?
40 million
Nigeria: Fertility rate
Nigeria: What percentage of the country lives on under $1 per day
Nigeria: Social problems
50% youth unemployment in urban areas pushing people into Boko Haram, strained infrastructure means lack of access to sanitation and water
Nigeria: Environmental problems
10th most polluted city in Africa for air quality
Nigeria: The government made contraception free, but why did this solution not work?
Nigeria is a highly religious country, just over 53% Muslim and 46% Christian, and the use of contraception is heavily frowned upon
Nigeria: Government campaigns to encourage people to have smaller families - another failure??
These failed as they are at odds with Nigerian cultural values
Thailand: How much did the population increase by between 1960 and 2021?
From 27 million to 71 millon, a growth of 161% across the 61 year period.
Thailand: Which year had the highest rate of population increase?
1964 with 3.05%
Thailand: What was the original reason why the condom policy began? When?
To tackle AIDS in 1968
Thailand: Between 1968 and 1970, what program was launched?
Thailand: The “family health project” trained thousands of auxilliary midwives and nurses who were then also allowed to prescribe pills - this helped to increase access to contraception even in rural areas
Thailand: What was the slogan of the National Family Planning Program?
“The more children, the poorer”
Thailand: What were some of Michai Viravaidya’s initiatives?
Condom blowing competitions in schools, free male vasectomy festivals on the king’s birthday, a restaurant and resort chiain called “cabbages and condoms”
Thailand: What has been the change in fertility rate between the late 60’s and today?
From more than 6 children on average to below 2, and an annual population growth of 1.2%
Thailand: What is one significant falure of the National Family Planning Program
It is a victim of its own success - the population has been reduced so heavily that ageing persons account for 20% of the population, and the old age dependency ratio is forecast to triple before 2050. This puts it in a similar position as Japan, and brings a host of new issues.