Population and Migration YEAR 7 Flashcards
What is Population?
Population is the number of people in a particular place.
What is Population Density?
Population Density is the number of people per km square.
What is Population Distribution?
Population Distribution is how a population is spread out an area.
What is Birth Rate?
The number of babies born per 1000 people.
What is Death Rate?
The number of people who die per 1000 people.
What is Natural Increase?
The difference between the number of live deaths and births throughout the year.
What is Population Growth Rate?
The speed at which the population increases.
What is Ageing Population?
The growth in the population of older people in the population.
What are Economic Migrants?
They are people that move from one country to another to advance their economic and professional prospects.
What are Asylum Seekers?
A person who has left their home country as a political refugee and is seeking asylum in another country.
What are Refugees?
a person that has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster. A refugee has already received a positive decision form the authorities on his or her asylum claim.
What are illegal Immigrants?
A person who arrives in a country without permission.
What is Migration?
It is the movement from one place to another.
What is Immigration?
When you move to another country.
What is International Migration?
Migration across borders.
What is Net Migration?
It is the difference between Immigration and Emigration in one country.
What is Emigration?
When you move into a new country.