Population And Environment key words Flashcards
The science behind genetic modification
A group that works together to share costs and maximise profits
Population distribution
The pattern of where people live
A cross section of soil
Capital investment
Funds invested in a firm or enterprise for the purposes of furthering its business objectives
Population density
The number of people living in an area, usually given as a number of people per km2
Depth and food deficit
A measure of the difference between average good consumption and average food requirements (in kilocalories per person per day)
Growing plants in air that contains a mist of water with nutrients
Fertility rate
This is the average number of children that are born to a woman during her lifetime
Artificial pesticides and fertilisers that are using in farming
The shape of the land
Temperate zone
A region with mild climate found at the mid-latitudes
Consuming an unsuitable amount of energy, protein and nutrients
Food security
When people have enough affordable and nutritious food to eat.
Urban and peri urban horticulture
Subsistence farming that takes place on small plots of land within and around the edge of cities