population and environment Flashcards
The biological component of Earth systems, the part where life exists
also know as Ecosphere
Biotic potential
Number of births controlled by the natural reproductive potential of the species and survival rates of offspring.
Carrying capacity
A calculation of how large a population any given environment can support
Density dependent
There are limiting factors which restrict population growth, factors caused by the size of the population
Density independent
Factors not associated with size of population but restrict growth
Ecological footprint
A measure of demand placed by humans on Earth’s natural ecosystems, the total area of productive land and water required to produce the resources a population consumes
Environmental resistance
Death rates controlled by environmental factors that prevent survival
Global hectares (gha)
the total biologically productive area of Earths natural systems available to provide food, water, energy and other resources that we use as humans and to absorb the waste
Over population
Too many people for the available resources
Optimum population
An ideal balance between population and resources
A point when a populations consumption of resource exceeds the long term capacity of the environment to regenerate the resources being consumed
Total productive bio-capacity
A unit of measurement which represents the average productivity of all biologically productive areas on Earth in a given year
Under population
Too few people to use the available resources effectively
Permanent migration
Permanent change of residence
Temporary migration
people cross state boundaries and stay in bait state for minimum length of time
Economic migrant
Daily movements to and from home
Seasonal movements for agriculture
International migrants
Forced to leave country in order to escape war, prosecution, natural disaster
Step migration
migrating in a series of shorter movements from place of origin to destination
International migration
Person who travels from one country or area to another to improve their standard of living
Asylum seeker
left home country as political refugee seeking asylum in another
Forced migration
follows natural disaster, persecution, war
could be result of gradual deterioration of economic opportunities
Voluntary migration
current circumstances and hope of better standard of living possible elsewhere
Dhaka, Bangladesh
more than 44,500 per km2
between 2000-2013 India has experienced
-BR 21 to 20 per 1000
-FR 3 to 2 births per woman
-life expectancy 62 to 66 by 2014
ability to control diseases
-penicillin 1948
-sanitation late 1800s
-antibacterial products 1950s
-mosquito nets 1970s
-antiretroviral drugs 1990s
pop density unraveled distributed due to access to Nile
densely populated areas related to water supply or resource distribution.
-ganges valley india
-eastern china
-SE asia
-NW europe
areas of pop sparsity in 2020 correlated with
-continental interiors
-coke temps in siberia and canadian shield
climate effects on pop
- Mauritania W Africa
-pop density 3.36 pr km2
-90% desert
soils on pop
-pop density 0.03 per km2
topography on pop
- Bhutan E Himalayan Mountains
-16.52 per km2
resource distribution on pop.
-Namibia S Africa
-2.56 per km2
population 2023 and expectation
-8 billion
-projected to reach 9.7B by 2050
-60% of worlds pop
-india and china have most
early 1960s
- global food supplies= 2,300 kcal per person per day
-poor countries=below 2,000
-enough food to provide everyone with more than 2,940kcal a day
820M suffering from it in 2018
good consumption
-mid 1960s to 2015 increase by nearly 600 kcal a day
regions suffering from undernourishment
-sub saharan africa
- south, central and eastern Asia
cereal, root crops, flat land, higher quality soils
livestock rearing,
semi-desert regions of W Africa
mixed farming
- arable and livestock
-high investment in labour and/or capital (machinery)
-horticulture in Cornwall
-farmers/ agribusiness specialising in single crop
-grain in N America
-low inputs of labour machinery and capital, large areas of land
-Hill Sheep farming Snowdonia
subsistence farming
-direct production of sufficient food to feed a family/ community
-tribes in venezuela
labour intensive
-man power, little capital
-fruit picking
- estimated 200M people engage in urban agriculture contributing to food supple of 800M urban dwellers
global security in the urbanising world
-by 2050 2/3 will live in urban areas
- in next 20yrs 95% of world’s pop growth will occur in developing nations
-80% of food for cities comes from domestic sources in rural areas
-alluvial and clay soils
-less rainfall
-loose and sandy soil
CC and agriculture
-people in sub saharan africa to be affected the most, agriculture 23% of economy
36B tonnes lost a year due to water erosion and deforestation
wind erosion control
increase plant cover by up to 50%?
10% of all arable land affected
-world needs to produce 50% more food by 2050
-by 2018 had allocated $1.7B to projects to tackle hunger
post production losses
about 25% of food for human consumption goes uneaten
risk is constant threat of food poisoning caused by a flatoxin contamination, so widespread in east africa it’s an epidemic
food storage to stop food poisoning
-FAO built more than 45,000 metal storage silos in 16 developing countries
good loss and waste reduction targets
EU announced target of reducing food loss and waste by 50% in 2050
most places below replacement level fertility
2 children per woman
sub saharan africa FR
above 5 children per woman
between 2000-2016
-HIV/Aids no longer in top 10 causes of death
-respiratory infections ^
-tuberculosis down
-diabetes now in top 10
responsible for 71% of all deaths in 2018
In 2016 WHO
-suggested if 41M deaths caused by NCDs
-15M between 30+69
-low and middle income countries affected with 32M of all the deaths
responsible for 24% deaths from natural disasters in 2018
ambient air pollution
causes 16% of lung cancer deaths
Greenpeace report
22 of 30 most polluted cities were in India
WHO 2017
3.8M deaths due to household air pollution
highest BR and FR
2018, 46/1000
East Timor
98% catholic
FR 5 per woman
UK labour
1/2 labour force woman
FR 1.89
Niger child marriage
-3/4 girls married before 18
-FR 6.6
Brazil 2018
had a demographic dividend
causes of migration
-syrian children can’t attend school
-syrian civil war erupted in 2011 left for Europe
patterns of migration
-Eastern Mediterranean becoming primary maritime route in 2015
- more than 155,000 crossed from Serbia to Hungary
-migrants arriving in Europe by sea in 2015: 25% under 18 and 58% males over 18
consequences of migration
-summer 2015 at least 9 dues trying to reach britain
-nearly 3,000 perished crossing mediterranean
-turkey spent more than US$6B hosting refugees
overpopulated country
underpopulated country
skin cancer
-australia and NZ worst prevalence 33/1000
- only 2000 die a year
fertility rate
-1960 4.98
-2015 2.45
by 2050
africa will experience most rapid pop growth more than 2x
by 2030
india projected to overtake china in most populous
USA and nigeria
USA currently has 3rd biggest population but UN predicts Nigeria likely to rise 7th to 3rd by 2050
opted out of paris climate agreement in 2017