Population Flashcards
China has a trade…
HDI stands for…
human development index, a measure of education wealth and health.
The crude birth rate is…
TFR is…
Total fertility rate and it is the average number of children born per woman of reproductive age.
Brazils TFR decreased from…
6.3 in the 1960s to 1.9 today.
(Brazil) People have more access to family…
planning(contraception, abortions(allowed), preservatives) and improved medical treatment.
(Brazil) End of dictatorship resulted in…
more rights and emancipation of woman. More female college graduates than males.
(Brazil) Small families are presented as…
a trend of the modern world.
(Brazil) Increased urbanisation and fewer people are…
(Brazil) Percentage of a female workforce is…
(Brazil) Rising consumerism and…
materialism, so less money left for raisin many children.
(Brazil) In 1980 only…
36% of people had a TV in 2000 90%.
(Brazil) There is a move from religious education to…
state education, showing economic benefits of having fewer children and forms of family planning.
(Brazil) Urban areas have spatial…
issues resulting in carrying capacity issues.
(Brazil) In 2008 a female called…
Dilma Youssef was elected, more rights for woman.
Factors affecting levels of fertility:
- demographics
- social/cultural
- economic
- political
(Affected TFR) In Demographics particularly mortality…
rates influence fertility. When infant mortality is high, adults have more children to compensate for the deaths.
(Affected TFR) Social/Cultural, such as traditions…
demand for high rates of reproduction. Level of education is important for lowering the TFR.
(Affected TFR) Economic in many LICs children are…
considered as an economic asset, because of the work they do when they grow up=support of parents.
(Affected TFR) Political is when governments sometimes try to…
influence the growth of the population for economic and strategic reasons(China One child policy)
(Japan) has issues with…
(Japan) There are so-called…
“Herbivore” men who struggle with a relationship.
(Japan) The proportion of young people in the relationship is:
(Japan) Matching parties are organised which are…
events set up to meet people and find partners. The government spends 30$ million on this and marriages.
Hans Rosling was…
demographer, who claimed that religion has a minimum impact on the TFR.
Factors affecting the TFR by Rosling:
- woman in the workplace
- the income of families
- family planning
- infant mortality
4 main ways to manage population:
- focus on natural increase
- focus on carrying capacity
- focus on migration
- radical options
Radical options include:
racial segregation(South Africa), ethnic cleansing (Kosovo, Rwanda).
To manage natural increase, carrying capacity and migration the government needs to consider…
positive(add something) or negative(reduce something) checks.
Positive and negative checks include:
- policy
- education/propaganda
- sanctions
- subsudies
All 4 options of the managing population have…
consequences. In general more aggressive policies results in more aggressive conseguences.
(Singapore) The government has controlled…
the population growth since independence, to prevent overpopulation on the island.
(Singapore) The policy of small families was so…
successful that in the mid-1980s they had to reverse it.
(Singapore) What percentage of people are EA?
(Singapore) The TFR in 2015 was…
(Singapore) Incentives to encourage fertility:
- tax breaks for a third child
- cheap nurseries
- pregnant women are offered soecial therapists to discourage abortion and help them to raise children
(Singapore) There are nursing…
rooms at the workplace.
(Singapore) Maternity leave is…
16 weeks and 8 weeks are paid by the government.
(Singapore) Schools have policy teach less…
learn more, so fewer exams and hw.
The carrying capacity is…
the maximum number of people a country can hold based on its resources.
J-curve theory involves…
population to exceed the carrying capacity and sudden radical check takes place on population, decreasing it.
S-curve theory involves…
fast growing population but the check is introduced at the right time so the population doesn’t exceed the carrying capacity=becomes stable
S-curve is more…
positive and less aggressive than J-curve
Little Emperor syndrome was caused by…
China’s one-child policy.
Little Emperor syndrome refers to…
a child who receives excessive attention from its parents.
Little Emperor syndrome results in…
psychological demand from parents on the child. Eventually, creates pressure society, expecting unnatural achievements.
In Afganistan, women are jailed for…
moral cruises such as running out from home. The women are not emancipated at all resulting in high TFR
Infant mortality is considered to be…
the most sensitive measure of socio-economic development.
Infant mortality is a result of:
- healthcare
- social development
- security
- sanitation
- diet
Stages of DTM:
1 high stationary 2 early expanding 3 late expanding 4 low stationary 5 decline?
(Problems with DTM) The external “shocks” or…
factors e.g. war, pandemic are not suggested.
(Problems with DTM) Model-based on…
HICs Sweeden, England and Wales.
(Problems with DTM) Does not appreciate…
(Problems with DTM) Countries can regress in…
the development.
(Problems with DTM) What is considered as development? originally it was…
based on GDP.
DTM describes how…
birth rates and death rates change over time.
DTM stage 1:
High death rate-unstable political society, unreliable food supply
High birth rate-large families to compensate for large infant mortality, women’s role in society is reproductive
DTM stage 2:
DR falls: medical or social breakthrough(new hospitals), improvement in sanitation
BR remains high: culture and religion, limited access to family planning, poor emancipation of women
DTM stage 3:
BR fall: emancipation of women, economic expenses of large families, access to family planning
DR fall: as the medical and social cure continues to improve
DTM stage 4:
- BR and DR are more stable
- natural increase is low
- more advanced society
- DR remains controlled and low
DTM sage 5:
- BR falls below DR
- DR may increase due to the ageing population
- BR falls further as: couples wait longer, family planning strategies are more accepted by society