Population Flashcards
Why is scale important to population?
It is important due to all kinds of variation from region to region.
Study of Populatin
Population Density
A measure of total population relative to the land size. Assuming there is even distribution.
Arithmetic Pop. Density and an Example
People per square mile. Egypt is misleading due to crowding around Nile River Valley.
Physiological Population Density
People per unit area of arable land.
Population Distributions
Descriptions of locations on Earth’s surface where individuals or groups live.
Dot Maps
Maps which represent population distribution where one dot represents a certain number of people.
Name the 3 major clusters of population
East Asia, South Asia, and Europe.
Counting of people in a country.
Malthusian Theory
Food growth is linear, but population growth is exponential.
What did T. Malthus overlook?
Food grows exponentially, his model was based on England, globalization, mercantilism, colonization, and agricultural revolutions.
Factors of calculation population growth.
Immigration, emigration, birth, and death.
National Increase Rate
Births-Deaths= NIR
The importation of people to a country.
The exportation of people from a country.
Total Fertility Rates
Number of children per child-bearing women.
Aging Index
The number of old people to young people.
Why is the international TFR decreasing?
Women choosing to have children later.
Doubling Time
How long it will take for the population to double.
Population Explosion
Rapid increase of births in a short period of time.
Zero Population Growth
Population is neither increasing, nor decreasing.
“Guns for Sterilization” Policy
When India tried to control population, they offered fun licenses to men who got sterilized after having 3 children.
Crude Birth Rate
The number of live births per thousand people.
Crude Death Rate
Number of deaths per thousand people.
Demographic Transition
Shifting population
Low-Growth Rates
High birth and high death rates.
Stationary Population Level
Population stops growing and stabilizes.
Population Compisition
Structure of a population in terms of sex and age.
Infant Mortality Rate
The number of infants who die in their first year of life.
Child Mortality Rate
Children who die between 1-5 years old.
inadequate protein and insufficient caloric intake
Life Expectancy
The number of years on average a person is expected to live.
Infectious Diseases
Invasion of parasites and their multiplication in the body.
Chronic Diseases
Diseases caused by old age.
Disease spread by a intermediary.
Transmitted by direct contact.
Metabolic Disease
Bodies inability to process all elements of the diet.
Expansive Policy
Encourages large families
Eugenic Policy
One racial or cultural sector dominates
Restrictive Policy
Prevent large families.