Popular Vocabulary Words Flashcards
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: volō.
volō, velle, voluī—wish, want
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: errō.
errō, errāre, errāvī, errātum—wander, roam; to be mistaken
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: medius.
medius, media, medium—middle, the middle
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: nihil.
nihil, n.—nothing, not anything; (w/ gen.) no
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: saxum.
saxum, saxī, n.—boulder, stone, large rock
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: salūs.
salūs, salūtis, f.—well-being, safety
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: coniciō.
coniciō, conicere, coniēcī, coniectum—throw, hurl
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: ūtor.
ūtor, ūtī, ūsus sum—use, make use of (w/ abl.)
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: pater.
pater, patris, m.—father; ancestor
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: mīlle.
mīlle, (pl.) mīlia—thousand
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: frūmentum.
frūmentum, frūmentī, n.—grain
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: amor.
amor, amoris, m.—love, affection; Cupid (proper noun)
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: meus.
meus, mea, meum—my, mine
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: mors.
mors, mortis, f.—death
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: proficīscor.
proficīscor, proficīscī, profectus sum—set out, depart
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: circum.
circum—(prep. w/ acc.) around; at; near
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: fātum.
fātum, fātī, n.—fate, prediction
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: nox.
nox, noctis, f.—night
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: oculus.
oculus, oculī, m.—eye
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: ventus.
ventus, ventī—m.—wind, breeze vent, ventilation
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: ubi (adv.).
ubi (adv.)—where
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: facile (adv.).
facile (adv.)—easily
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: cognoscō.
cognoscō, cognoscere, cognōvī, cognitum—learn, learn about
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: conveniō.
conveniō, convenīre, convēnī, conventum—come together, gather, meet
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: tempus.
tempus, temporis, n.—time
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: sub.
sub—(prep. w/ acc. & abl.) w/ abl.: under, at the foot of; w/ acc.: to, toward, up to
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: petō.
petō, petere, petīvī, petītum—look for, seek; to attack; to scan
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: summus.
summus, summa, summum—highest, greatest; most important
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: alius.
alius, alia, aliud—other, another; else; (pl.) others, some
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: for.
for, fārī, fātus sum—say, speak
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: pugnō.
pugnō, pugnāre, pugnāvī, pugnātum—fight
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: īra.
īra, īrae, f.—anger, fury, hatred
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: manus.
manus, manūs, f.—hand; band, force (of an army)
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: accidō.
accidō, accidere, accidī—happen
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: coepī.
coepī, coepisse—have begun
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: recipiō.
recipiō, recipere, recēpī, receptum—receive
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: labor.
labor, labōris, m.—labor, work; hardship, suffering
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: arx.
arx, arcis, f.—fortress, citadel; hill, peak
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: longē (adv.).
longē (adv.)—far, at a distance; by far
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: discēdō.
discēdō, discēdere, discessī, discessūrus—depart
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: teneō.
teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentum—hold, have; to occupy; to hold back
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: tantus.
tantus, tanta, tantum—so great, so much, so large
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: tēlum.
tēlum, tēlī, n.—spear, javelin
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: capiō.
capiō, capere, cēpī, captum—seize, take
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: ante.
ante—(prep. w/ acc.; adv.) before, in front of
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: causā.
causā—(prep. w/ gen.) for the sake of cause
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: genus.
genus, generis, n.—birth, origin; kind, class
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: flūmen.
flūmen, flūminis, n.—river
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: cōpia.
cōpia, copiae, f.—supply; resource; (pl.) forces, troops, supplies
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: ubi (conj.).
ubi (conj.)—when
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: causa.
causa, causae, f.—cause, reason; case
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: gēns.
gēns, gentis, f.—race, clan; descendant
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: annus.
annus, annī, m.—year
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: gravis.
gravis, grave—heavy; serious; severe
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: umbra.
umbra, umbrae, f.—shadow, shade; ghost
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: lātus.
lātus, lāta, lātum—wide, extensive, spacious
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: eques.
eques, equitis, m.—horseman; knight; (pl.) cavalry
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: pectus.
pectus, pectoris, n.—chest, breast, heart
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: lītus.
lītus, lītoris, n.—shore, beach
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: nāvis.
nāvis, nāvis, f.—ship; fleet (pl.)
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: fluctus.
fluctus, fluctūs, m.—wave, tide, surge
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: accipiō.
accipiō, accipere, accēpī, acceptum—receive; to hear
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: persuādeō.
persuādeō, persuādēre, persuāsī, persuāsum—persuade (w/ dat.)
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: littera.
littera, litterae, f.—letter, epistle; letters (of the alphabet); writing, writings
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: fāma.
fāma, fāmae, f.—report, rumor; saying
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: nūllus.
nūllus, nūlla, nūllum—no
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: ut (adv.).
ut (adv.)—how!
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: eō.
eō, īre, iī or īvī, itum—go, walk, move; to ride; to sail
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: ōrdō.
ōrdō, ōrdinis, m.—rank, position
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: tamen (adv.).
tamen (adv.)—nevertheless, however, still
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: aliquis.
aliquis, aliqua, aliquid—someone, anyone, something
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: interficiō.
interficiō, interficere, interfēcī, interfectum—kill
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: caelum.
caelum, caelī, n.—sky, heaven, weather
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: pūblicus.
pūblicus, publica, publicum—public, common
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: tuus.
tuus, tua, tuum—your (sing.)
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: corpus.
corpus, corporis, n.—body
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: ōs.
ōs, ōris, n.—mouth; face; expression
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: exīstimō.
exīstimō, exīstimāre, exīstimāvī, exīstimātum—think, consider
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: regnum.
regnum, regnī, n.—kingdom, realm; rule
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: cōgō.
cōgō, cogere, coēgī, coāctum—drive together, collect; to compel, force
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: vallum.
vallum, vallī, n.—palisade of stakes on top of an embankment, rampart
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: rēgīna.
rēgīna, rēgīnae, f.—queen
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: proximus.
proximus, proxima, proximum—nearest, next
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: aspiciō.
aspiciō, aspicere, aspexī, aspectum—look at, behold
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: ante (adv.).
ante (adv.)—previously
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: virtūs.
virtūs, virtūtis, f.—valor, courage; virtue
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: dexter.
dexter, dextra, dextrum—right, to the right; skillful; favorable
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: alter.
alter, altera, alterum—the one . . . the other, another
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: exercitus.
exercitus, exervcitūs, m.—army
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: cōnstituō.
cōnstituō, constituere, cōnstituī, cōnstitūtum—place, station; to establish; to decide, determine
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: caput.
caput, capitis, n.—head, summit; person
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: arbitror.
arbitror, arbitrārī, arbitrātus sum—think, consider
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: veniō.
veniō, venīre, vēnī, ventum—come, arrive; to go
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: quam (adv.).
quam (adv.)—as, than; (w/ superlative) as . . . as possible
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: dūcō.
dūcō, dūcere, dūxī, ductum—lead, guide; to conduct; to choose; to think
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: numerus.
numerus, numerī, m.—number
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: multus.
multus, multa, multum—much; (pl.) many
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: perīculum.
perīculum, perīculī, n.—danger
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: populus.
populus, populī, m.—people, nation
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: unda.
unda, undae, f.—wave; water, sea
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: superior.
superior, superius—upper, higher; previous; more effective
Give the dictionary entry for the following Latin word: ingēns.
ingēns, ingentis—huge, massive, extraordinary