AOS4 - Popular music Flashcards
Palm muting definition
Use the base of the picking hand to rest on the strings as you’re playing - it creates a more muffled sound.
Vibrato definition
Pushing and pulling the string up and down to make a more wavy sound to longer notes.
Bends definition
Pushing the string upwards on the fretboard to change the pitch of the note slightly.
Hammer-ons and pull-offs definition
Rather than plucking the string again to create another note, either put your finger down hard on the fretboard or pull it off quickly to create another more without having to pluck again.
Slides definition
Slide your finger up or down the string once plucked to create a glissando effect.
Glissando definition
A way of gliding or flowing from one note to the next.
Soprano definition
High female
Alto definition
Low female
Tenor definition
High male
Bass definition
Low male
What does a verse-chorus structure include?
Middle 8
What does a strophic structure include?
Just verses
What does a 32-bar song form include?
A 32-bar section, which consists of A A B A with each section lasting 8 bars
Hooks definition
A melody which is catchy and easy to remember.
Repetition definition
Playing the same thing again.
Conjunct definition
Movement by the interval of a major or minor second.
Disjunct definition
Moving in leaps (anything more than the next adjacent).
Cross rhythm/Polyrhythm
More than one different rhythm occurring at the same time.
Dotted rhythm
Long note then short note, sounds skippy.
Note values are halved, it sounds like the music gets quicker.
Note values are doubled, it sounds like the music gets slower.
Constant beats
Regular, steady note lengths.
Long-held notes
Gives the impression of slowing the pace or adding an effect.
When the music sounds like it’s in a different time signature but it’s not.
When the music is off-beat.
Chord Progression
Patterns of chords that form the basis of sections of the song.
Parallel Movement
When chords/triads move by step.
A repeated device (e.g. a chord, pattern, rhythm, melody or bass line).
Rock chord symbols
Instead of Roman numerals, we use letters that link to the lowest note of the chord (e.g. C = C E G whereas Cm = C Eb G).
Musica fusion
When two or more types of music are blended.
What is the tempo of Bhangra like?
Fast/moderate, lively and upbeat.
What is the structure of Bhangra like?
It uses the traditional verse-chorus structure.
What is the melody of Bhangra like?
Repetitive, simple, limited in range, uses embellishments, often dips at the ends of phrases, uses microtonal intervals (smaller than a semitone. Ideas are sung and/or played.
What is the rhythm of Bhangra like?
It uses chaal rhythms, syncopation and four beats in a bar.
What are the instruments used in Bhangra?
Indian instruments are mixed with Western instruments, sometimes with drum machines that are either added or used to replace traditional instruments.
What is the technology used in Bhangra?
Drum machines, synthesisers, samples from other music, mixing and scratching.
What are the lyrics of Bhangra like?
They are in Panjabi, often mixed with English, covering subjects such as love and relationships.
What is the texture of Bhangra like?
Various layers can be identified.
What is the style of Bhangra like?
Changed from simple folk music to club dance music; pop music styles include disco, reggae, hip-hop and rap.