Popular Culture Flashcards
Describe urban culture and public displays of urban culture.
Describe rural culture.
How does historian Peter Burke describe popular culture? What is wrong with this definition?
Describe elite culture.
Describe the elite’s participation in popular culture and their withdrawl from it.
What was the significance of ritual? What was the Church’s role in this?
What was the role of peageants and festivals?
Describe the celebration of misrule.
Describe public humiliation in this period.
Describe humiliation that impacted women in this period.
Describe legal punishments in this period.
Describe moral regulation in this period.
Describe the role of magic in society, specifically the role of the church, the significance of supersition, the role of cunning folk and white magic and black magic.
Describe how religion challenged popular culture.
Describe how politics challenged popular culture.
Describe how economic and social change challenged popular culture.
Describe how the withdrawal of the elite challenged popular culture.