Pop art Flashcards
What is pop art?
Pop is short for pop culture and it includes current collective tastes in music, film, sports, mass media, jokes, fashion and advertising. They are trends that spread widely through the public. It changes overtime so it helps us understand what a specific period of time was like.
When did it start?
During WWll when America experienced a sure of consumerism
What is cosumerism?
People buying stuff, people who buy goods and services
What was 20th century pop?
The public was captivated by the American dream (money, glamour, success) In 1950’s a new gen of artists looked for insparation in the world around them. .
What was pop very different too?
Abstarct experessionism. Pop was fun, humerous, and gave future generations insparation to chose from a wider range of sources around them
Who is Andy Warhole? (early life)
Ady Warhhole moved to NY in 1949 and became an illustrator. He was inspired by Roy Lichenstein and decided to paint every day objects like a soup can
What are silkscreen paintings?
Silkscreen Printing is a stencilling method that involves printing ink through stencils that are supported by a fabric mesh stretched across a frame called a screen. Silkscreen Printing is ideally suited for bold and graphic designs.
What was the heart of Andy Warholes work?
Mass Production. He emplyed thousands of epople to help him mass produce silkscreen paitnings
Was andy warhole famous?
Yes, he achieved a new kind of fame that hasn’t exsisted before for an artist
Who is Claes Oldenburg?
He is a swedish american sculpter best known for his giant soft sculptures, he has a break though in history for his sculptures
What did Claes change in his sculptures? and why did it appeal to the audience?
He changed the scale, the texture, and the placement. It appealed to the audence because it was recodnizable and everyday items. It changed the audiences perception.
What did claes sculpter represent
American society’s consumption
Who is Roy Lichtenstein?
He is pop arist best known for his comic book art.
What is appropriation?
the process of taking images out of thier original contect and putting them into new ones
What did roy lichenstein love about comic books? And what tequinqies did he use?
he loved how the artist could simplify complex stories. He used thick black outlines, text bubbles, and bright primary colours
What are ben day dots?
a pattern of dots used in commercial shading to cheaply reprduce shading
Summary of roy lichtenstein:
He was once called the worst artist in america, he exsadurates the damsel in distress. Lichtenstein also shortened the text to be more ambiguous and invite the audience to create their own story.