Ponyboy Curtis- Character Profile Flashcards
His intelligence
“I’m supposed to be smart; I make good grades and have a high IQ and everything, but I don’t use my head”
“out of condition, I was still the best runner”.
His insecurities stem from the pressure Darty puts on him
“he’s never hollering at me all the time like Darry is, or treating me as if I was six instead of fourteen.”
Evidence of his dysfunctional family
“he’s never hollering at me all the time like Darry is, or treating me as if I was six instead of fourteen.”
“I didn’t care if Darry worried himself gray-headed”.
“Tell me about your oldest brother. You don’t talk about him much.”
“he’s not like me and he sure ain’t like me. He’s hard as rock and about as human.”
Gang loyalty
“when you’re a gang, you stick up for the members”
Hatred of socs
“Snarling socs”
“you can’t win against them no matter how hard you try, because they’ve got all the breaks’’
Short tempered and moody
“shut your trap, Johnny Cade, ‘cause we all know you ain’t wanted at home, either. And you can’t blame them.”
Ponyboy’s impetuous descision did not go unnoticedTwo-Bit, “Two-Bit slapped me a good one across the side of the head, and hard.”
Maturity at end of novel- family
“likes Soda, but he cant stand me. I bet he wishes he could stick me in a home somewhere.”
“in that second what Soda and Dally and Two-Bit had been trying to tell me came through. Darry did care about me, maybe as much as he cared about Soda”.
Maturity at end of novel- gang
“the jet set, the West-Side rich kids” and “Snarling Socs”.
“were just like us” and that they shared “basic sameness”
“West-side rich kid”
“maybe the two different world we lived in werent so different. We saw the same sunset.”