POM 1 Flashcards
10 steps
Kreb cycle
8 steps
Occurs in the matrix of the mitochondria
Beri beri
Thiamine deficiency à thiamine is cofactor of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex
o So, deficiency of thiamine leads to Beri Beri à difficult to make acetyl CoA from pyruvate – effects on metabolism + respiration
o SYMPTOMS: Damage to peripheral nervous system, Weakness of musculature, Decreased cardiac output
o Brain particularly vulnerable as it relies heavily on glucose metabolism
Metabolism of protein
Protein metabolism involves transamination reactions à amine group transferred from 1 amino acid to keto acid forming new pair of amino acid and keto acids (uses aminotransferases) – GROUP TRANSFER
· Degradation of all 20 amino acids leads to 7 molecules:
o Pyruvate
o Acetyl CoA
o Acetoacetyl CoA
o Alpha-ketoglutarate
o Succinyl CoA
o Fumarate
o Oxaloacetate
The glucogenic amino acids are so-called because their skeletons can give rise to glucose via gluconeogenesis (dashed line). Ketogenic amino acids give rise to skeletons which cannot enter gluconeogenesis but can be used to synthesis fatty acids and ketone bodies.
Metabolism of fatty acids
Fatty acid metabolism produces acetyl CoA
· Fats derived from 3 main sources à (1) diet, (2) de novo synthesis in liver, (3) storage in adipose tissue
· Fats are insoluble so require bile salts to be absorbed by the gut
o Bile salts are created by the liver and stored in the gallbladder
o Bile salts aid absorption of fat and fat-soluble vitamins (2, 7, 9 and 10)
o Lack of bile salts à steatorrhea (fatty, oily stools)
Orlistat (drug)
Inhibits pancreatic and gastric lipases
o Reduces fat absorption by 30% à treats obesity for up to 2 yrs
o Adverse side effects e.g. abdominal pain
Alcohol metabolism in the liver
- ethanol +NAD -> acetaldehyde + NADH + H+
- Acetaldehyde + NAD+ + H20 -> Acetate + NADH + H+
- Acetate + coenzyme A + ATP -> acetyl coA + AMP + PPi
Microsomal ethanol-oxidising systems (MEOS)
- Inducible
- Part of the P450 family of proteins
- Ethanol -> acetaldehyde
- uses NADPH as co-factor
Oxidation of ethanol
• Ethanol -> Acetaldehyde
- Alcohol dehydrogenase (cytosolic): reduces NAD+
- Microsomal ethanol oxidizing system (MEOS) in ER
Co-oxidise NADPH, reduces O2
[↑ in chronic alcoholics, minor otherwise]
• Acetaldehyde -> Acetate
- Acetaldehyde dehydrogenase (mitochon): reduces NAD+
- Acetate converted to acetyl CoA and fed into TCA cycle
How ethanol metabolism results in accumulation of NADH
Inhibits gluconeogenesis
- inhibit conversion of lactate to pyruvate
- lactic acidosis
- hypoglycaemia
Inhibit fatty acid oxidation
- role of beta-oxidation is to generate NADH
- Conditions promote fatty acid synthesis
- ‘fatty liver’ with accumulation of TAG
Inhibit TCA cycle
-NADH regulates key steps in this cycle
How metabolism of alcohol result in production of acetate
Acetate turns into acetyl-coA
- TCA cycle is inhibited by NADH accumulation
- so ketone bodies will be formed
- ketoacidosis
How metabolism of ethanol results in accumulation of acetaldehyde
Very reactive compound
• Forms covalent bonds with functional groups in proteins, nucleotides and phospholipids
• Binds to glutathione, thereby reducing the antioxidant capacity of liver
– Situation is worsen by induction of MEOS
• increase utilization of NADPH, thereby reducing the ability to regenerate oxidized glutathione
• MEOS will also increase free radical formation
Beta oxidation
Produces >50% of body’s energy, not in brain cells as fat acids cannot cross BBB, not in RBC as they do not hav mitochondria
o Predominates in times of fasting à when fat metabolism dominates during fasting, acetyl CoA forms ketone bodies (don’t enter TCA cycle)
o Fatty acids ultimately converted into acetyl CoA in mitochondria à used to produce ATP
o 1. Fatty acids used to generate acyl CoA (ATP à AMP) à occurs on outer mitochondrial membrane
o 2. Acyl carried across membrane to mitochondria matrix in acyl carnitine à acyl bonds back to CoA (acyl added to carnitine using carnitine acyltransferase I)
Carnitine and Acyl carnitine are moved to and from the matrix by a translocase.
o 3. Acyl CoA goes through cycle of oxidation, hydration,
oxidation and thiolysis reactions to generate acetyl CoA (beta-oxidation spiral)
o 4. Cycle repeats until finalAcyl CoA is metabolised into acetyl CoA molecules
o Acetyl CoA generated only enters TCA cycle if B oxidation and carbohydrate metabolism are balanced as oxaloacetate is needed for acetyl CoA to enter the cycle
o NET RESULT OF EACH CYCLE è 1 x Acetyl CoA, 1 x Acyl CoA (2 Cs shorter), 1 x FADH2, 1 x NADH
Fatty acids are formed sequentially by decarboxylative condensation reactions involving acetyl CoA and malonyl-CoA
o Following each round of elongation, fatty acid undergoes reduction and dehydration by sequential action of ketoreductase (KR), dehydratase (DH) and enol reductase (ER) activity
o Growing fatty acyl group is linked to an acyl carrier protein (ACP)
• Acetyl CoA from glucose transported into cytosol as citrate
• Malonyl CoA formed by acetyl CoA carboxylase (ACC), requiring biotin
cofactor: committed irreversible step
• Stepwise elongation of acyl chain 2C at a time by fatty acid synthase
(FAS) (multienzyme complex + acyl carrier protein)
• Palmitate released by hydrolysis, combines with G3P to form triglycerides
Oxidative phosphorylation
Occurs on the inner membrane
NADH needs to enter mitochondrial matrix to be used to regenerate NAD+
· Electrons from NADH are carried across mitochondrial membrane via shuttles (rather than NADH itself)
· Done through 2 different shuttles:
Glycerol-phosphate shuttle
Skeletal muscle and brain
Cytosolic G3P dehydrogenase transfers electrons from NADH to DHAP (dihydroxyacetone phosphate) to generate G3P
§ Membrane bound form of same enzyme transfers electrons to FAD – these then pass on to co-enzyme Q, part of ETC
Malate- aspartate shuttle
à liver, kidney, and heart
§ Also relies on cytosolic and membrane bound forms of same enzymes – aspartate transaminase and malate dehydrogenase
Aspartate glutamate) -> oxaloacetate
Oxaloacetate NAD+) -> malate
§ Transamination reaction as well as redox and group transfer
Electron transport chain
Occurs in inner membrane of mitochondria
o Consists of 3 complexes and 2 mobile carriers
o COMPLEXES à NADH dehydrogenase, cytochrome b-c1, cytochrome oxidase complex
o MOBILE CARRIERS à ubiquinone, cytochrome c
o As electrons from co-enzymes pass through each complex, proton is pumped into intermembrane space
o Protons move from high to low concentration through enzyme allowing ATP to be synthesised
FADH2 produces fewer ATP as Complex I is bypassed and fewer protons are pumped into inner membrane space
Produced by ATP synthase à torsional energy fixes phosphate to ADP – can be forward or reverse
o Direction of H+ flow dictates ATP synthesis vs ATP hydrolysis
o Oxidation of 1 x acetyl CoA molecule gives 3 x NADH + 1 x FADH2 + 1 x GTP = 12 ATP
o NOTE: creatine kinase acts as a buffer for ATP production during exercise à creatine phosphate buffers demands for phosphate during exercise
Redox reaction
Substrate that can exist as oxidised and reduced forms = redox couple e.g. NAD+/NADH or FAD/FADH2
o +ve E’0 implies tendency to ACCEPT electrons = more OXIDISING POWER = more likely to be REDUCED
o -ve E’0 implies tendency to DONATE electrons = more REDUCING POWER = more likely to BE OXIDISED
o Transfer of electrons from one complex to another is energetically favourable
o Electrons lose energy as they progress through the chain
Closely resembles succinct explanation and acts as a competitive inhibitor of succinate dehydrogenase ->slows down the flow of electrons from succinate to ubiquinone (complex q) by inhibiting the oxidation of succinate to fumarate
Found in roots and seeds of some plants, inhibit transfer of electrons from complex I to complex q
Cyanide CN- and azide N3-
Bind with high affinity to ferric acid Fe3+ form of Haem group in cytochrome oxidase complex which blocks final step of ETC
Antibiotic produced by streptomyces -> inhibits oxidative phosphorylation by binding to stalk of ATP synthase and blocking the flow of protons through enzymes
A proton ionophore which can shuttle protons across the inner mitochondrial membrane without passing through ATP synthase
Helps to avoid hypoglycaemia by producing glucose from pyruvate/oxaloacetate
o Pyruvate converted to oxaloacetate by pyruvate carboxylase – occurs in mitochondria
o Reactions catalysed by kinases in glycolysis are irreversible, so phosphatases used to do reverse of reaction
o BYPASS REACTIONS - cytosolic
§ Oxaloacetate is converted to phosphoenolpyruvate by phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase
§ Fructose-1,6-BisP converted to Fructose 6-P by fructose 1,6 bisphosphatase
§ Glucose 6-P converted to glucose by glucose 6 phosphatase
Source : intestines
Role: dietary fat transport
Fats are absorbed by enterocytes in the brush border of the small intestine
o Triglycerides are incorporated into chylomicrons (CM) à transported in lymphatics to thoracic duct à left subclavian vein
o Lipoprotein lipase helps absorb fats à fatty acids then used for beta oxidation à located on capillary endothelial cells lining variety of tissues
o Chylomicrons acquire apoproteins from HDL following release into bloodstream which allow them to be recognised by liver
Very low density lipoproteins (VLDL)
Source: liver
Role : endogenous fat transport
Transports fatty acids and cholesterol to muscles and adipose tissues
Glycerol reduced from the lipids returned to liver for use in gluconeogenesis
Becomes IDL after transfer of apoproteins to HDL
Intermediate Density Lipoprotein (IDL)
Source : VLDL
Role: LDL precursor
HDL transfers cholesterol esters to IDL to form LDL
Lipoproteins solve the problem of transporting hydrophobic molecules in an aqueous environment.
Phospholipid monolayer containing cholesterol and apoproteins.
This surrounds a core of cholesterol esters and triacylglycerols.
Cholesterol esters
Synthesized in the plasma from cholesterol and the acyl chain of phosphatidylcholine (lecithin) via a reaction catalyzed by lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT).
The ester bond is formed between the carboxylate group of a fatty acid and the hydroxyl group of cholesterol.
High density Lipoproteins (HDL)
Good cholesterol
function to take cholesterol from peripheral tissues back to the liver for use or disposal (reverse cholesterol transport). They help to lower total serum cholesterol.
Contain 20% cholesterol esters
5% triglycerides
Low density Lipoproteins
LDLs are often referred to as “bad cholesterol” as prolonged elevation of LDL levels leads to atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).
LDLs transport cholesterol synthesized in the liver to peripheral tissues with more than 40% of their weight made up of cholesterol esters.
Ketone bodies
KBs are formed in liver & kidney mitochondria during prolonged fasting (low glucose),
- To be used by extra-hepatic tissues (including brain & RBCs which cannot use FAs) – note liver itself cannot use KBs
- Soluble in aq solution, do not need carriers
• KBs = acetoacetate & β-hydroxybutarate
synthesized from acetyl CoA, degraded to acetyl CoA Sweet-smelling breath (results e.g. from Atkins diet) KBs are acidic
Distinctive steroid nucleus (4 fused rings)
• Sources of hepatic cholesterol:
- Dietary cholesterol intake (transported via chylomicrons)
- De novo synthesis in liver
- Reverse transport of cholesterol from extrahepatic tissues (via HDL)
• Cholesterol cannot be metabolized
• Fate of hepatic cholesterol:
- Export to extra-hepatic tissues (via VLDL) for membrane, steroid, vit D synthesis
- Bile salt formation: 5% of bile salts excreted, 95% serving to emulsify dietary lipids and are reabsorbed via enterohepatic circulation
- Synthesis of vitamin D & steroid hormones
Beta oxidation regulations
• Malonyl CoA inhibits CPT1 (reciprocal reg of breakdown & syn)
• Epinephrine & Glucagon ↑ cAMP, activating protein kinase A, phosphory-
lating and activating HSL while deactivating ACC, hence ↑ β-oxidation.
• Insulin dephosphorylates and has the opposite effect
• Long term regulation: transcriptional/translational control of enzyme amt
Synthesis of Cholesterol
o Synthesis of cholesterol:
§ Synthesis of isopentenyl pyrophosphate, activated isoprene unit which serves as key building block (cytoplasm)
§ 2 x Acetyl CoA join together to form acetoacetyl CoA in condensation reaction by beta-ketothiolase
§ Acetoacetyl CoA reacts with acetyl CoA to form HMG-CoA by HMG-CoA synthase
§ HMG-CoA is reduced to produce mevalonate by NADPH with enzyme HMG-CoA reductase NOTE à enzymes is under intense negative feedback control by end product cholesterol, mevalonate + bile salts
§ Mevalonate phosphorylated at –OH groups three times by mevalonate kinase, phospho mevalonate kinase and kinase, followed by decarboxylation and removal of 1 phosphate to form 3-isopentenyl pyrophosphate
§ Condensation of 6 molecules of isopentenyl pyrophosphate to form squalene (cytoplasmic reactions)
§ 2 Isopentenyl pyrophosphate is used to produce dimethylallyl pyrophosphate via isomerization reaction via Geranyl transferase
§ Isopentenyl pyrophosphate added to dimethylallyl pyrophosphate to grow chain to 15C species farnesyl pyrophosphate via Geranyl transferase
§ 2 x farnesyl pyrophosphate condense to form 30C molecules squalene + 2 x pyrophosphate
§ Cyclisation and demethylation of squalene by monooxygenases to give cholesterol (ER reactions)
§ Squalene reduced in presence of oxygen and NADPH to form squalene epoxide à different C=C bond distribution, priming for C ring fusion
§ Enzyme squalene epoxide lanosterol-cyclase catalyses formation of Lanosterol à series of 1,2 methyl group and hydride shifts along chain results in formation of 4 rings
§ Lanosterol is reduced and 3 methyl units removed to make cholesterol via 19 discrete steps
Synthesis of bile salts
Key in emulsifying dietary fats due to hydrophobic + hydrophilic (from -OH groups) faces
Major breakdown product of cholesterols
Cholesterol converted but series’s of reactions into primary salt glycocholate + taurocholate
Disorders of cholesterol metabolism - Familial Hypercholesterolemia
Deficiency of functional LDL receptors, increased protease degradation, or defects in apo B-100
↑ Circulating cholesterol (not taken up) Hence ↓ inhibition of de novo synthesis
May get heart attack young.
Disorders of cholesterol metabolism - LDL & atherosclerosis
Triggered by ↑ LDL and ameliorated by antioxidants
• Oxidizing agents conv LDL into oxoLDL, damaging vascular endothelium.
• oxoLDL taken up by macrophages (scavenger cells) via low-affinity,
nonspecific, nonregulated scavenger receptors
• Macrophages accumulate cholesterol and become foam cells
• Inflammatory response results in formation of atherosclerotic plaque
Disorders of cholesterol metabolism - Cholelithiasis / Gallstones
Obstruction of biliary tract, intestinal malabsorption of bile acids, phospholipid metabolism disturbances.
Cholesterol precipitates from bile when bile is supersaturated with cholesterol due to bile salt deficiency
Lowers cholesterol by ↓ absorption of free cholesterol (and packaging into chylomicrons) fr GIT
Statins (lower cholesterol)
inhibit de-novo synthesis (competitive inhibitors of HMG-CoA reductase)
- Hence ↑ LDL uptake: hepatocytes compensate for ↓ synthesis by ↑ LDL receptors to remove cholesterol from circulation
- Statins with short half-life taken at night to maximise effect since de novo synthesis occurs mainly at night
Cholestyramine (Questran, Questran Light, Cholybar)
- Resin to bind bile acids in gut & reduce recycling
- Hence ↑ LDL uptake for bile acid synthesis
These bind or sequester bile acid-cholesterol complexes preventing their reabsorption by the intestine. They can lower LDL (“bad” cholesterol) by 15 -30% and raise HDL (“good” cholesterol) by 3 - 5%.
Synthesis of steroids from cholesterol
The precursor pregnenolone is generated from cholesterol by the action of the enzyme desmolase. All five classes of steroid hormones come from pregnenolone: Progestagens, glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids, androgens and oestrogens.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is a collective term for a group of steroids which are vital for the intestinal absorption of important ions needed for bone development, namely calcium, phosphate and magnesium. The bulk of the Western diet is low in vitamin D and our main source is from the activity of UV light upon 7-dehydrocholesterol in the epdermis of the skin.
Calcitriol is the most active vitamin D metabolite and plays a key role in calcium metabolism. It functions as a steroid hormone, binding to vitamin D response elements (VDREs) in the promoter of target genes and inducing key genes involved in bone metabolism. A deficient of Vitamin D3 in childhood leads to rickets, a defect of bone development in children.
Medium chain acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase deficiency (MCADD)
Autosomal recessive. Predominantly occurring in Caucasians.
Occurs 1 in 10,000 live births in the UK per year.
If undiagnosed, can be fatal
ω -oxidation more significant, shortened dicarboxylic acids (6-10C) excreted in urine
• Unoxidised MCFAs transferred back to carnitine and excreted in urine as acyl-carnitines.
If diagnosed, patients should never go without food for longer than 10–12 hours (a typical overnight fast). Adhere to a high carbohydrate diet.
Patients with an illness resulting in appetite loss or severe vomiting may need i.v. glucose to make sure that the body is not dependent on fatty acids for energy.
After lipogenesis
Elongation of the acyl group to make fatty acids longer than 16 carbons occurs separately from palmitate synthesis in the mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum (ER).
Desaturation of fatty acids requires the action of fatty acyl-CoA desaturases
The enzyme that creates oleic acid and palmitoleic acid from stearate and palmitate, respectively, is called a ∆-9 desaturase, as it generates a double bond nine carbons from the terminal carboxyl group.
Anaerobic respiration
Under anaerobic conditions, the demands of the contracting muscle for ATP cannot be met by oxidative phosphorylation and similarly, the transport of glucose from the blood cannot keep up with the demands of glycolysis.
Glycogen within the muscle is therefore broken down to meet these demands. To replenish NAD+ levels and maintain glycolysis, pyruvate is taken up by the liver and converted into lactate by lactate dehydrogenase (MBC-Cell metabolism 1 ). Lactate can then be used by the liver to generate glucose by gluconeogenesis.
Aerobic respiration
During moderate levels of exercise, where oxygen supply is adequate, the ATP demands of muscle can be met by oxidative phosphorylation using glucose and other substrates as fuels.
Glucose is transported from the blood into muscle cells where it can undergo metabolism by glycolysis and the TCA cycle to ultimately generate ATP by the re-oxidation of cofactors.
As muscle contracts, the demand for ATP increases e.g. requirements of muscle actomyosin ATPase and cation balance. Increased demand for glucose is met by an increase in the number of glucose transporters on the membranes of muscle cells.
Adrenalin plays a key role in meeting the demand for ATP by increasing the rate of glycolysis in muscle, increasing the rate of gluconeogensis by the liver (red dashed arrows) and increasing the release of fatty acids from adipocytes.
Creatine Kinase
Creatine kinase (CK) is probably present in all cells but is present in particularly high concentrations in muscle cells and brain cells. Following the damage or death of such cells CK is released into the circulation.
Three dimeric isoenzymes of creatine kinase are known in humans. The two different subunits M and B provide the following isoenzymes: MM, MB and BB. The only human tissue where the MB form is found is the myocardium, where MB represents about 15% of total creatine kinase, the rest being MM.
Cell Death in Myocardial Infarction
What is a myocardial infarct?
It is the death of heart muscle cells.
Why do the cells die?
Lack of oxygen.
Why is there a lack of oxygen?
Blockage of the cardiac arteries. This process is termed atherosclerosis and you might like to ponder on what kind of things might be risk factors for its early development.
Why do cells need oxygen, how do they use it and why do cells die without it?
What constitutes a cell i.e. a semi-permeable membrane separating the inside from the outside?
There is active exclusion of some things such as Na+ ions.
This needs a protein pump in the membrane.
These are a type of enzyme called membrane ATPases.
They use energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to pump ions.
How is ATP generated? Via glycolysis, the Krebs Cycle and eventually oxidative phosphorylation.
The end point of the process requires atmospheric oxygen, hence if there is less oxygen supplied to a cell there is less ATP, pumps do not function, ion balance is lost and cells die.
Cell contents are released when they are dying, i.e. proteins that should be held inside against concentration gradients appear in the serum.
Therefore the levels of many proteins including creatine kinase (many others as well such as lactate dehydrogenase) in serum can be used as indirect indicators of cell death.
Where is Creatine Kinase (CK) normally present?
CK is present in all cells at very low levels but is at high concentrations in metabolically very active tissues including the brain, heart and skeletal muscle. Creatine phosphate is an energy store.
CK activity in the serum can be detected by a coupled assay (Figure 1) leading to the generation of detectable products. Recall from the Introduction to Laboratory Techniques event that NADH (and NADPH) have absorption spectra distinct from NAD+ (and NADP+).
Creatine phosphate + ADP - (CK) -> creatine + ATP
D-glucose + ATP - (hexokinase)-> ADP + G6P
G6P + NADP+ - (G6P dehydrogenase)-> 6-PG +NADPH + (H+)
Alcohol fermentation of pyruvate
Pyruvate -(pyruvate decarboxylase + H+) -> acetaldehyde + CO2
Acetaldehyde -(alcohol dehydrogenase +NADH + H+)-> ethanol + NAD+
Lactate production form pyruvate
Pyruvate lactate
(NADH + H+ -> NAD+)
Acetyl CoA production from pyruvate
Pyruvate + Hs-CoA - (pyruvate dehydrogenase complex ) -> Acetyl-CoA + CO2
Occurs on the outer membrane of the mitochondria
can induce weight loss by transporting protons across the mitochondrial membrane, thereby uncoupling oxidative phosphorylation from ATP production and markedly increasing the metabolic rate and body temperature.
Subsequently it soon found its way into numerous patented “anti-fat” medicines for the treatment of obesity. However, the margin between the slimming dose and that required to poison or kill is slight - so slight that several patients died and many suffered permanent injury before use of the drug was abandoned in 1937.
Liver Cirrhosis (fatty liver)
• High NADH/NAD+ inhibits FA oxidation
• FAs re-esterified into TGs
- Rate of re-esterification enhanced because NADH favours production of glycerol-3- phosphate from dihydroxyacetone phosphate
- Fatty acyl CoA transferases inducible by ethanol consumption
• Chronic accumulation results in fatty liver development
Toxic effect of alcohol-> hypoglycaemia and acidosis
• As there is no feedback regulation of ADH & ALDH (NADH is not an effective product inhibitor), NADH is formed faster than it can be oxidized by ETC, resulting in NADH accumulation
• Balance in lactate dehydrogenase rxn shifted towards forming lactate from pyruvate (after all whole purpose of lactate formation is to regenerate NAD+ so glycolysis can continue)
- Lactic acidosis
- Due to acidosis, ↓ uric acid excretion by kidney (problems in gout patients)
- ↓ pyruvate availability for pyruvate carboxylase, inhibiting gluconeogenesis. In a
fasting individual (no glycogen stores), this can cause hypoglycemia
• Enough NADH generated from oxidation of ethanol and fatty acids that there is no need to oxidise acetyl CoA in TCA cycle
- Shunt acetyl-CoA to produce ketone bodies - Ketoacidosis
Hormonal control of blood glucose level
-Insulin is secreted when glucose levels rise: it stimulates uptake and use of glucose and storage as glycogen and fat.
-Glucagon is secreted when glucose levels fall: it stimulates production of glucose by gluconeogenesis and breakdown of glycogen and fat.
(both are secreted by islets of the pancreas)
- Adrenalin (or epinephrine): strong and fast metabolic effects to mobilise glucose for “flight or fight”.
- Glucocorticoids: steroid hormones which increase synthesis of metabolic enzymes concerned with glucose availability.
On having a meal, blood glucose levels initially rise which is controlled by increased secretion of insulin (and reduced glucagon) from islets.
This has several effects including:
- Increased glucose uptake by liver – used for glycogen synthesis and glycolysis (acetyl-CoA produced is used for fatty acid synthesis).
- Increased glucose uptake and glycogen synthesis in muscle.
- Increased triglyceride synthesis in adipose tissue.
- Increased usage of metabolic intermediates due to a general stimulatory effect on the body’s synthesis and growth.
After a meal blood glucose levels start to fall and are controlled by: - Increased glucagon secretion (and reduced insulin) from islets.
- Glucose production in liver resulting from glycogen breakdown and gluconeogenesis.
- Utilisation of fatty acid breakdown as alternative substrate for ATP production (important for preserving glucose for brain).
[NB adrenalin has similar effects on liver, but also stimulates skeletal muscle towards glycogen breakdown and glycolysis, and adipose tissue towards fat lipolysis to provide other tissues with alternative substrate to glucose]
After prolonged fasting (i.e. longer than can be covered by glycogen reserves):
- glucagon/insulin ratio increases further
- adipose tissue begins to hydrolyse triglyceride to provide fatty acids for metabolism
- TCA cycle intermediates are reduced in amount to provide substrate for gluconeogenesis
- Protein breakdown provides amino acid substrates for gluconeogenesis
- Ketone bodies are produced from fatty acids and amino acids in liver to substitute partially the brain’s requirement for glucose
Diabetes mellitus
Diabetes mellitus is a disorder of insulin release and signalling, resulting in an impaired ability to regulate blood glucose concentrations.
There are two main types of diabetes mellitus:
Type I diabetes in which individuals fail to secrete enough insulin (β-cell dysfunction).
Type II diabetes in which individuals fail to respond appropriately to insulin levels (insulin resistance).
The overall effect is that metabolism is controlled as if the person is undergoing starvation, regardless of dietary glucose uptake.
Complications of diabetes include:
- Hyperglycaemia with progressive tissue damage (e.g. retina, kidney, peripheral nerves)
- Increase in plasma fatty acids and lipoprotein levels with possible cardiovascular complications
- Increase in ketone bodies with the risk of acidosis
hypoglycaemia with consequent coma if insulin dosage is imperfectly controlled
Glucagon is important in protection against hypoglycaemia.
A major site of action is the liver where glucagon stimulates gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis.
Insulin deficiency and relative excess of glucagon leads to increased hepatic output of glucose and, thus, hyperglycaemia.