Polyposis Flashcards
Autosomal dominant
Mutation of APC
Hundreds of polyps
Extracolonic lesions
Will develop CRC
Young age
FAP- Extracolonic manifestations
Skin- fibromas, lipomas, epidermoid cysts
Neoplasms: Thyroid Small bowel/ampulla Hepatoblastoma Angiofibroma
1st degree relatives
Colon at 12 then q2 years after 25
and q3 years after 35
APC gene test (test of choice) start at 10-12 years
fAP treatment and f/u
Ileorectal anastomosis
Proctocolectomy with ileoanal pull through
F/U: Survey rectum q year and ostomy q2 Years EGD Thyroid scan Desmoids
Less than 100 polyps on the right
Develop CRC later about 51
Need colonoscopy surveillance
Colectomy is treatment
Gastric polyps
Duodenal adenoca
Increased risk of breast, ovarian urinary and skin
Not have Osteomas Thyroid CHRPE Desmoids
CRails syndrome
FAP with meduloblastoma
Turcos syndrome
MMR mutation oligopolyposis glioblastoma
Peutz Jegher Syndrome
Autosomal dominance Mucocutaneous pigment Hamartoma polyps Usually small bowel but also gastric and colon 1-20 sTK 11 gene
Life span 60% alive at age 60
93% risknof cancer
Breast colon pancreas ovarian testes
Txment remove polyps
Survey: endoscopy small bowel X-ray MRI/EUS; mammograms trans vag u/s;
Juvenile polyposis
Auto dominant
Polyps usually in colon
Also gastric, duodenal and pancreatic
Risk of colon cancer is 39%
Start at 12
Colon cancer
Risk factors
HIGH: Fam history; age; country; FAP MAP Lynch syndrome; ureterosigmoidostomy PJ JP SP
MODERATE: Red meat: h/o adenoma; Pelvic RT; young age of uterine/ovarian Ca; dermatomyositis
IBD; strep bovis; acromegaly
MODEST: high fat and calorie; diet; smoking; Etoh obesity; tall; CCK; RT of prostate and DM
Colon cancer protective factors
High fruit and veggie diet
Exercise adequate folate high calcium fiber statins hormone therapy NSAIDs ? Selenium
Serrated Polyps
Hyper plastic
Sessile serrated adenoma is pre-malignant
Treat like an adenoma
Surveillance No polyp or <10mm hyperplastic repeat 10 yrs 1-2 <10 mm TA 5-10 yrs 3-10 TA 3 Years >10 adenoma < 3 Years Tubular adenoma > 10 mm 3 yrs Villous adenoma. 3 yrs Adenoma with high grade dysphasia. 3 yrs
Average screening
Colon q 10 years
Or FIT annually
IBD colon every 1-2 years after 8 years pamcolitis
Colon every 1-2 years after 15 years with left sided colitis
Lynch Symdrome Autosomal domimant Early CRC Multiple malignancies Other family cancers Proximal locations
1 family member with CRC < 50
2 generations with CRC
3 + people with CRC
Microsatellite instability
80%!cance of CRC Also endometrial. 60% Ovarian Ureteral transitional Gastric Small intestine Hepatobiliary
Colon q1-2 yrs at age 20-25 or 2-5 yrs before earliest relative if under 25
Also: EGD at 30 yrs: ueterus bx trans vag u/s for ovarian
Prophylactic TAH BSO
LS management
Colectomy with ileorectal anastomoses
Surveillance of rectum
Consider TAH BSO
Familial CRC type X
Neg for MSI
No increase risk of other cancers