Polymers- Linear Viscoelasticity Flashcards
Newton’s law for viscous liquid
Log(E) vs T graph with different regions named
Starts high and mainly constant in glassy. Curves down to very steep then starts to level off in leathery. Never reaches flat again and starts curving back down in rubbery. Continues curve back down in rubbery flow then viscous regions
What does viscoelastic mean?
Display specs of both viscous and elastic types of behaviour
Strain vs time for ideal, vulcanised and unvulcanised rubber (creep curve)
Ideal is a square.
Vulcanised almost square but too left rounded a bit, top right sharp but goes down like steep exponential decay very close to x axis.
Unvulcanised like vulcanised been pushed up from bottom right so more strain not recovered and first two sides never straight and more like same curve.
Strain vs time for viscous state
Straight diagonal from x axis NkT origin. Then reaches some amount of strain when stress ended and stays there horizontal
Different parts of a creep curve
Vertical distance from origin where it stays vertical is initial elastic response. Vertical distance between when first deviates from vertical and top left corner is region of creep. Vertical distance between top left and top right (stress removed) corners is irrecoverable viscous flow
What is creep?
A progressive increase in strain, observed over an extended time period, in a polymer subjected to a constant stress
Creep compliance formula
For strains below 0.005
After that graph becomes non-linear as it curves up
Compliance vs log t
Starts at J sub U (unrelaxed compliance) then curves up and levels off at J sub R (relaxed compliance)
Formula for shear stress in measurement of creep compliance
Where Γ is torque
r is initial/outer radius of cylinder
s is difference between inner/final radius and outer/initial radius
Shear strain for measurement of creep compliance
Where l is length if cylinder
γ is shear strain (angle along length of cylinder up to side made by θ
r is outer/initial radius of cylinder
θ is angle any part of top face is moved around central axis
Creep compliance in shear full formula
Creep compliance in tension
Stress relaxation
Apply a constant strain and observe that the stress required to keep it there decreases over time from the initial applied
Stress relaxation modulus
Stress relaxation modulus vs log t
Straits high a G sub U unrelaxed modulus (1 over J sub U). Curves down then levels off at G sub R relaxed modulus (1 over J sub R)
Formula for stress relaxation modulus (lots of symbols)
Is the reciprocal of the long compliance modulus formula
Oscillatory sinusoidal strain for linear viscoelastic material
ω is angular frequency of strain
Stress lags strain by δ
Storage modulus, loss modulus, loss tangent
Storage: G’=(σ0/γ0)Cosδ
Loss: G”=(σ0/γ0)Sinδ
Loss tangent: tanδ=J”/J’=G”/G’