Polymers Flashcards
Name the 3 possible structures of co-polymers
Alternating (ABABABA)
Di-block (AAAAnBBBBn)
Name and draw the 3 different polymer architectures
Branched - lots of linear connected
Network - loads of branches over layed
Draw a methyl group
CH3 - C - CH3
Draw an Ester carbonyl group
Draw an amide group
| - ||
N. C
Draw a nitrile group
What is a free radical?
A highly reactive molecule/atom with an unpaired electron
Demoted by • on atom
Describe the addition polymerisation technique
1 - initiation to produce free radicals (chemical, thermal decomp, ionising)
2 - propagation (increase in Mw)
3 - termination (deduction in Fr)
A medium is required for reaction to occur
How can early termination increase Mw of the polymer chain?
Lots of free radicals cause lots of reactions = short chain when free radical combines with free radical
Termination reduces free radicals, therefore, long chains likely = high Mw
Explain the gel effect and why it happens
Gel effect - when reaction rate increases at end of reaction. Viscosity is high = low chain mobility = low termination.
Describe the differences between step-growth and addition polymerisation (condensation polymerisation)
Addition polymer - monomers add in sequence to end of polymer
Step growth - polymer chains combine to create really long chains
Both- polymer grows because of Fr, Adding heat increases reaction rate, termination occurs when Fr reduce (usually when cyclic chains are formed)
Why is a high degree of polymerisation favourable?
Usually means long chain length
Describe the first four classes of monomers and the polymer structures they create
Mono - short linear chains
Di- long linear chains
Tri- branched chains
Tetra (4 Fr) - network polymers
Draw the chain length distribution curve during polymerisation
Bell curve with majority of chains having medium Mw
How do you work out Mw of a polymer?
Use gel permeation chromatography
Put dissolved polymer through a column containing with beads - where distribution of pore size = distribution of chain length, and then into a detector
How can you determine Mw from viscosity?
Viscosity = K x Mw ^A, use a Viscometer to measure
As long chains are difficult to move.
K and A depend on: solvent used, temperature, concentration
How does a solvent affect a polymer?
Polymers curl up into spherical shapes when in solution
Good solvent - allows chain to open up
Bad solvent - causes further coiling
Describe a u-tube viscometer
1- Dissolve polymer in solvent and pour into tube until volume A is full
2- use suction to get liquid into B
3- release from B and measure time to cross between C & D markers
4- repeat procedure with pure solvent
Viscosity = (solution t - solvent t)/ sol t
What are steric repulsions and what do they mean?
Force similar atoms to maximise distance between them - when temp is low then molecule in trans confirmation = lowest energy form
Detail transformations a molecule experiences through 360° rotation
Trans - 0° Gauche + - 60° Gauche - - 120° Trans - 180° etc etc If temp high enough, all present and means polymer is coiling
What are the different ways in which polymer addition can occur?
Head - head
Tail - tail
Head - tail - favoured as allows regularity, controlled by catalyst
Isotactic - sequential order
Syndotactic - every other in diff orientation
Atactic - random orientations
Describe and explain the stages on the glass transition graph
1 - glass stage (before Tg) - solid state, doesn’t flow
2- leathery stage (just below Tg) - chains begin to soften
3- rubber - very flexible and compliment but still not flowing
4 - viscous liquid - mobile chains, plastic behaviour & flows under own weight
Define the Tg point
Temp range that material transitions from glassy to liquid state
What happens to the polymer relevant to the Tg point
Above Tg - polymer ordered, full transformational changes, mobile chains
Below Tg - disorders & frozen polymer, confirmation interchange is very slow
*as temp increases, chain mobility incre, viscosity decre
How does long range motion occur in a polymer
When there’s free volume in the polymer, converted confirmation changes can occur (gauche&trans together) leading to long range motion
How can a polymer that’s brutally fractures reconnect?
If the two parts are placed near to each other, and heated to above the Tg, long range motion can occur (concerted confirmational changes) which mitigates over the boundary.
Define reptation time and libration
Reptation time - time for entire polymer chain to be translated
Librarion - only partial rotation and partial trans/gauche interchanges
Name the 10 factors that affect Tg and briefly describe how they affect it
*low rotation = high Tg
Chain flexibility - high stiffness = low rotat
Chain length - small chain = incre rotat
Comp - diff mixtures have diff Tg
Cross-linking - high dens = low rota
Structure - large pendant group = low rot
Steric effects - flexible bonds = high rot
Plasticiser - acts as a lubricant = high rot
Polar pendants - their intermolecular forces = low rot
Mw - high Mw = long chain = low rot
How can TMA be used to measure compression/expansion?
Still have motor unit connected to rod.
Connect a linear variable displacement transducer (displacement measure) to the rod and apply force to sample - measure compression vs load
Place rod on sample (with no force) and measure reverse displacement to measure expansion
How can you use TMA to determine Tg
Apply constant load to sample, and then heat the sample - when there is some displacement = Tg
How can TMA be used to measure swelling?
Set the rod on the sample surface - suburge in water and measuring displacement
What are spherulites and how do they form?
Form when semi-crystalline materials cool down and harden
Spherical as they grow rapidly until impingement
Describe the 2 phase polymer model
ordered Lamella sheets with an amorphous layer in the middle of them
Describe the 3 phase polymer model
Amorphous layer in between lamellae sheets.
Cilia and tie chains present as well as short medium and long lamellae chains