Polymerase Chain Reaction Flashcards
What is it?
In Vitro coloning. Amplification of a section of DNA catalysed by DNA polymerases.
What do you need?
Buffer- containing cofactors
Primers - G and C rich, sequence specific
DNA polymerase - eg Taq polymerase, heat resistant
Target DNA
Process 1
Initial denaturation - Activate Taq, 94C, 5min
Process 2
Denaturation - Melt DNA strand til it breaks open resulting single strand DNA, 94~C, 30sec
Process 3
Annealing- Primers anneal to target sequence (5C below Tm, where 50% DNA is single stranded) 62C 30sec
Process 4
Extension - Taq catalyses transcription to synthesise new DNA behind the primers 72C 5min
Process 5
Amplify- exponential growth - Repeat 2-4 x 30cycles to create millions of copies
Process 6
Final Extension- nucleotides fill in 72C 5mins
Process 7
Hold at 4C, inactivate Taq, further testing
Problems 1
- Sterile components
- Use filtered tips
- UV irradiate work area
Problems 2
Determination of cycling parameters (Empirical)
- Appropriate buffer
- Sufficient primers/dNTPs
- Temperatures
- Timings
Types 1
Real time- Monitors amplification during PCR, quantitative, semi-quantitative, qualitative
Types 2
Long and Accurate - Longer amplification times, greater fidelity using a proof reading polymerase
Types 3
Hot Start- Avoids non-specific amplification at room temp, antibodies block Taq until required temp
Types 4
Touchdown- Cycling programme, gradually reducing temp by 1-2C every two cycles
Applications - Research
Human genome project
Diagnostic analysis
Applications - Clinical
DNA fingerprinting Viral and bacterial detection Viral load monitoring Genetic diagnosis Early leukaemia and lymphoma diagnosis