Politik Und Die Jugend Flashcards
What does ‘seine Stimme ab/geben’ mean?
to cast a vote
What is the term for a member of parliament in German?
der/die Abgeordnete(n)
What is ‘ab/stimmen’ in English?
to vote
What does ‘die Aktion(en)’ refer to?
What is the meaning of ‘die Aufmerksamkeit’?
What is ‘der Ausschuss(*-e)’?
Translate ‘der Ausweis(e)’ to English.
proof of identity
What does ‘der Beitrag(*e) (zu+DAT)’ mean?
contribution (to)
What is the meaning of ‘sich beteiligen (an+DAT)’?
to participate (in)
What does ‘beraten’ mean?
to advise
What is ‘die Bildungspolitik’ in English?
education policy
What does ‘die Bundesebene’ refer to?
German national level
Who is ‘der Bundeskanzler(-)’?
German Federal Chancellor
What is ‘der Bundespräsident(en)’?
German Federal President
Translate ‘der Bundestag’ to English.
German parliament
What does ‘die Bundeswehr’ refer to?
German armed forces
What does ‘bundesweit’ mean?
nationwide (specific to Germany)
What is the meaning of ‘derzeit’?
What does ‘ehrenamtlich’ mean?
What does ‘ehrgeizig’ refer to?
What is the meaning of ‘ein/berufen’?
to draft, call up (into army)
What does ‘ein/führen’ mean?
to introduce