Politics Unit 3 Flashcards
What is globalisation?
It is a term that refers to a process or policy.
Globality - the condition - it is in a interconnected world it is the end state of globalisation e.g. A global economy
Globalism - the process - an ideological process committed to the spread of globalisation it usually reflects the support for the values of free market capitalism
“the widening, intensifying and speeding up and the growing impact of the world wide interconnectedness” (Held and Mcgrew)
It has three forms economic, political and cultural
What are the different viewpoints on globalisation?
Hyperglobalists - this group have become inevitable since the rise of satellite communications and they believe that policy-makers have been dominated by the irresistible force that is technology. They also believe that there has been an ‘end to sovereignty’ because there has been an increased willingness to pool sovereignty and it has becoming largely irrelevant.
Sceptics - they see it is a fantasy and say that there is nothing new about it it features international trade and cross border capital flows (Hirst and Thompson). they say that it has been used as tool ideologically to convince others to embrace a market based economy.
Transformalists - this is a middle road view that has both traditional features and some things have changed but not EVERYTHING.
What changes have there been though ?
The breadth of interconnectedness has not only stretched social, political and economic activities across birds but potentially across the globe making a single worldwide system.
The intensity of this interconnectedness has also been called into question as the growing magnitude of transborder flows and the accessibility of Hollywood movies.
Interconnected has increased in pace - There is more electric money and financial markets they react almost instantly to economic. Events elsewhere in the world.
What is the realist view?
What is the liberal view?
Realists - believe that both are grounded in positivism. But the realists believe that the state is the dominant force, regulation and surveillance have increased so it is made by states for states. There is increased economic interdependence is likely to breed ‘mutual vulnerability’ which leads to consider to rather than cooperation.
Liberals -
Like globalisation as they say it shows the victory of the market over state borders and the spread of market capitalism leads to a liberal democracy which demands economic and political freedom.
What is cultural globalisation?
It is the process whereby information and commodities have been produced in one part of the world but are then entered into the global flow that tends to ‘flatten out’ cultural differences between regions. It is often imposed from above or from the outside.
Cultural Globalisation Key words
Homogenisation - the tendency for all countries to become similar or identical and cultural diversity is severely weakened.
Cultural Imperialism - the displacement of An indigenous culture by the imposition of foreign values and beliefs.
Deterroitoralization - the process t which social spaces can no longer be mapped due to the increase in technology and cross border values.
Time/space compression - in a globalised word time and space are no longer significant barriers to communication.
Social reflexivity - the tendency of individuals to reflect more or less on their own actions it implies higher levels of self awareness
Supraterritorality - a condition in which social life trains an territory through the growth of transborder and transglobal communications.
What do you need for successful for cultural globalisation?
- Consumerism on a global scale - coco colarisation was term first coined by the French in the 1950s.
Commodity fetishism - when commodities are invested with symbolic and social significance when they exert a say over human beings.
Mcdonaldisation - Benjamin Barber - No Individualism - Emile Burkheim said that when there was a lack of social codes there was an increase in suicides and deaths as people felt isolated.
- Other say a rise in individualism - because of industrial capitalism.
Why is cultural globalisation controversial?
- It only serves the political dominant and it aims to further capitalism.
- It is an assault on regional and local distinctiveness, people have no rootedness or belonging in the world.
- Consumerism and materialism is formed of captivity of manipulation that distorts values and denies happiness.
What is political globalisation?
It emphasises the importance of global organisations and they exert influence not within a single state but within an international area and it compromises several states. Their implications vary as it depends whether they are modelled in the principle of intergovernmentalism. If they are then they provide a mechanism that enables states to take concerted action without sacrificing sovereignty whereas supranational bodies are able to impose their will on states. States are not meaningful actors under political globalisation.
Amy Chua 2003 ‘world on fire’ - argued that the weaker states are exploited as the wealth is in the hands of the most dominant.
It is said to widest economic divisions and grow hostility
It is also linked with civil unrest and discrimination e.g. UK 1981 (race riots between communities and inner city deprivations) and Queensland 2004 and France 2005 (2,888 arrested as an expression of the frustration over the rise of unemployment and police brutality)
What are the differing views on political globalisation?
Hyper globalist - state is hollowed out and is in effect redundant
Realists - denies that globalisation has effected the core feature of world politics - they remain the primary determinants about what goes on on their state.
Middle view - viewed as a quantitive change in the role of he state and its significance it has transformed the state.
What is economic globalisation?
It is a central feature of imperialism (expanding the power of the state beyond its boundaries e.g political domination)
Ohmae said that the world has become ‘borderless’.
Breton woods a system of fixed exchange rates regulation and support it aimed to prevent a return to the beggar thy neighbour polices of the depression.
Marx asserted that globalisation was the inevitable fall out of a capitalist system as he stated that it attempts to “capture the whole world as its market”.
Liberals reject Marxist view and say that globalisation is fuelled by economic logic which links to economic betterment.
‘Mercantilism’ Most prominent in Europe and it emphasise the state roles in managing international affairs
How globalised is economic life?
- Worldwide exports - $629m in 1960 and $7.3trn in 2003.