Politics Of The Late Republic Flashcards
What does veto mean?
Latin for ‘I forbid’
What is the comitia centuriata?
193 centuries, elected magistrates who had imperium powers- consuls and praetors
Who elected magistrates with imperium powers?
Comitia centuriata
What was the Comitia Tributa?
35 tribes, citizens of Rome, presided over by a consul, voted for aediles and quaestors
What was the Concilium Plebis?
The Plebian council, elected tribunes and made laws
Who elected tribunes?
Concilium Plebis, they did this anually
What is the ‘ladder of offices’ called?
Cursus Honorum
What does SPQR stand for?
Senatus Populusque Romanus, the senate and the people of Rome
Who were the Optimates?
A political faction wanting to keep the status quo and old money
What were the Populares?
A political faction advocating for the people of Rome
What is the term for political friendships and what does it entail?
Amicitia- political and financial favours, typically secured through marriage
Term for political public enemy?
What was a patron-client relationship called?
What was the gift from a patron to a client?
Called sportula, it was typically money
What does SCU stand for and what is it?
Senatus Consultum Ultimum, allows suspension of normal restrictions on consuls
What is the term for when someone is the first in their family to hold a consulship?
Novus Homo
What is imperium?
It gave military command and was held by praetors and consuls
What was the gap between holding offices and what was the name of the law stating this?
Lex Villia Annalis, a wait period of 2 years before running for a higher office and 10 years between holding the same office again
What was the order of the Cursus Honorum, and how many half any one position at a time?
2 consuls
8 praetors
4 aediles — 10 tribunes
20 quaestors
What was a quaestor’s role?
What was an aedile’s role?
Responsible for infrastructure and maintenance of the city, also hosted games and events
What was a praetor’s role?
Judicial officers
What was a consul’s role?
They were senior executives and major generals
What was a dictator?
They served for 6 months in place of a consul in time of emergency, if issue was not resolved within 6 months a new dictator was elected
What where provinces governed by?
Propraetors and proconsuls
How many senators were in the senate?
What was the role of the senate?
Oversaw foreign relations, prepared legislation to put before assemblies, administered state finances, assigned which provinces or military command magistrates would hold
Could the senate make laws?
The senate couldn’t make laws but issued degrees (senatus consulta) which could be passed into law by popular assembly
What were the benefits of having a patron?
Having an important patron could result in a raise in rank
What were the benefits of having clients?
During elections, clients would vote for whoever their patron votes for
When did the late republic begin and end?
What political faction did Sulla side with?
Who fought Mithridates the first time, in what year, did they win?
Sulla crossed to meet him and had a victory over him in 87
When did Mithridates accept Sulla’s peace terms?
What did Sulla do on his return to Rome?
Proscriptions and reduced power of tribunes- could no longer propose legislation and the right to veto was limited
How did Crassus get rich?
Off of Sulla’s proscriptions
When did Sulla defeat Mithridates and who helped him?
83, Pompey
What were the principles of stoic philosophy?
Advocated knowledge, free will, moral rectitude, self control over emotions. Perfect marriage with political duty to state, unmoved by emotive arguments and stick to principles and political idealisms
When did Caesar marry, who did he marry, and how did Sulla feel about it?
Married Cinna’s daughter, Cornelia, in 84 which was an insult to Sulla
Who was Cinna?
Cinna was the leader of the Marian party opposing Sulla
When does Cicero begin work as a lawyer?
When does Pompey receive his first triumph and why is it unusual?
81, usual as he is not officially eligible for a triumph
When does Caesar gain his first military honour and what for?
80, a great and ambitious military leader
Who does Pompey marry and when?
Sulla’s step daughter, Amelia, in 81