Political Ideologies Essay Plans Flashcards
To what extent is conservatism a coherent ideology?
(Not a very coherent ideology)
Human Nature
Disagree on how gradual change is made
To what extent is Conservatism a philosophy of human imperfection?
(Mostly a philosophy of human imperfection)
Human nature
To what extent do conservatives agree on the importance of paternalism?
(Disagree on the nature of paternalism but all see it as important)
The government should act in the interests of the people
Those higher in social hierarchy should act paternalistically
No paternalism (economic freedom)
To what extent do conservatives have a consistent position on the role of the state?
(Agree on enforcing law and order but disagree on extent of power and paternalism)
Law and order
Extent of power
To what extent do socialists agree on north the means and ends of socialism?
(Disagree to a large extent)
Revolutionary means
Democratic means
Socialist ends
Capitalist ends
To what extent is socialism committed to equality?
For equality of opportunity
Against equality of opportunity
For equality of outcome
Against equality of outcome
To what extent do socialists disagree about the economy?
Revolutionary socialists
Democratic socialists
Social democrats
Third way
To what extent do feminists agree on the concept of patriarchy?
(Disagree to a great extent)
Importance of the family unit
Dichotomy/opposition of men and women
Ending the patriarchy
To what extent do feminists agree on the importance of legal equality?
(Agree on importance of legal equality but disagree on its extent)
Formal legal equality
Economic equality
Personal/private sphere
To what extent do feminists agree that gender distinctions are based on human nature/agree on sex and gender/agree that equality rather than difference is the goal of feminism?
Androgyny vs Essentialism
Role in society
End goal of feminism
To what extent do feminists agree that the personal is political?
(All agree that the personal is political but disagree on how to correct this problem)
Importance of the family unit
How to achieve equality in the private sphere
Role of women in society
Do modern and classical liberals agree over the nature of the state?
(Don’t really agree)
Extent of limited government
Relationship between the individual and the state
Extent of democracy
To what extent is there agreement between classical and modern liberals/To what extent does modern liberalism depart from the ideas of classical liberalism?
(Disagreement to a great extent)
Development of human nature/individualism
The size and role of the state
To what extent do liberals support equality?
(Disagree on extent of equality and how it’s maintained)
Extent of democracy
How equality of opportunity should be maintained
Equality of outcome
To what extent do liberals promote the concept of positive freedom?
(Locke and Mill do not at all, Rawls does to a great extent)