Political History Flashcards
How did Romans measured time?
They counted years based of consulships
2nd century BCE?
200BC - 101 BCE
3rd century CE?
201 - 300 CE
Write out the formula for the year 362 in both BC and AD.
- 362 BC
- AD 362
Write out the formula for the year 362 in both BCE and CE.
- 362 BCE
- 362 CE
Which were the 4 main Periods of Roman Political History and some facts about each
- Early Kings of Rome
- 753 BCE Legendary Foundation of Rome by Romulus
- Roman Republic (509 BCE)
- Removed Last King (509 BCE)
- Period of Major Territorial Expansion - Civil Wars (49 BC-27 BC)
- 49 BCE: Julius Caesar crosses the Rubicon
- 31 BCE: Battle of Actium, Octavian (Augustus) defeats Antony and Cleopatra - Roman Empire (27 BC - ?)
- 293 CE “Tetrachy” – “Rule by Four” (Division of West and East Empires)
What did republic mean in ancient Rome?
- res publica meaning “public affairs” / “public matters”
What was the LAtin term for “King”
- Rex
Who was Aeneas? Where does he settle after fleeing Troy?
- He was a Trojan Hero and Legendary founder of Rome
- Latium
The first Rex of Rome was? and where did all this happen?
- Romulus
- Alba Longa, Alban Hills
How many Rex’s ruled Rome between 753 - 509 BCE? What were the problems with these rex’s?
- 7
- They acted as tyrants and depended on populism
What were some characteristics of the Roman Republic? 509 - 31 CE
- They were oligarchs
- Anti-King and anti-populism
Who were the men behind the end of the Roman Republic? What did these 3 want to do with Rome?
- Julius Caesar, Pompey, Crassus
- Turn it from republic to Empire
What is Julius Caesar famous for before being an emperor?
- Him and his army crossed the Rubicon river.
Who took Julius Caesar’s place after his assassination. who does Augustus kill?
- Octavianus (Augustus)
- Marcus and Cleopatra
What did the Senate declare Augustus to be?
- He was declared to be the “First Citizen” (Princeps)
What does Princeps mean?
- First Citizen