Political developments and the working of democracy (1924-28) Flashcards
Who replaced President Ebert when he died on the 28th of February 1925?
When were the 2 elections of 1924?
What were the results of the 1924 elections?
How many coalition govts were there between November 1923 and March 1930?
What was the issue regarding the German flag?
What was the Grand Coalition?
How did the SPD develop during these years?
How did the Centre Party develop during these years?
How did the DDP develop during these years?
How did the DVP develop during these years?
How did the DNVP develop during these years?
How did the NSDAP develop during these years?
How did the KPD develop during these years?
What happened in the first round of elections for a new President?
What happened in the second round of elections for a new President?
What were Hindenburg’s political views?
How did the old elites react to the election of Hindenburg?
How did industrial workers feel about the Republic during this time?
How did the middle class feel about the Republic during this time?