Political Development 1849-70 Flashcards
How did Maltese needs clash with British needs?
As the Maltese fought for their rights, the British first priority were the Imperial Interests.
Who was William Reid?
Governor William Reid ruled from 1851-58. He involved the elected members of the council in administrative matters.
Discuss the Consequences of the Wording of the Criminal Code.
1857, Clergy excluded from becoming members of the Council.
1870 Referendum, majority voted ‘yes’ to make ecclesiastics part of the council again, but only 2 were allowed.
Discuss Reid and fortifications.
Maltese fortifications were in an inadequate state and the garrison was limited. 1852 report from Reid demanded:
-more money to strengthen defences
-new guns
-an increase in garrison
-local militia
Tho, these demands were never fully considered.
Discuss the Crimean War.
The Crimean War (1853-56) a conflict between Russia and FR + BT who aided the Ottomans.
All communications from battle to home were controlled from MT, naval and military base. Centre of transit depot of troops, repair base, supply centre, MEDICAL BASE.
Increase of defence spending in MT, more ships and troops, prostitution, more employment, more currency circulation.
Discuss the Medical aspect of the Crimean War.
More soldiers died from disease than from wounds. Many English volunteers offered to go to Crimea to help. Florence Nightingale improved sanitation and nutrition.
Malta was an outpost to treat soldiers, Malta acquired a hospitalizing role in the BT Empire.
What was the investment impact of the Crimean War?
1855-60 defence experts prepared a report looking at Malta’s defence capabilities. They recommended, heavier guns, new defences and a larger garrison.
Increase in defence spending, which fell after the war, but was still higher than before.
BT began preparing an imperial strategy to organized the deployment of troops from Malta
What was the economic impact of the Crimean War?
Increase cost of living, higher living standards. Higher demand for consumer goods but no increase in availability. Prices rose, but post-war wages fell. Post-war inflation, value of money fell. People with fixed incomes suffered because of the rise in prices. Government revised salaries, but was insufficient.
GH amongst the most expensive in Med. Custom duties increase.
1856-60 Export + import increased, gov expenditure increased
What was the social impact of the Crimean War?
Increase in population but infant mortality was still at 50%. Post-war living conditions dropped. Some classes suffered from poverty and some emigrated. Emigration started becoming more popular with time as a last resort. New harbour suburbs. Not as bad as Continental System depression.
Talk about Gaspard Le Marchant.
Gaspard Le Marchant was Governor of Malta from 1858-64. Started building an Opera House, paving new roads.
Had the tendency of assuming sole authority, despotic Looked for confrontation, with British authorities and Maltese council.
Discuss the administration under Le Marchant.
Military and civil administration used to be separate, but Le Marchant did not like to share power so, after a problem with the military commander of Malta arose, the Governor became also Commander in Chief.
Made all official members of the Council for like him, vote en bloc, therefore elected members were always at a minority. In addition, 4 of the elected members frequently voted for the Governor, as 2 had connection to BT and 2 owned property near a development site.
Discuss the Four Lawyers.
The four remaining members of the Council fought ardently to gain more power in domestic administration, they were later named the ‘Four Lawyers’, who especially fought for the use of public money. 2 cases of 4 lawyers vs Governor:
- GH extension project
- Marsa dock vs French creek dock
Discuss the Grand Harbour Extension Project.
1859- project to develop + extend GH, because of technological innovations, NIII Med Policy of improving French navy, Suez Canal debate in BT, Malta as a central port of Imperial BT.
The Admiralty wanted to use the French Creek for the navy, but it was used by merchants. So they proposed to build a new harbour for merchandise.
Expenditure was to be divided between BT and MT ration of 4:3.
BUt, thanks to Le Marchant’s block en vote, 10000£ were added to MT expenditure. When 4 lawyers found out elected members had sided with the Governor and he made them sign a paper that bound them to vote with him, tensions rose.
Discuss the Marsa Dock vs French Creek Dock.
With the proposal of the building of a new dock, the commercial community would be moved to Marsa. Other wanted a French Creek Dock to avoid disturbances with commerce. 4 lawyers and chamber of commerce were against this plan, Governor in favour. A new dock was to be constructed in the French Creek.
Talk about the 1864 Petitions.
The Four Lawyers sent a petition signed by over 4400 Maltese stating their grievances. They demanded a reform of the constitution, the return of a Civil Governor, claimed the elected Maltese were in a permanent minority, stated the public money was not being spend on public interest.
What did the draft of reform of the four lawyers demand?
- 18 members of the council, 9 nominated, 8 Maltese, 1 ecclesiastic, 10 municipal councils.
The Governor and the rest of council supported the 1849 constitution as it suited Malta’s needs. Chamber of Commerce was for the reform.
Discuss the Cardell Principle.
The Colonial Secretary, Viscount Edward Cardwell stated in 1864 that the opinions of the elected members of the council on local matters could not be pressed, unless special circumstances in which public interest was at stake, arose. This concession to the Maltese gave the council some power. As long as it did not come in the way of Imperial interests, BT would stay out of local matters.
What were the problems with the Cardwell Principle.
The lack of clarity in the Cardell Principle was a loophole that could play in Britain’s favour. (who was to determine local or imperial matters; what special circumstances). In the Council elections of 1865, all 4 lawyers were re-elected.
Discuss Governor Storks.
Storks governed Malta from 1864-67. Looked for cooperation with the Maltese. Storks increased the salary of the Auditor General without the Council’s approval, who complained to the Colonial Secretary who told the Governor to observe the CP.