Political Behavior Flashcards
15th Amendment
Let Black Men vote
17th Amendment
Granted people the right to vote senators into office
19th Amendment
Recognized Women’s Suffrage
24th Amendment
Abolished poll taxes which were used to suppress minority vote
26th Amendment
Lowered Voting Age from 21 to 18
Rational Choice Voting
Person votes based on individual self-interest, studies issues and platforms
Retrospective Voting
Person votes based on past track record of politician
Prospective Voting
Person votes based on predictions on how politician will do
Party-Line Voting
Person votes for all people of their party
Structural Barriers
- Policy or law that prevents/encourages people to vote
- Affects Voter Turnout
Political Efficacy
- Citizen’s Belief about whether their votes matter
- Affects Voter Turnout
- Senior Citizens vote more often
- Dictates Voter Turnout
Type of Election
- National Elections get more participation than State Elections
- Affects Voter Turnout
What factors affect who people vote for?
- Party identification
- Candidate characteristics
- Political issues
Linkage Institution
- Societal Structure that connects people to government/political process
- Mechanisms that let average people connect/talk with policy makers
- Political Parties, Interest Groups, Elections, Media