Political and Governmental Change Flashcards
What was the Weimar Republic?
Weimar Constitution
The name given to Germany between 1919 and 1933. Refers to a period of democracy in Germany
What powers did the president of the Weimar Republic have?
Weimar Constitution
- To select and dismiss the chancellor
- To lead the armed forces
- Dissolve the Reichstag and call new elections
- To rule via presidential decree in the event of an emergency (Article 48)
Describe the system that was used to conduct elections in Germany?
(Weimar Constitution)
Proportional Representation - seats allocated in Parliament which corresponded closely to the way in which people vote i.e. if 10% of voters vote for a party, then that party receives 10% of the seats in Parliament
Which rights did the Weimar constitution protect?
Weimar Constitution
- Freedom of association, speech and religion
- The right to work: the government had to ensure everyone had a job or, failing that, provide financial support
- Right to own property
Which traditional institutions in Weimar Germany remained unreformed, powerful conservative forces?
(Weimar Constitution)
The civil service, army (not sympathetic to democratic Germany), universities (sympathetic to old political ideas) and judiciary (i.e. tended to favour extreme right and condemn extreme left in the courts)
Name 3 positive features of the Weimar Republic’s (WR) constitution?
(Weimar Constitution)
- It was very democratic with an elected head of state (President) and a parliament elected by proportional representation
- It contained checks and balances to try and make sure no one part of the political system could become too powerful
- It protected many basic civil rights (e.g. freedom of speech / religion)
Name 2 criticisms of the WR’s constitution?
Weimar Constitution
- It gave away too much power to the president (under Article 48) allowing him to suspend civil rights in an emergency
- Proportional representation led to a fragmented party system with lots of small splinter parties (e.g. Nazis) and making it difficult to form stable coalition governments
What was the impact of the Depression on Weimar government?
Impact of the Depression
- The Grand coalition collapsed as parties disagreed over unemployment benefits
- Subsequent governments lacked Reichstag support. There were 4 chancellors between 1928-33
What evidence is there that the German political system became more authoritarian after 1929?
(Impact of the Depression)
Chancellors Bruning and von Papen relied extensively on emergency presidential decrees rather than on parliamentary government. For example, there were 44 emergency decrees in 1931 (and only 5 in 1930)
What evidence is there of increase in politically-motivated violence?
(Impact of the Depression)
During July 1932 election there were 461 riots in Prussia in which a number of people died. Street violence added to air of instability in Germany and served to increase people’s discontent
Name 3 reasons why Weimar democracy failed?
Impact of the Depression
- From the start, there was hostility from Germany’s elites / establishments (e.g. judiciary, army, civil service) who worked to undermine Weimar democracy
- Ongoing economic problems - inherited huge cost of WWI, reparations and expensive new welfare benefits set out in Weimar constitution. Problems in the economy were disguised rather than solved under Stresemann
- Limited popular support. There was never total acceptance of, and confidence in, its democratic system and values. Weimar was associated with the humiliation of ToV and reparations