Poliomyelitis Flashcards
Polio Description
Infection caused by enterovirus90-95% of cases are inapparent4-8% non specific illness1-2% get paresis or paralysis due to CNS infectionMotor neurons dieMuscle fibers loss neural inputMuscle atrophy occurs, resulting in weakness
Gradual Recovery
Occurs due to resolution of dysfunction of partly damaged motor neuronsReinnervation of denervated motor units by surviving motor units
Classic lower motor neuron syndromeWeaknessMuscle wastingHyporeflexia - below normal or absent reflexesAffects lumbar area more than cervical or cranial nervesSensory loss is rareAffected limb may not grow normally
Post polio syndrome
Symptoms experienced by polio survivors > 15 years after initial illnessDiagnosis of exclusion
New symptoms of fatigue, weakness, and pain
Weakness in previously affected or unaffected musclesJoint and muscle pain, overuseCold intoleranceCrampsBreathing and swallowing difficultiesDecreased function
Premature aging of damaged motor neurons or because of increased metabolic demandsLoss of muscle fibersNormal AgingDisuse/Overuse
Non-fatiguing exercise as toleratedEnergy conservationSymptomatic treatment of painBracing and assistive devices as necessary