Policing Act/Delegating Authority Flashcards
The Policing Act 2008 is based on what 6 principles under s.8
(Clue: C, PS, F, HR, II, REI)
- Policing services are cornerstone of free democratic society
- Police rely on public support and confidence
- National framework - Local community focus
- Respects human rights
- Independant and imparticial
- To act professionally, ethically, with integrity.
What are the eight fuctions of police according to s.9 Police Act 2008?
- keeping the peace
- maintaining Public Safety
- law enforcement
- crime prevention
- community support and reassurance
- national security
- policing activities outside NZ
- emergency management
S.16 PA2008: What six things is the Commissionof of Police responsibile for?
Clue: FD, GC, M, TA, GE
- functions and duties
- general conduct
- effective, efficient & economical management
- tendering advice to ministers
- giving effect to lawful ministerial directions
S.16 PA2008: What four things is the Commission of Police not responsible for and must remain independant of any Crown Minister?
Clue: MO, EL, IP, IE,
- maintenance of order (individuals/groups)
- enforcement of the law (individuals/groups)
- investigations and prosecutions
- decisions about individual Police employees
What three things must every Police employee obey and be guided by?
(Clue: G, C, L)
- Gerneral Instructions
- Commissioners Circulars
- Applicable Local Orders
No police employee may, when excercising a power, function or duty, act under the direction, command or control of- who?(2) & (2)
- a Minister of the Crown
- a person not authroised under the Act
outside NZ
- part of operation (s.86)
- employee withing meaning of s.91
What are the two main parts to s.63 of the Policing Act 2008? (appointment of higher duties)
- appoint employee to fill a higher level
- authorise employee to exercise powers and duties of any level higher