Policing Flashcards
Reasons why crime was common:
- High levels of poverty and unemployment lead to desperation: engagement in criminal activities
- overcrowding and dilapidated buildings made it easy for criminals to blend in streets
Reasons why it was hard to stop crime
-Limited Policing Resources meant that the MET faced difficulties in effectively patrolling such densely populated and economically disadvantaged neighbourhoods
- A transient population made it harder to track criminals
-Lack of forensic technology
Uniform of H-Division
Deep blue jacket
Top hat/Helmet from 1863
Small Oil fire lamp
Black and white striped armband to show they were on duty
What was the role of the beat constable?
Each constable was given a specific area that they would have to walk at a 2.5 mph at a specific time so that their sergeant would know where they were and could call on them at all times
Recruitment of police
- Over 21, under 32
- Taller than 5’9
-Able to read and write
-Not have more than 2 children
-Physically fit
% of recruits who came from the
countryside outside London
Number of men in 1830 when
the MET was established
Number of men in the MET
Number of Policemen to the population in whitechapel
How long was the time of a daily beat?
30 minutes
How long was the beat at night?
15 minutes
What was the length of time before coppers were moved to a new beat?
Monthly- to avoid corruption between constables and locals
What happened in 1885 including the Fenians?
bombs exploded at the house of parliament and the ‘Special Irish Branch’ failed to stop this
What were the advantages to the beat system?
They increased police presence and visibility:
- In presence of police officers (marked by their uniform), crime were less likely to occur
-relationships were formed between police and the local people. This trust formed meant that the liability of information being shared with the police officer about (suspected) criminals increased.
What were the disadvantages to the beat?
They were vulnerable to assault as they were alone, the route could be figured out by criminals
When did the Detective Branch form?
What was the role of the CID
Ordinarily clothed policemen solving unsolved crimes
Why was Charles Warren criticized?
He made the police force too much like an army and he failed to catch the ripper
What happened in Trafalgar square in 1887?
A riot was put down with seemingly too much force (hence Charles Warren making the police force seem like an army)
What did Warren do in November 1888 and why did it lead to his resignation?
He wrote an article in a famous magazine that criticized the government for not suppressing protests. As he didnt get the article approved by the home secretary, it was seen as a protest against Mathews, who rebuked him for this and made Warren angry, hence caused him to resign.
What was the role of the home secretary?
In the Metropolitan police, the home secretary appointed the commissioner of police (head of police) and controlled political and economical affairs for the MET so as to ensure maximum efficiency in the MET