Policies (Impact on Black Families) Flashcards
After non-violent marches, bloody protests and decades of discrimination, the Voting Rights Act was enacted in this year
Pushed by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., this law granted African-Americans the right to vote void discriminatory voting practices
Voting Rights Act of 1965
Executive Order 10925 was signed by JFK in this date
March 1961
This order was one if the first laws that required government contractors to take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed and treated equally during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin.
Executive Order 10925
California’s Proposition 209 was signed into law this date
November 1996
This law banned public institutions from complying with Affirmative Action
Proposition 209
The Financial Reform Bill was enacted on this date
July 2010
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was enacted on this date
March 2010
The Fair Sentencing Act of 2010 was enacted on this date
July 2010
The Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999 was enacted on this date
November 5, 1999
This legislation resulted in the deregulation of the financial sector, allowing banks, insurance companies and investment firms to sell each other products
The Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999
Known to many as the crack cocaine law, this bill was a breakthrough in a 24-year struggle to lower the sentencing for distributors of the narcotic
The Fair Sentencing Act of 2010
This reform bill protects borrowers against abuses in mortgage, credit card and other types of lending
Financial Reform Bill
Proponents of this bill were: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Lyndon B. Johnson, John F. Kennedy, Rep. John Lewis, Pres. George W. Bush, Sen. Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi
1965 Voting Rights Act
John F. Kennedy was a proponent of this bill
Executive Order 10925
Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Rep. Charles Rangel, Kendrick Meek, and Linda Sanchez were proponents for this bill
Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act
This act was reauthorized for 25 more years by Pres. George W. Bush
1965 Voting Rights Act
Ward Connerly was a proponent of this bill
Proposition 209
This reform was praised for its bipartisan sweep promising “free markets and consumer protection”
Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999
This law allowed for all minorities to get an equal opportunity for job prospects, where, prior to the act, qualified Blacks were barred from working at certain establishments without legitimate reasoning
Executive Order 10925
With 19.6% of African Americans not being insured and many suffering from “pre-existing conditions”, this bill allows for millions to get the medical care they deserve
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Proponents of this bill were Pres. Barack Obama, Sen. Chris Dodd, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and Nancy Pelosi
Financial Reform Bill
This bipartisan act narrows the divide between crack and powder cocaine bust to 18-1
The Fair Sentencing Act of 2010
Due to this proposition, African American enrollment at the prestigious University of California system dropped significantly and the long terms effects have yet to be seen
Proposition 209
Proponents of this bill were Bill Clinton, James Clayburn, Harold Ford, William Jefferson, Shelia Lee and Charles Rangel
Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999
This bill allows for more protection against unlawful lenders and more diversity in financial institutions including Wall Street and banking companies
Financial Reform Bill
This controversial policy set the national stage for other states to adopt similar bans, including Michigan, Nebraska, Washington and Connecticut
Proposition 209
Because of relaxed lending practices, a pervasive lending environment was created in which mortgage brokers geo-targeted sub-prime mortgages, which will cause Black borrowers to lose between $71 billion and $92 billion, and they will be disproportionately affected by home foreclosures throughout the nation
Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999
This percentage of the 5,669 crack offenders were Black in 2009
This ratio was the average months of a crack cocaine offense to powder cocaine offense
115 months to 87 months
This legislation provided tax cuts for middle class families, ends discrimination of those with preexisting conditions and promises to lower the nation’s deficit
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act